php Programming Glossary: coldfusion
Compatible encryption between C# and PHP, ColdFusion, Ruby, Python encryption between C# and PHP ColdFusion Ruby Python We're developing a service that will accept a POST..
TripleDES in Perl/PHP/ColdFusion in Perl PHP ColdFusion Recently a problem arose regarding hooking up an API with a.. using the TripleDES standard. Our Applications run using ColdFusion which has an Encrypt tag that supports TripleDES however the.. AYOF kRtg239Mnyc8QIarw And below is the snippet of ColdFusion we were using and the resulting string. Coldfusion Crypt here..
Un-encrypting / re-encrypting a ColdFusion encrypted string in PHP encrypting re encrypting a ColdFusion encrypted string in PHP I'm in the unenviable position where.. where I have to maintain functionality with an existing ColdFusion application. As part of it's login process the Coldfusion app.. need to perform the same encryption within PHP so that the ColdFusion app can access the data in the cookie. At the moment what I..
Inserting PHP array into Javascript array ActionScript AppleScript Asp BASIC C C Clojure COBOL ColdFusion Erlang Fortran Groovy Haskell Java JavaScript Lisp Perl PHP..
Parse CFML tags in PHP on my own server publishing via FTP. My server is running ColdFusion so I decided to take advantage of that. I created Coldfusion.. Now I have to figure out what to do about all of those ColdFusion tags in my posts. Problem I'd like to not loose the functionality..