php Programming Glossary: bloated
What is the proper time to use real_escape_string? When data arrives in POST, or just before composing the query? Repeated mysqli real_escape_string ' test' makes your code bloated and hard to read. Why not to ask a database driver to do all..
Free, Lightweight PHP e-Commerce solution was primarily supported easy to use don't need core to be bloated with functionality I won't use basic system for setting up prices.. Please don't recommend Magento as I found it a little bloated for the functionality I'm looking for. looking forward for your..
Proper Repository Pattern Design in PHP? method in This keeps my repositories very simple ”not an bloated class of methods. All queries are now organized into their own..
isset() and empty() make code ugly empty and array_key_exists s does to my code. It gets bloated becomes less readable without gaining anything in terms of value..
Commitment to Zend Framework - any arguments against? competing products I can see that Zend can be viewed as bloated in some fields compared to more minimalistic frameworks. I can..
Are Symfony and CakePHP too slow to be usable? usable Until now I have always said that CakePHP is too bloated and slow. I don't really know that I just saw some benchmarks...
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? were lacking basic features inherently INsecure or too bloated for my taste. Actually I did a detailed roundup of all the authentication.. Language file support Actively developed Cons Feels a bit bloated 50 files And yet it lacks automatic cookie login Doesn't support..
What is causing “Unable to allocate memory for pool” in PHP? a server's memory allocation limit particularly with a bloated application like Wordpress but never encountered Unable to allocate..