php Programming Glossary: add_action
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? . ' js ajax load quote.js' array 'jquery' '1.0' true add_action 'init' 'wpse72974_load_scripts' How you can update the content.. users 12615 brasofilo License GPLv3 add_action 'plugins_loaded' array B5F_SO_13498959 get_instance 'plugin_setup'.. add_shortcode 'randomposts' array this 'shortcode' add_action 'wp_enqueue_scripts' array this 'enqueue' add_action 'wp_ajax_query_rand_post'..
Loading database content via XMLHttpRequest in Wordpress call something like this basically in your functions.php add_action 'wp_ajax_nopriv_myAjaxFunction' 'myAjaxFunction' add_action.. 'wp_ajax_nopriv_myAjaxFunction' 'myAjaxFunction' add_action 'wp_ajax_myAjaxFunction' 'myAjaxFunction' function myAjaxFunction..
Wordpress: Loading multiple scripts with enqueue - noob array 'jquery' wp_enqueue_script 'jquery_script' add_action 'init' 'load_jquery' end jQuery function another wp_register_script.. array 'jquery' wp_enqueue_script 'another_script' add_action 'init' 'another' php jquery wordpress share improve this.. 'pr_jcarousel_js' wp_enqueue_style 'pr_jcarousel_css' add_action 'wp_enqueue_scripts' 'pr_scripts_styles' also remember to hook..
Need help with wp_rewrite in a WordPress Plugin __file__ array MyPluginCode 'activate' add_action 'admin init' array & MyPluginCode 'flush_rewrite_rules' add_action.. 'admin init' array & MyPluginCode 'flush_rewrite_rules' add_action 'init' array & MyPluginCode 'init' add_action 'generate_rewrite_rules'.. add_action 'init' array & MyPluginCode 'init' add_action 'generate_rewrite_rules' array & MyPluginCode 'createRewriteRules'..
Open file, write to file, save file as a zip and stream to user for download my_post wp_cache_flush update_option 'sb2_plugin' 1 add_action 'init' 'sb2_plugin_init' php wordpress share improve this..
What does the & sign mean in PHP? [duplicate] Actions and Filters if isset dl_pluginSeries Actions add_action 'wp_head' array dl_pluginSeries 'addHeaderCode' 1 Filters add_filter..
How can i set , get and destroy cookies in wordpress? via a plugin or theme file functions.php for example eg add_action 'init' function yes this is a PHP 5.3 closure deal with it if..