php Programming Glossary: alias
Example usage of AX in PHP OpenID for parameters Usage make type_uri count 1 required false alias null attribute Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo make 'http
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables The other is probably more often used and is called table aliasing. The tables in this example have nice and short simple names.. get the Sports cars as was asked. As I prefer the table alias method rather than using the table names over and over I will.. the results we can use an order by but you can't use the alias anymore. In the query above appending an order by a.ID would..
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation for regex Just for fun i added support for regex with alias preg or match which means you can have print_r s find array..
What's the difference between echo, print, and print_r in PHP? never use print. I feel echo is a macro and print_r is an alias of var_dump . But that's not the standard way to explain the..
Sort array of objects For example my array is Array 0 stdClass Object id 123 alias mike 1 stdClass Object id 456 alias alice 2 stdClass Object.. Object id 123 alias mike 1 stdClass Object id 456 alias alice 2 stdClass Object id 789 alias zeke 3 stdClass Object.. Object id 456 alias alice 2 stdClass Object id 789 alias zeke 3 stdClass Object id 987 alias dave How do I sort the..
What are PHP nested functions for? applying it on an array which very likely calls the alias more than once. The only 'real world' example I could dig up..
How to use MAMP's version of PHP instead of the default on OSX an alternative that may meet your needs. You can create an alias to your copy of MAMP's php 5.3. I my case I named the alias.. to your copy of MAMP's php 5.3. I my case I named the alias phpmamp. Open your terminal and type alias phpmamp ' Applications.. I named the alias phpmamp. Open your terminal and type alias phpmamp ' Applications MAMP bin php5.3 bin php' Now typing phpmamp..
Magento: adding duties/taxes to a quote during review quote sales global config class node contains the class alias of your collector model before and after nodes indicate invocation..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo in templates. Since templates use which is the alias of echo it seems logical to stick to echo in other parts of..
What are the best practices for avoiding xss attacks in a PHP site characters to HTML entities I use own e modifier which is alias to the above . My approach to input output security is store..
Magento module Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Cashondelivery_Helper_Data' not found in \xampp\htdocs\magento\app\Mage.php on line 516 declare model group for new module models model group alias to be used in Mage getModel 'newmodule ...' createorder base..
How do I run Django and PHP together on one Apache server? The relevant lines in apache_django_wsgi.conf is WSGIScriptAlias C django_proj apache proj.wsgi Directory C django_proj apache.. on the same domain. You just need to put your WSGIScriptAlias ... after any other Location Alias directives. Lets say for.. to put your WSGIScriptAlias ... after any other Location Alias directives. Lets say for example I want to run phpMyAdmin on..
WAMP Server ERROR “Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.” don't have permission to access phpmyadmin on this server. Alias phpmyadmin c wamp apps phpmyadmin3.4.10.1 # to give access to..
Make XAMPP/Apache serve file outside of htdocs [closed] by browsing to http transitcalculator.localhost . Make an Alias Starting ~line 200 copy everything between Directory C xampp.. IfModule alias_module IfModule section ~line 300 and add Alias transitCalculator C Projects transitCalculator trunk or whatever.. trunk or whatever is relevant to your desires below the Alias comment block. Change your document root Edit line 176 in C..
How to make .php extension not appear on website? or AddHandler e.g. inside Files or FilesMatch or Alias or mod_rewrite other options are probably available but those..
php link to image file outside default web directory to alias a directory in httpd.conf... IfModule mod_alias.c Alias images User Public_html Image Directory User Public_html Image..
How to secure phpMyAdmin a link to etc phpmyadmin apache.conf . The file contains Alias phpmyadmin usr share phpmyadmin where the first phpmyadmin should.. if one wants to avoid the unnecessary activity e.g. Alias secret usr share phpmyadmin php mysql security ubuntu phpmyadmin..
Serving images from outside of document root share improve this question The most common way is an Alias Alias data wherever your data are share improve this answer..
Allow users to download files outside webroot a symlink pointing to var uploads tutorial here a Apache Alias directive Alias uploads var uploads must be in httpd.conf or.. to var uploads tutorial here a Apache Alias directive Alias uploads var uploads must be in httpd.conf or a proxy PHP script..
How to determine if a sentence is talking about a specific subject? PHP interface. php nlp share improve this question Alias i has a natural language parser for PHP . Edit this page says.. a natural language parser for PHP . Edit this page says Alias i's parser is written in PHP but Alias i's website says it is.. Edit this page says Alias i's parser is written in PHP but Alias i's website says it is written in Java. share improve this..
Apache : How to Use Rewrite Engine Inside Alias How to Use Rewrite Engine Inside Alias I have this alias configuration Alias test D WWW Test Directory.. Engine Inside Alias I have this alias configuration Alias test D WWW Test Directory D WWW Test Order allow deny Allow..