php Programming Glossary: blocked
can't send email to addresses at my own domain from the same domain it was a spam email and as such blocked it. Check with your system administrator that you are allowed..
PHP Fatal error: 'Swift_TransportException' with message 'Failed to authenticate on SMTP server my Swift configuration is fine. The IP from my server was blocked by Google as suspicious. I was able to clear it by visiting..
MAX_FILE_SIZE in PHP - what's the point? easy so never rely on files with a greater size being blocked by this feature. It is merely a convenience feature for users..
How to enable DDoS protection? DDoS Distributed Denial of Service Attacks are generally blocked on a server level right Is there a way to block it on a PHP.. aside here are some specific answers DDOS are generally blocked on a server level right Not really most of the worst DDOS attacks..
How to Block 100,000+ Individual IP addresses kind of issue in production If you are storing all of the blocked IPs in the database it's a matter of managing the contents of..
How to add scraped website data in database? model can rely on the scraping of many sites then being blocked by one becomes less of a risk. Also it may be cost effect to..
post image and other data using mulipart form data in iphone NSASCIIStringEncoding Spawn a new thread so the UI isn't blocked while we're uploading the image NSThread detachNewThreadSelector..
Cross domains sessions - shared shopping cart cross domains if you can identify your customer as having cookies blocked. You can also use the javascript to inform the parent document..
how to detect telephone numbers in a text (and replace them)? start you off text preg_replace ' 0 9 0 9 s 4 20 0 9 ' ' blocked ' text this looks for a plus symbol optional followed by a number.. spaces followed by a number and replaces with the string blocked . This catches all the obvious combinations I can think of 012345..
PHP session variables not being maintaned which i created the cookies i was trying to set were being blocked. Setup a P3P header and the problem seems to be solved php..
php://input <> $_POST? function search query Pata de cambio Cookie the cookie blocked uri string 4 self violated directive string 30 inline script..
How do I protect my forum against spam? the IP. But this does not work very well. The list of blocked IP's is growing quickly but so is the number of spam posts in..
Best Practice: Legitimate Cross-Site Scripting of the content so that it would appear native. Again I was blocked by cross site scripting protections. While I could indeed load..
All localhost pages via WAMP blocked? localhost pages via WAMP blocked I've been trying to fix a weird 403 Forbidden error I get when..
Search matrix for all rectangles of given dimensions (select blocks of seats) over multiple rows i.e. 3 x 5 but I would want them to be blocked together i.e. row 9 .. some seats .. 5 seats .. some seats ....
how to bypass Access-Control-Allow-Origin? However it cannot get the processed data back as it is blocked by Access Control Allow Origin I have no access to that platform's..
Warning: preg_match(): Internal pcre_fullinfo() that the pcre library uses something internally that is blocked by the codepad environment. No production system uses such severe..
Multiple file upload (file input) - limit number of files of files that user can select By limit i mean strictly blocked not just a warning if number is exceeded. Thanks in advance...