php Programming Glossary: col
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? any real thought. Example query 'INSERT INTO table id col1 col2 VALUES NULL val1 val2 ' Also in the above example consider.. any real thought. Example query 'INSERT INTO table id col1 col2 VALUES NULL val1 val2 ' Also in the above example consider.. val1 val2 ' Also in the above example consider that table col n and val n may be variables. What is the standard for this..
How to sort an array of UTF-8 strings? LC_COLLATE 'German_Germany.65001' usort array 'strcoll' var_dump setlocale LC_COLLATE oldLocal var_dump array The.. a array ' ев' ' ел н1' 'дел н1' ' ел н2' 'дел н3' 'к ев' col new Collator 'bg_BG' col asort a var_dump a Prints array 2 string.. 'дел н1' ' ел н2' 'дел н3' 'к ев' col new Collator 'bg_BG' col asort a var_dump a Prints array 2 string 'дел н1' length 11..
Insert large amount of variables into table using PDO POST fields. Don't trust the request contains only valid columns. Also delimit table and column identifiers. MySQL uses the.. contains only valid columns. Also delimit table and column identifiers. MySQL uses the back tick as the identifier delimiter.. default. function execInsert pdo table _POST get a list of columns in table either by hard coding them per table or by querying..
php + jqgrid + export to excel .getRowData mya 0 Get First row to get the labels var colNames new Array var ii 0 for var i in data colNames ii i capture.. labels var colNames new Array var ii 0 for var i in data colNames ii i capture col names var html for i 0 i mya.length i.. Array var ii 0 for var i in data colNames ii i capture col names var html for i 0 i mya.length i data #list .getRowData..
MySQL query to get column names? query to get column names I'd like to get all of a mysql table's col names into.. get column names I'd like to get all of a mysql table's col names into an array in php Is there a query for this php mysql.. you TONS of information without need to parse text Such as column type whether the column is nullable max column size character..
PHPExcel reader — help required getSheetNames array 0 'student' 1 'teacher' 2 'school' 3 'college' objWorksheet objPHPExcel setActiveSheetIndex 0 first sheet.. getHighestColumn here 'E' highestColumnIndex PHPExcel_Cell columnIndexFromString highestColumn here 5 for row 1 row highestRow.. highestColumn here 5 for row 1 row highestRow row for col 0 col highestColumnIndex col value objWorksheet getCellByColumnAndRow..
php GD create a transparent png image direction. This is my code so far... image imagecreatetruecolor 485 500 imagealphablending image false imagesavealpha image.. imagealphablending image false imagesavealpha image true col imagecolorallocatealpha image 255 255 255 127 imagefill image.. image false imagesavealpha image true col imagecolorallocatealpha image 255 255 255 127 imagefill image 0 0 col..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX php the_ID href php the_permalink div class box element col php echo rand 2 4 id php category get_the_category echo category..
export mysql result to excel echo pack ss 0x0A 0x00 return function xlsWriteNumber Row Col Value echo pack sssss 0x203 14 Row Col 0x0 echo pack d Value.. xlsWriteNumber Row Col Value echo pack sssss 0x203 14 Row Col 0x0 echo pack d Value return function xlsWriteLabel Row Col.. 0x0 echo pack d Value return function xlsWriteLabel Row Col Value L strlen Value echo pack ssssss 0x204 8 L Row Col 0x0..
Saving a .xls file with fwrite text in the cell you specify function xlsWriteLabel Row Col Value L strlen Value echo pack ssssss 0x204 8 L Row Col 0x0.. Col Value L strlen Value echo pack ssssss 0x204 8 L Row Col 0x0 L echo Value return make the connection an DB query dbc..
date_create_from_format equivalent for PHP 5.2 (or lower) to you then here is a different idea. It is similar to Col. Shrapnel's approach but instead uses sscanf to parse the date..
Cannot turn off short_open_tag with ini_set What could be the problem Edit In the end I used what Col Shrapnel suggested in a comment I changed z ^ ^ to z ^ ^ php..
How to prevent SQL injection with dynamic tablenames?
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements It's difficult to choose the top answer but I think Col. Shrapnel deserves it as everything is pretty much covered even..