php Programming Glossary: addendum
Consuming PHP webservice(SOAP, WSDL) from ASP.NET C# app - problems with array string and not any type of collection... Quite puzzling... Addendum I tried grabbing SOAP request that PHP generates here is a part..
the difference between unset and = null updating a symbol table entry is faster than removing it. Addendum The other difference as seen in this small script seems to be..
Fastest way to convert string to integer in PHP a b 0.8893 1.45109 err hello 0.42618 0.88803 0.1691 Addendum I've just come across a slightly unexpected behaviour which..
Accessing the DI container Maybe others can help you out with a few PHP examples. Addendum A little bit more about Providers As noted above the notion..
Regex Remove Images with style tag from Html html body img src style width 11px body html Screw Regex Addendum you might also be interested in Parsing XML documents with CSS..
What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions? validate like a number or something from a select menu. Addendum Others recommend htmlentities instead of htmlspecialchars ...
Going where PHP parse_url() doesn't - Parsing only the domain get through parse_url so make sure it's a well formed URL. Addendum Alnitak is right. The solution presented above will work in..
How to read large worksheets from large Excel files (27MB+) with PHPExcel? row row 100 save_dataset_to_database dataset Addendum @mark I used the code you posted to create the following example.. at row 2 11 18 CPU usage at 93 still running... Addendum 2 When I comment out sheetData objPHPExcel getActiveSheet toArray.. reading chunk starting at row 222 2011 01 12 11 42 22 end Addendum 3 This seems to work adequately for instance at least on the..
Regular expression for a string that must contain minimum 14 characters, where at minimum 2 are numbers, and at minimum 6 are letters version var re ^ . A Za z 6 . 0 9 2 A Za z0 9# . _ 14 Addendum 20121130 I noticed that this answer recently got an upvote...
MySQL get a random value between two values number of values you probably are better off using MySQL. Addendum So there was a question as to whether this is better in PHP..
Serializing PHP object to JSON _key Mf_Data private NULL _index Mf_Data private int 0 Addendum 1 So this is the toArray function I've devised for the Mf_Data..