php Programming Glossary: album
PHP PDO bindValue in LIMIT code fetchPictures PDO prepare SELECT FROM pictures WHERE album albumId ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT skip max fetchPictures bindValue.. fetchPictures PDO prepare SELECT FROM pictures WHERE album albumId ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT skip max fetchPictures bindValue ' albumId'.. ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT skip max fetchPictures bindValue ' albumId' _GET 'albumid' PDO PARAM_INT if isset _GET 'skip' fetchPictures..
Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API to find decent documentation on is uploading images to an album. According to http docs api#publishing.. information or could help me tackle uploading photos to an album using Facebook Graph API please reply php facebook share.. example will upload the photo to your default application album of the current user. If the album does not yet exist it will..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table relations in Doctrine2. Let's assume that we've got an album like Master of Puppets by Metallica with several tracks. But.. the fact that one track might appears in more that one album like Battery by Metallica does three albums are featuring this.. more that one album like Battery by Metallica does three albums are featuring this track. So what I need is many to many relationship..
Upload Progress Bar in PHP for an upload in php I am trying writing code for a photo album uploader. I would like a progress bar to display while the photos..
Facebook: post image and description to wall and in page album via php post image and description to wall and in page album via php I want users to post an image on a facebook page via.. image I want it to be posted to the users wall and in an album of the page where I'm one of the administrators. I have created.. believe that using graph api you can upload images only to albums created via graph api i.e. you need to first create an album..
Create a drop down list in Zend Framework 2 2. I know this form from the Zend example module namespace Album Form use Zend Form Form class AlbumForm extends Form public.. module namespace Album Form use Zend Form Form class AlbumForm extends Form public function __construct name null we want.. populate from a database. Lets try something like... class AlbumForm extends Form implements ServiceManagerAwareInterface public..
PHP: Create new XML file and write data to it? xml new DOMDocument xml_album xml createElement Album xml_track xml createElement Track xml_album appendChild xml_track.. xml load ' tmp test.xml' nodes xml getElementsByTagName 'Album' if nodes length 0 insert some stuff using appendChild re save..
Sorting an array into a multidimensional array based on “parent_id” array into this form albums array 1 array 'id' 1 'title' 'Album 1' 'parentId' null 2 array 'id' 2 'title' 'Album 2' 'parentId'.. 'title' 'Album 1' 'parentId' null 2 array 'id' 2 'title' 'Album 2' 'parentId' null 3 array 'id' 3 'title' 'Album 1.1' 'parentId'.. 'title' 'Album 2' 'parentId' null 3 array 'id' 3 'title' 'Album 1.1' 'parentId' 1 4 array 'id' 4 'title' 'Album 1.1.1' 'parentId'..
Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API I'm trying to familiarize myself.. and have a valid session. 1 Upload to Default Application Album of Current User This example will upload the photo to your default.. ' me photos' 'post' args print_r data 2 Upload to Target Album This example will upload the photo to a specific album. facebook..
How can I upload photos to album using Facebook Graph API valid session for the current user. 1 Default Application Album of Current User This example will upload the photo to your default.. api ' me photos' 'post' args print_r data 2 Target Album This example will upload the photo to a specific album. args.. '. ALBUM_ID . ' photos' 'post' args print_r data 3 Target Album with Access Token This example will upload a photo to a specific..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table many relation to achieve that functionality. @Entity class Album @Id @Column type integer protected id @Column protected title.. id @Column protected title @OneToMany targetEntity AlbumTrackReference mappedBy album protected tracklist public function.. type time protected duration @OneToMany targetEntity AlbumTrackReference mappedBy track protected albumsFeaturingThisTrack..
Invalid JSON in Chrome, no problem in Firefox (so strange!) JSON . Why This is full code. PHP public function listAlbumAction params this _getAllParams albums this _album getAlbumList.. params this _getAllParams albums this _album getAlbumList params 'albumType' params 'from' params 'numberOfAlbums'.. params 'albumType' params 'from' params 'numberOfAlbums' echo json_encode array code 0 data albums JQuery function..