php Programming Glossary: addslashes
unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset you call serialize function satitize value key value addslashes value array_walk h vars 'submitted_data' satitize If you have..
How to prevent code injection attacks in PHP? webpage htmlspecialchars used when strip_tags used when addslashes used when Can somebody fill in the question mark php code injection.. webpage htmlspecialchars used when strip_tags used when addslashes used when htmlspecialchars used when htmlspecialchars is roughly.. too so better use some full blown library against xss addslashes to quote the php manual Returns a string with backslashes before..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] if the database is MySQL. I do not want to see addslashes . There should be no SQL injection hole anywhere in the given..
Magic quotes in PHP for escaping data if get_magic_quotes_gpc lastname addslashes _POST 'lastname' else lastname _POST 'lastname' I have other..
PHP: Is mysql_real_escape_string sufficient for cleaning user input? prone to the same kind of issues affecting addslashes . Chris Shiflett Security Expert share improve this answer..
Access PHP variable in JavaScript [duplicate] has quotes it will break your script. You shall use addslashes htmlentities or a custom function. share improve this answer..
Passing PHP variable into JavaScript [duplicate] session varibale can contain quotes itsself you can use addslashes to fix this problem php echo addslashes _SESSION 'user' even.. you can use addslashes to fix this problem php echo addslashes _SESSION 'user' even if this will maybe produce something you..
What does mysql_real_escape_string() do that addslashes() doesn't? does mysql_real_escape_string do that addslashes doesn't Why do we need a DB specific functions like mysql_real_escape_string.. like mysql_real_escape_string What can it do that addslashes doesn't Ignoring for the moment the superior alternative of.. alternative of parameterized queries is a webapp that uses addslashes exclusively still vulnerable to SQL injection and if yes how..
How to escape strings in SQL Server using PHP? alternative of mysql_real_escape_string for SQL Server. Is addslashes my best option or there is another alternative function that.. input sanitization share improve this question addslashes isn't fully adequate but PHP's mssql package doesn't provide..
Examples of SQL Injections through addslashes()? of SQL Injections through addslashes In PHP I know that mysql_real_escape is much safer than using.. PHP I know that mysql_real_escape is much safer than using addslashes . However I could not find an example of a situation where addslashes.. . However I could not find an example of a situation where addslashes would let an SQL Injection happen. Can anyone give some examples..