php Programming Glossary: addto
How can i send an Email using PHP at windows Azure? SendGrid 'username' 'password' mail new SendGridMail mail addTo '' setFrom '' setSubject 'Subject goes..
how to avoid email header Received: from unknown and email going to spam params 'list_email' . '' mailer addTo params 'email_address' Code to configure transport emailConfig..
Batch Send Email with SwiftMailer calls. If you want to iteratively add recipients use the addTo method. But I'm not sure 1 How to select from my datebase in.. datebase in this script and 2 If I would need to use the addTo method in my case. Any suggestions on how to set this up properly.. die mysql_error while row mysql_fetch_assoc data message addTo row 'email' row 'first' . ' ' . row 'last' message batchSend..
PHP and CURL under Windows 7 64 bits and Apache
Sending email using Zend Framework and PHP the following code Prepare email mail new Zend_Mail mail addTo email mail setSubject subject mail setBody message mail setFrom..
Problem when sending mail with Zend Mail? Text' mail setFrom '' 'Mr Example' mail addTo '' 'Mr Test' mail setSubject 'TestSubject'.. mail setFrom '' 'Some Sender' mail addTo '' 'Some Recipient' mail setSubject 'TestSubject'.. mail setFrom '' 'Some Sender' mail addTo '' 'Some Recipient' mail setSubject 'TestSubject'..
Zend_Mail sent email is treated as SPAM mail setFrom '' '' mail addTo '' 'Client Name' mail setSubject 'You have a..