php Programming Glossary: al
How foreach actually works foreach actually works Let me prefix this by saying that I know what foreach.. how it works under the bonnet and I don't want any answers along the lines of this is how you loop an array with foreach ... 3 4 5 array after loop 1 3 4 5 6 7 This backs up our initial conclusion we are working with a copy of the source array during..
Cache Object in PHP without using serialize Object in PHP without using serialize I have a complex object that I create in a PHP script. I.. requests do not have to recreate it or spend time unserializing and rebuilding it. Using xdebug I find that I spend half.. and rebuilding it. Using xdebug I find that I spend half of the entire request time building this object. Even when..
Why is gzip compression with Internet Explorer not working? which contains the html document for the page. Is this normal Do I have to turn off gzip php internet explorer share improve.. header for IE to understand that it is gzipped Firefox et al are smart enough to detect this automatically even though they.. Firefox et al are smart enough to detect this automatically even though they shouldn't In PHP you can do this using header..
Verify receipt for in App purchase everything works fine up until the point where I try to validate the receipt with the app store as i am constantly getting.. with the app store as i am constantly getting back an invalid status. I am passing the receipt data to my PHP server then.. forwarding from there to the app store and once I get a valid response I intend to add the receipt data to my database...
500 - An error has occurred! DB function reports no errors when adding new article in Joomla! reports no errors . I have no idea why this error comes up al I can think is that it's a server error. I'm using TinyMCE to.. any errors. I checked the error logs on the server and also no errors come up. I managed to publish the article via phpMyAdmin.. to the article but only a blank page comes up. This is really weird since the error log does not show any information. So..
Mysql query returning resource id #8 instead of desired value [closed] query returning resource id #8 instead of desired value closed Hi I am trying to discover how to fix my query to.. SELECT cast round AVG rating 2 2 as decimal 10 1 FROM rating WHERE shoe_id ' _GET id ' shoeRating mysql_query.. The query should return a number with one decimal place 3.5 . It works fine when testing in PhpMyAdmin however..
IMAP in Php: Marking a message unread/unseen unread unseen I want to create a script in php to read al mail from a mail acount. I connect to the server I can see the.. If I understand this page correctly http manual en function.imap body.php You can use the FT_PEEK option to.. Have you looked at this method http manual en function.imap clearflag full.php You are able to clear the..
Why doesn't MySQL support millisecond / microsecond precision? than seconds So I am using PHP and Doctrine and I really need those microseconds I am using the actAs Timestampable.. . I found a that I can use a BIGINT field to store the values. But will doctrine add the milliseconds I think it just assigns.. I think it just assigns NOW to the field. I am also worried the date manipulation functions in SQL sprinkled through..
How does this giant regex work? found the code below in one of my directories in a file called doc.php . The file functions or links to a file manager... or links to a file manager. It's quite nicely done. Basically it lists all the files in the current directory and it lets.. a file manager. It's quite nicely done. Basically it lists all the files in the current directory and it lets you change directories...
PHP eval(gzinflate(base64_decode(..))) hack - how to prevent it from occurring again? eval gzinflate base64_decode .. hack how to prevent it from occurring.. into the index.php file that looked something like eval gzinflate base64_decode 's127ezsS ...bA236UA1' The code was.. cnfg.php to be included which was causing some pharmaceutical related spam to be displayed but only visible to googlebot et..
Why doesn't this code simply print letters A to Z? n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf.. From the docs PHP follows Perl's convention when dealing with arithmetic operations on character variables and not..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device a simple if condition Is there a way I can do this Thanks all for any help php mobile share improve this question Here.. bb d meego . mobile avantgo bada blackberry blazer compal elaine fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo.. iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp netfront opera m ob in i palm os phone p ixi re plucker pocket psp series 4 6 0 symbian treo..
Return words before and after the first occurrence of a string I have a body of text returned from a search query lets call it body. Now what I want to do is for the script to find the.. a few words after the end of the first occurrence. Essentially I'm trying to do what Google does with it's search results... I should start My issue is that I keep returning partial words. php string share improve this question You could..
php readdir problem with japanese language file name code php if handle opendir 'C xampp htdocs movies' while false file readdir handle if file . file .. echo file. br n closedir.. problem as with Python 2 had before later adding special support for Unicode string filenames . My belief is that PHP.. for Unicode string filenames . My belief is that PHP is dealing with filenames using the standard C library ˜open et al functions..
What debugging tools does PHP have? [duplicate] is echo . What other options are there for more in depth analysis of my code Coming from iOS I'm used to the Console Debugger.. used to the Console Debugger w Stack Trace Instruments et al. What comparable tools are there php debugging share improve.. question echo and var_dump are your friends. If it's a small script putting in a number of echo s and var_dump s can help..
Call php function from javascript php function from javascript Is there a way I can run a php.. font family Tahoma font size 12px onclick test return false test a span id php_code span I basically want to run the php.. test return false test a span id php_code span I basically want to run the php function query hello when I click on the..
Faceted Search (solr) vs Good old filtering via PHP? such as PrestaShop OpenCart and Magento have what's called a Layered Navigation. My question is what is the difference.. Faceted Search. They are the same thing but Magento and al uses different wording probably to be catchy. As far as I know.. tables while Solr indexes the document facets automatically for filtering. You can generally achieve fast response times..
java and python equivalent of php's foreach($array as $key => $value) with an associative array like this php stateArray array ALABAMA AL ALASKA AK etc... WYOMING WY foreach stateArray as stateName.. associative array like this php stateArray array ALABAMA AL ALASKA AK etc... WYOMING WY foreach stateArray as stateName.. array like this php stateArray array ALABAMA AL ALASKA AK etc... WYOMING WY foreach stateArray as stateName stateAbbreviation..
GeoLocation API Europe AE Asia AF Asia AG North America AI North America AL Europe AM Asia AN North America AO Africa AQ Antarctica AR South..
Is switching from PHP to Python worth the trouble [closed] this support as mentioned by Kevin Horn . And as UK AL mentioned python uses duck typing instead of interfaces. It..
List of All Locales and Their Short Codes? sk SK sl SI sma NO sma SE smj NO smj SE smn FI sms FI sq AL sr Cyrl BA sr Cyrl CS sr Cyrl ME sr Cyrl RS sr Latn BA sr Latn..
Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP each state as needed something like idColorArray array AL 339966 AK 0099FF ... WI FF4B00 WY A3609B foreach idColorArray..
PHP convert XML to JSON What am I doing wrong XML xml version 1.0 states state id AL name Alabama name state state id AK name Alaska name state states.. SimpleXMLElement #3 2 @attributes array 1 id string 2 AL name string 7 Alabama 1 object SimpleXMLElement #2 2 @attributes..