php Programming Glossary: don't
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? code that was automatically constructed Also make sure you don't have any Byte Order Marks in your code for example when the..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? root . ' ORDER BY date With placeholders applied you don't have to bother with that pdo_query SELECT id links html title.. id root Remember that pdo_ still allows either or . Just don't escape a variable and bind it in the same query. The placeholder.. like nobody uses the bland DOM in JavaScript anymore you don't have to babysit a raw database interface nowadays. share improve..
Are PHP short tags acceptable to use? and replace as long as you use the same form each time and don't chuck in spaces eg php or I don't buy readability as a reason.. same form each time and don't chuck in spaces eg php or I don't buy readability as a reason at all. Most serious developers..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address validates MOST email addresses correctly assuming they don't use an IP address as the server part. Currently the expression..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] the HTML is valid XHTML. If you need to parse broken HTML don't even consider SimpleXml because it will choke. A basic usage.. 5 parsing that is worth checking out. WebServices If you don't feel like programming PHP you can also use web services. In..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? then the same identifier again to close the quotation. You don't need to escape quotes in this syntax. Nowdoc since PHP 5.3.0..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? the HTML is valid XHTML. If you need to parse broken HTML don't even consider SimpleXml because it will choke. A basic usage.. 5 parsing that is worth checking out. WebServices If you don't feel like programming PHP you can also use web services. In..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords fast password protection mechanism. Related questions that don't quite cover my question What's the difference between SHA and.. a sentence with supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in it don't prevent them from using it. Never store your user's password.. every installation imaginable ”and should be used if you don't know for certain that your environment supports bcrypt. But..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? jurka below. My code is generally only recommended if you don't have PHP 5.3 or better. Several people in the comments have..
Headers already sent by PHP and Java based IDEs are oblivious to its presence. They don't visualize it obliged by the Unicode standard . Some programmer.. manner. Adobe Community PHP development why redirects don't work headers already sent Nucleus FAQ What does page headers..
How to get useful error messages in PHP? the php.ini. By default these are turned off because you don't want a customer seeing the error messages. Check this page in..
How can I write SQL for a table that shares the same name as a protected keyword in MySql? share improve this question Order is a reserved word. Don't use reserved words as table or field names or wrap it in the..
Security threats with uploads uploads are the same and a lot more. The first rule is Don't trust any of it. What you get from the user with a file upload.. 'type' . It's an entirely arbitrary user supplied value. Don't use the file name for anything important. It's an entirely arbitrary.. more URLs based on that initial blob that's your problem. Don't do it. But even if you did well then you'd have a temp directory..
How to properly set up a PDO connection watching two following videos Global State and Singletons Don't Look For Things Also I would strongly recommend reading a proper..
Are global variables in PHP considered bad practice? If so, why? bolted onto PHP and in some ways lead to some awkwardness. Don't concern yourself overly with applying standards or constructs..
MVC For advanced developers [closed] Testing Unit Testing Global State and Singletons Don't Look For Things When you understand all that was explain in.. all that was explain in this series you can expand on Don't be STUPID Grasp SOLID slides php The Principles of Agile Design..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? When adding a new answer please use more than one example. Don't just relist narrow cases but explain the syntax context when.. in the reported line. Are there an equal number of them Don't forget that solving one syntax problem can uncover the next... . Not all syntax constructs are available on every server. Don't use PHPs reserved keywords as identifiers for functions methods..
How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?> for any manipulation or won't even get accepted saved. Don't use them for this type of interaction. jQuery.ajax is a good..
What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions? of data filtering on the right data at the right time . Don't run database escaping code on variables that will never see..
ACL implementation your own implementation Inheritance Polymorphism Testing Don't Look For Things Side notes You seem to have the quite common..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? Dealbreaker More of a starting point than a library Don't get me wrong I don't mean to disrespect any of the above libraries..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords hash protection share improve this question TL DR Don'ts Don't limit what characters users can enter for passwords... protection share improve this question TL DR Don'ts Don't limit what characters users can enter for passwords. Only idiots.. users can enter for passwords. Only idiots do this. Don't limit the length of a password. If your users want a sentence..
Best way to parse bbcode Transform all and characters into and respectively Don't forget to account for the colon in cases like tagname If the..
How should a model be structured in MVC? watch lectures Global State and Singletons and Don't Look For Things from the Clean Code Talks. The communication..
PHP as a template language, or some other PHP templating script? [closed] php html template engine share improve this question Don't forget that PHP's original purpose was to be a templating language...
How to enable DDoS protection? specific users actions Log the IP address of each request. DON'T reverse DNS this ironically the cost of doing this makes a DDOS..
Symfony2 won't load custom authentication provider, loads DaoAuthenticationProvider seems to fail. Running PHP 5.4.10 or so I DON'T have an error Either rm rf vendor and run composer install again..
Laravel 4 - Connect to other database class. Since no one seems to understand what i want. I DON'T want to use the config database.php i want to use a different..
what is Object Cloning in php? exampe the internal member _internalObject of both objects DON'T reference the same instance of stdClass in memory but are inividual..
PHP script to show google ranking results that there are pages that have NO PAGERANK and by no I DON'T MEAN ZERO. There is just none. This may be because the page..
str_replace() on multibyte strings dangerous? it so it seems totally useless in this scenario. When you DON'T have the option of limiting charset to UTF 8 yes that'd be nice..
How do you iterate through current class properties (not inherited from a parent or abstract class)? s_child Child sez hi s_foobar What What i_lucky_number 7 I DON'T Want to see s_parent Parent sez hi I just want to iterate through..
When to use Try Catch blocks That's even worse. Those are presicely the errors you DON'T want to silence because silencing them means that you're never..
Connection between MSSQL and PHP 5.3.5 on IIS is not working Assuming your PHP installation lives in C PHP copy DON'T MOVE these files to your C PHP EXT folder. Open C PHP PHP.INI..
Function to get user ip address [duplicate] I'll use getenv below tmp getenv HTTP_CLIENT_IP you DON'T want the HTTP_CLIENT_ID to equal unknown. That said I don't..
Avoid DOMDocument XML warnings in php xy invalid in Entity line 1 in Command line code on line 1 DON'T do what Fran Verona suggested globally disabling error reporting..
How to check if visitor's IP Address is still active or online? threshold like say 30 mins consider him offline. you DON'T need an IP address for this functionality. You just need to..