php Programming Glossary: aim
How to create General Ledger/T-Account using PHP Mysql credit_side.transaction_id_cr Now in the view file I aim to have the following table width 200 border 0 tr td colspan..
Understanding MVC Smalltalk . Instead in PHP you have 4 other patterns which aim for the same goal MVC Model2 MVP MVVM and HMVC. Again I am too..
Uploading both data and files in one form using Ajax? so that I can send data and files in one form via Ajax My aim is to be able to send all of this form in one post with Ajax..
How to properly set up a PDO connection share improve this question The goal As I see it your aim in this case is twofold create and maintain a single reusable..
How to schedule the execution of a PHP script on the server side? executed at a particular time. How would I achieve this aim php share improve this question If you're running a flavor..
PHP: Searching through a CSV file the OOP way sound please be aware that the design can be improved the aim here is to show the approach not the final product the implementation..
How to get user image with Twitter API 1.1? to the 1.1 API. I wrote a stack overflow post with an aim to help all you guys make authenticated requests to the 1.1..
How to upload LARGE files on YouTube YouTube but none of them works each has its own issues my aim is to find a correct answer to upload large files. First Method..
Why is PDO better for escaping MySQL queries/querystrings than mysql_real_escape_string? answers go into details while your question is more aimed at a general overview I'll give it a try The PDO classes aim.. at a general overview I'll give it a try The PDO classes aim to encapsulate all the functionality needed to interact with..
Login without HTTPS, how to secure? better than plain passwords is welcome. We do not aim for a 100 l33tG0Dhx0r proff solution. Difficult to crack is..
How to learn web-programming (Javascript, PHP)? programming yet but I'm good at XHTML and CSS . my main aim is to learn first Javascript than second PHP . after having..
Call Python From PHP And Get Return Code a value of 0 As you can see from the above code my basic aim is for the python program to return some values 0 1 4 8 etc..
Web-apps : to framework or not to framework? I am probably qualified to develop a simple web site but aim at taking on quite ambitious apps. I imagine that almost all..
What is the difference between the PHP open tags ??lt;?=??and ??lt;?php????lt;??? makes your PHP application less portable if you aim to write applications that are not just for you. That ™a also..
How I can create installer for website. PHP mysql [closed] improve this question There is a number of tools that aim to achieve this with different feature sets http
Zend Validation Db_NoRecordExists and exclude option always return me back a duplicated error as usual. What I aim to is to tell to the form to keep back the value passed to the..
AJAX POST handler causing “uncaught exception” side script is printing raw html to the screen and the aim is that a jquery html replace will be used to update to the..
unit testing and Static methods objects .. app new App After reading the post I now aim for this instead ... init new Init init loadConfig 'settings.php'..
Get apache linux user from php the user that apache runs on and so does php . The aim I need to get the owner of the script this is no problem as..