php Programming Glossary: blocking
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 someone finds it useful I know I did I used it for bulk blocking in a loop . If anyone finds it useful an upvote comment on Github..
How to Block 100,000+ Individual IP addresses not subnets Am trying to avoid user getting to PHP before blocking such IP 100000 is over 1.5MB and that is a lot if information..
Blocking comment spam without using captcha [closed] captcha closed What are some non captcha methods for blocking spam on my comments php captcha spam share improve this question..
Patterns for PHP multi processes? data will be stored in files you might consider using non blocking IO to maximize the throughput. Not doing so will make most of..
Preventing Spam copy other users content and put them on my site so blocking them via askimet is not possible. Possible Solution Just got..
best way to obtain a lock in php Update I've found sem_acquire but it seems to be a blocking lock. php locking apc share improve this question CLASS..
asynchronous processing with PHP - one worker per job can't tell if a child is hung or if it's just waiting on a blocking resource like a database call ... As for implementing the heart..
How to “Validate” Human Names in CakePHP? If you're happy with the idea that you're going to be blocking real people from entering their names then you can validate..
best way to detect country / location of visitor? [duplicate] an API call unless your application can use a non blocking call but is the least intrusive manner of detecting a visitor's..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise technologies to which I'll say anything that supports non blocking i o for the entire lifecycle of the request . You could build.. if you were willing to get into the down and dirty of non blocking file access and whatnot. If you want a non blocking implementation.. of non blocking file access and whatnot. If you want a non blocking implementation but you would rather avoid the down and dirty..
Xdebug And Netbeans Problem if some firewall security program is running that would be blocking TCP UDP locally which would be super odd but not out of the..
Cached, PHP generated Thumbnails load slow: How to find problem/solution from Waterfall graphs? requests. Second when I load your page I see most of the blocking ~1.25s on all.js. I see that begins with an old version of jQuery...
What are the advantages of using Node.js vs PHP [duplicate] Speed Performance Node.js is event driven and non blocking and very good at handling concurrent requests . Here is a link..
Can't delete photo via Facebook API? does this mean It suddenly stopped working. Is Facebook blocking this I have read that. Is there a work around php facebook..
How to make 5 random numbers with sum of 100 suppose this could be done by making a if statement blocking any number above 30 instance. php random share improve this..
File access speed vs database access speed that supports row level locking. That will avoid people blocking while someone else writes or worse writing anyway . But ultimately..
telnet connection using PHP share improve this question using stdin stream_select blocking streams gives you a 20 lines telnet like client socket fsockopen.. fsockopen 8000 if socket return stream_set_blocking socket 0 stream_set_blocking STDIN 0 do echo read array socket.. if socket return stream_set_blocking socket 0 stream_set_blocking STDIN 0 do echo read array socket STDIN write NULL except NULL..