php Programming Glossary: afterwards
How foreach actually works behavior from above the array will be made a reference afterwards. So this is the first part of the mystery the copying behavior...
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? time . Applying a hash function is a one way operation afterwards it can be safely used for verification without revealing the..
Can I try/catch a warning? @ operator and check the return value of dns_get_record afterwards. sidenote You can use set_error_handler and the ErrorException..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? deprecatedly stripslashes as the innermost call then trim afterwards strip_tags htmlentities for output context and only lastly the..
PHP - determine how many bytes sent over http the transfer partway I know Apache will log this afterwards but I'd like to access the data in PHP. php byte file transfer..
PHP Encoding Error when producing XML from database [closed]
mysqli or die, does it have to die? link Does it have to die or can you put a different query afterwards Like a predetermined function that writes a log of the error..
MD5 implementation in PHP - where am I going wrong? GG HH II You are adding B before rotation it must be added afterwards also since you are going back and forth between string and int..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] not to have to say śwell you can learn it here ... but then afterwards you'll need to go to this other tutorial to find out about the..
Cheking and error on a PHP function Set our own error handler we will restore the default one afterwards. Our new error handler need only handle E_WARNING and E_NOTICE..
PHP HTML DomDocument getElementById problems Call dom validate and put up with the errors or fix them afterwards you can use dom getElementById regardless of the errors for..
Java equivalent to PHP's preg_replace_callback be best to simply queue each match in the callback then afterwards run through them backwards. This will prevent having to remap..
PHP get previous array element knowing current array key array Depending on what you are going to do with the array afterwards you might want to reset the internal pointer. If the key does..
MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?) table 2 and not table 1. If you still need that of table 1 afterwards we will have to store it in a variable. This leads us to ways..
How can I download using PHP a XML file redirected in some weird way? saveXml Live Demo If you dont want to parse the XML file afterwards you can use file_get_contents as well. You can pass the stream..
Posting to a Facebook Page as the Page (not a person) setAccessToken page_access_token does just that and afterwards everything goes as it normally would be expected no need to..
CodeIgniter “flashdata” doesn't work
How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation it was decided we actually needed to destroy the session afterwards to remove the risk of having two active sessions. Also the function.. new access token with the public function getAccessToken afterwards. Grab the new SDK from official Facebook PHP SDK github page..
PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode? follows RFC 1738 prior to PHP 5.3.0 and RFC 3986 afterwards see http manual en function.rawurlencode.php Returns..
Application developers wanting to start web development? is essential with libraries such as jQuery and Protoype . Afterwards you should learn server side web development. PHP would be better..
Is there an error in PHP's imap_fetch_overview()-function when reading headers with brackets? phpversion send e mail mail recipient subject text header Afterwards I try to read the e Mail using imap_fetch_overview in the following..
Decoding JSON in Twig add 'categories' 'entity' array ... 'property' 'json' ... Afterwards I was hoping to json_decode it in Twig... for category in form.categories..
is there a facility for generating scaffolding in a Symfony2 app? from database force which will create xml mapping files. Afterwards you can generate entities as follows app console doctrine mapping..
How to to remove certain colors from an image with PHP or Ruby? or the similar functions for other image formats Afterwards use imagesx and imagesy to get the size of the image. Now what..
PHP - how to create a newline character? echo clientid echo ' ' echo lastname echo ' ' echo ' r n' Afterwards I open the created file in Notepad and it writes the newline..
Headers already sent by PHP print echo html it will flush the collected headers. Afterwards it can send all the output bits it wants. But sending further..