php Programming Glossary: age
Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP as it gets interesting at least for me . Consider a PHP page that its purpose is to read a requested file from filesystem.. Now the question is how to enable cache for this page The thing to point out is that the files can be pretty huge.. absolute date in the future Cache Control public max age relative time in seconds since request This will cause clients..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP is noted for its simplicity and it has performance advantages over more complicated algorithms in certain situations particularly.. merge sort. However insertion sort provides several advantages function insertionSort array array count count array for i.. is a sorting algorithm developed by Tony Hoare that on average makes O n log n comparisons to sort n items. In the worst case..
Sorting an array of SimpleXML objects 2 0 object SimpleXMLElement #2 2 name string 15 Andrew age string 2 21 1 object SimpleXMLElement #3 2 name string 12 Beth.. 2 21 1 object SimpleXMLElement #3 2 name string 12 Beth age string 2 56 And I want to be able to sort by whatever column.. be sorted. In your example if you want to sort them by age the array would be array 21 56 . Then you call array_multisort..
MySQL Prepared statements with a variable size variable list of arguments each time. An example such query is SELECT age name FROM people WHERE id IN 12 45 65 33 The IN CLAUSE will.. implode ' ' array_fill 0 parmcount ' ' sql 'SELECT age name FROM people WHERE id IN s ' preparesql sprintf sql inclause..
PHP calculate age calculate age I'm looking for a way to calculate the age of a person given.. calculate age I'm looking for a way to calculate the age of a person given their DOB in the format dd mm yyyy. I was.. Does anyone have a more reliable way of calculating the age replace with so strtotime works dob strtotime str_replace birthdayDate..
Export to CSV via PHP Tue 03 Jul 2001 06 00 00 GMT header Cache Control max age 0 no cache must revalidate proxy revalidate header Last Modified.. filename header Content Transfer Encoding binary Usage example download_send_headers data_export_ . date Y m d . .csv..
Parsing JSON file with PHP status Wait Jennifer status Active James status Active age 56 count 10 progress 0.0029857 bad 0 And this is my PHP so far.. like John Jennifer and all available keys and values like age count on beforehand i think i need to create some foreach loop... status Wait Jennifer status Active James status Active age 56 count 10 progress 0.0029857 bad 0 run on codepad share improve..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up. Garbage collection occurs during session start... which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up. Garbage collection occurs during session start. But the garbage collector.. collection occurs during session start. But the garbage collector is only started with a probability of session.gc_probability..
JavaScript: How do I create JSONP? Origin http ' header 'Access Control Max Age 3628800' header 'Access Control Allow Methods GET POST PUT DELETE'..
PHP calculate age
Why use anonymous function? [duplicate] logic for sorting uasort array function a b return a Age b Age Another example data array array 'id' 1 'name' 'Bob' 'position'.. logic for sorting uasort array function a b return a Age b Age Another example data array array 'id' 1 'name' 'Bob' 'position'..
How to build a RESTful API? First Name td td php echo user_info first_name td tr tr td Age td td php echo user_info age td tr table a href http localhost..
validate age before registering a user to check if hes over a certain age using mvc a DOB If so this should take care of your problem function Age date 'now' return intval substr date 'Ymd' date 'Ymd' strtotime.. substr date 'Ymd' date 'Ymd' strtotime date 0 4 var_dump Age '1975 04 25' int 36 if Age '1975 04 25' 18 proceed to registration.. strtotime date 0 4 var_dump Age '1975 04 25' int 36 if Age '1975 04 25' 18 proceed to registration share improve this..
Emulating named function parameters in PHP, good or bad idea? extract args here if you want echo Name . args 'name' . Age . args 'age' myFunc array age 25 Name John Doe Age 25 You could.. . Age . args 'age' myFunc array age 25 Name John Doe Age 25 You could even remove all items from args which don't have..
OOP database connect/disconnect class row 'lastname' . br echo Address . row 'address' . br echo Age . row 'age' . br echo hr Edit So people can actually use the..
How to store Birthdate and Age so that Age can be updated daily in PHP/MySQL? to store Birthdate and Age so that Age can be updated daily in PHP MySQL How should I.. to store Birthdate and Age so that Age can be updated daily in PHP MySQL How should I store Birthdate's.. in MySQL so that I can easily update everyone's Age on a daily basis via a Cron Job Does it even make sense to store..
php single curl works but multi curl doesn't work? from PHP Info cURL support enabled cURL Information 7.24.0 Age 3 Features AsynchDNS Yes Debug No GSS Negotiate No IDN No IPv6..