php Programming Glossary: after
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? before that code. An often overlooked output is new lines after PHP's closing . Good practise is to omit them when they are..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? deprecatedly stripslashes as the innermost call then trim afterwards strip_tags htmlentities for output context and only lastly.. warnings in most cases than PDO or mysql_ usually provide after failed queries. Other options So this hopefully visualized some..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? Here is a really basic example which sends a simple string after 2 10 seconds. 1 in 3 chance of returning an error 404 to show.. an error header HTTP 1.0 404 Not Found die Send a string after a random number of seconds 2 10 sleep rand 2 10 echo Hi Have.. succeeds we append the message to the #messages div then after 1 second we call the waitForMsg function again which triggers..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? echo The type s are You can put the left brace before or after the dollar sign. Take a look at string parsing to see how to..
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? Returns a then decrements a by one. These can go before or after the variable. Putting this operator before the variable is slightly.. to the variable first then the result is returned. If put after the variable the variable is first returned then the increment..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords Grossman CTO of Whitehat Security stated on his blog after a recent password recovery that required brute force breaking..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes I need to keep a session alive for 30 minutes and.. session.gc_maxlifetime specifies the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up. Garbage..
How should a model be structured in MVC? register 'Router' router Gets the part of URI after the symbol uri isset _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' _SERVER 'PATH_INFO'.. part of the authentication process it should happen right after the serviceFactory was created the check if logged in part while..
Headers already sent by PHP Output can be Unintentional Whitespace before php or after UTF 8 Byte Order Mark Previous error messages or notices Intentional.. to the webserver first. It can only do that once. And after the double linebreak it can't ever append to them again. When.. sections php PHP actually eats up a single linebreak after close tags. But it won't compensate multiple newlines or tabs..
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? your very recent versions you should turn emulation off. After writing a few apps that use PDO I've made a PDO connection function..
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? In my scenario it is values fetched from image EXIF data. After little research I found two way of doing it. first using eval..
How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server this was a reasonable project to learn them through. After some help from google I found this blog post which seemed to..
Get raw post data which is enough to block PHP from trying to parse it After this you can finally read the whole raw data from php input..
Can you “compile” PHP code? bytecode hiphop hhvm share improve this question After this question was asked Facebook launched HipHop PHP which is..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address mailing lists now use that mechanism to confirm sign ups. After all anybody can put down and that will..
Simplest way to profile a PHP script used as follows php apd_set_pprof_trace rest of the script After parse the generated file using pprofp . Example output Trace..
HTTP_HOST vs. SERVER_NAME tests taught me that this is indeed incorrectly the case. After first suspecting PHP and digging in some PHP bug reports regarding..
List of Big-O for PHP functions of Big O for PHP functions After using PHP for a while now I've noticed that not all PHP built..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? syntax works like double quoted strings. It starts with . After this operator an identifier is provided then a newline. The..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? machinery beyond the AST . For more on this topic see Life After Parsing . The remark about I don't need a perfect translation..
PHP Parse HTML code [duplicate] items item i nodeValue . br This outputs as T1 T2 T3 EDIT After OP Clarification If you want the content like Lorem ipsum. etc..
REST API - why use PUT DELETE POST GET? decide what format the information should be encoded in. After a bit of thinking about how to reasonably incorporate data typing..
How to turn off magic quotes on shared hosting? off value. ini_set 'magic_quotes_gpc' 0 doesn't work EDIT After checking the list of ini settings I see that magic_quotes_gpc..
MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?) to reuse autoincrement values. Edit you said After all this time trying to figure it out it still doesn't work...
PHP Redirect with POST data data store inside database and generate invoice number. After that we would post the customer data and invoice number to thirdparty..
Using comet with PHP? This MPM tries to fix the 'keep alive problem' in HTTP. After a client completes the first request the client can keep the..
Call php function from javascript the XMLHttpRequest object to send a request to a server. After the server responds presumably with output another Javascript..
How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters? is the one you specified breaking at word boundaries. After splitting you simply take the first line substr string 0 strpos..
How do I receive email and process it in a web application and open the IMAP unprocessed folder and parse each email. After inserting the interesting values into the database the script..
CodeIgniter + Command Line + Cron + Cpanel Crap... why is it always you figure something out right AFTER you finally decided to ask for help If anyone else is having..
PDO Debugging - View Query AFTER Bind? [duplicate] Debugging View Query AFTER Bind duplicate Possible Duplicate Retrieve or simulate full..
How to increase by 1 all keys in an array? all keys in an array BEFORE arr 0 'a' arr 1 'b' arr 2 'c' AFTER arr 1 'a' arr 2 'b' arr 3 'c' php arrays share improve this..
Create nested list from Multidimensional Array n Title 2 n Title 3 n Title 4 n Title 6 n Title 5 n EDITED AFTER CHECK AS SOLUTION To avoid empty leafs function r a level r..
IMAP in Php: Marking a message unread/unseen the FT_PEEK option to leave the message as 'unread'. EDIT AFTER YOUR COMMENTS Have you looked at this method http
PHP myAdmin - Change Field Order (Move Up Or Down) `table_name` MODIFY `column_you_want_to_move` DATATYPE AFTER `column` DATATYPE is something like DATETIME or VARCHAR 20 ..etc..
Sending correct file size with PHP download script Send file to browser readfile file DO NOT DO ANYTHING AFTER FILE DOWNLOAD exit php cross browser web browser file download..
Redirecting Wordpress's Login/Register page to a custom login/registration page I've tried Google but all I could find was redirection AFTER the user logs in or registers which is not what I want. Thank..
Easy way to re-order columns?
How to set custom grand total before checkout process in magento? total collector so it'll be inserted in collecting process AFTER Grand total collector see config.xml in module etc directory..
How do I make Firefox reload page when back button is pressed? code. What I didn't realize was that the DWT starts RIGHT AFTER the DOCTYPE header so the code was never inserted into my pages...
How to find a string in an array in PHP? scaling down my database traffic. Hope you guys can help.. AFTER GET THE ANSWER If i have two or more string to compare How to..
sort Magento collection AFTER load Magento collection AFTER load The Magento collection sorting functions e.g. Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract..
PHP : simple regex problem tags. You help will be much appreciated thanks. ARRAY AFTER USING S MODIFIER Array 0 foreach any_kind_of_charaters Any kind..
PHP MySQL Triggers - How to pass variables to trigger? `baemer_emr`@`localhost` TRIGGER `table1`.`after_insert` AFTER INSERT ON `baemer_emr`.`table1` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO.. which has to come from php CREATE TRIGGER ai_table1_each AFTER INSERT ON `baemer_emr`.`table1` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO.. that using a trigger. CREATE TRIGGER ai_bh_newuser_each AFTER INSERT ON `baemer_emr`.bh_newuser FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE..
UPDATE/DELETE in mysql and get the list of affected row ids? mytable which has a field id CREATE TRIGGER mytable_delete AFTER DELETE ON mytable FOR EACH ROW SET @deletedIDs CONCAT_WS ' '..
php trim a string want it to display How are you... adding the continuation AFTER the word. Any ideas I pretty much don't want to add a continuation..
Store all data changes with every details (like Stackoverflow) [closed] KEY revision_id Keep track of INSERT and UPDATE using AFTER triggers. On each new data revision in the original insert a..