php Programming Glossary: blarg
Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors? work with and where its return values come from baz 'baz' blarg foo baz Extending the scope of variables into anonymous functions..
MySQLi equivalent of mysql_result()? me condense 4 lines into 1. Old code if r mysql_num_rows r blarg mysql_result r 0 'blah' Desired code if r r num_rows blarg r.. blarg mysql_result r 0 'blah' Desired code if r r num_rows blarg r result 0 'blah' But there is no such thing. Is there something.. up and make everything if r r num_rows row r fetch_assoc blarg row 'blah' php mysqli share improve this question PHP..
Selecting only the first item of an xpath result set in PHP with two PHP statements thisBlarg xmlResource xpath ' blarg @ID '. someBlargID.' ' echo thisBlarg 0 name But not wanting.. but PHP doesn't like this echo xmlResource xpath ' blarg @ID '. someBlargID.' ' 0 name And for good reason. But I can't..
Override default php function namespaces to override existing function names namespace blarg function basename return 'whatever' base basename I.e. any call.. base basename I.e. any call to basename within the blarg namespace will use your new version of the function. share..
Get entire URL, including query string and anchor If I use your solution in foo.php I need it to say bar.php blarg a#blahblahblah php share improve this question No I am..