php Programming Glossary: addfromstring
PHP ZIP files on the fly zip open file ZipArchive OVERWRITE Stuff with content zip addFromString 'file_name_within_archive.ext' your_string_data zip addFile..
String to Zipped Stream in php ZipArchive if zip open 'php memory' ZIPARCHIVE CREATE zip addFromString 'testtext.txt' 'Hello World ' fp zip getStream 'test' if fp.. ZipArchive if zip open 'php memory' ZIPARCHIVE CREATE zip addFromString 'testtext.txt' 'Hello World ' zip close fp fopen 'php memory'..
How to [recursively] Zip a directory in PHP? . ' ' '' file . ' ' else if is_file file true zip addFromString str_replace source . ' ' '' file file_get_contents file else.. file_get_contents file else if is_file source true zip addFromString basename source file_get_contents source return zip close Call..
PHP Recursive Backup Script . ' ' '' file . ' ' else if is_file file true zip addFromString str_replace source . ' ' '' file file_get_contents file .. file else if is_file source true zip addFromString basename source file_get_contents source return zip close..
No error when creating zip, but it doesn't get created maps filename.ogz filename.ogz Sauerbraten map format zip addFromString 'how_to_install.txt' 'Some Explanation...' zip close zip_created..
Encoding a string as UTF-8 with BOM in PHP when using utf8_encode Here's what I am trying to do zip addFromString filename utf8_encode xml Unfortunately for me the result will..