php Programming Glossary: blindly
php date validation 2 valid date ... A more paranoid approach that doesn't blindly believe the input test_date '03 22 2010' test_arr explode '..
Convert Unicode from JSON string with PHP string to JSON was oblivious to the fact it was UTF 8 and blindly encoded each byte to an escaped unicode code point then you..
Will [a-z] ever match accented characters in PREG/PCRE? and ñ is a separate letter in Spanish. However the way PHP blindly handles strings as collections of bytes rather than a collection..
Preventing Spam a real user would never see or change but that a bot would blindly fill out. Something like input name spam_stopper value DO NOT..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation to understand why is no problem at all. Only children blindly follow simple rules and you are certainly not one of them. ...
Caching a 302MB object
Smarty (and other tpl ngins): assign and assign_by_ref further notes Beware of trying to optimize your code by blindly inserting references. Often they will have an effect contrary..
Security of strip_tags() and mysqli_real_escape_string() And most of the groups will use these two functions blindly. So my questions are Is there any known vulnerabilities in strip_tags..
how to access PHP variables from within JavaScript?