php Programming Glossary: adjusted
Testing if a network in cidr notation overlaps another network self ADDRESS_INT else How much the address needs to be adjusted by to account for network address adjustment int this getHostsCount..
Sorting multidimensional array in PHP to elements which both have EN or neither have EN or adjusted priority when just one has EN. usort array function a b ac strpos..
PHP: find two or more numbers from a list of numbers that add up towards a given amount found 540 instead of 338 possibilities. This is because I adjusted the testing program to use integers instead of floats. Direct..
Create a picture with GD containing other images 102 in the canvas which cuts off the right side. Edit I adjusted the code to be more similar to what you're doing. share improve..
Best way to handle storing/displaying dates in different timezones in PHP? Texas to be able to view the comment with the post date adjusted to his or her time zone. Proposed Solution Storing Run the following..
How to get previous month and year relative to today, using strtotime and date? initialize internal date and then allows date time to be adjusted also using strtotime compatible strings. I know it can be done..
Rationale behind SimpleXMLElement's handling of text values in addChild and addAttribute to make the creation of XML documents easy and then adjusted as the problems feature requests came in. Actually I think the..
Caching a 302MB object Memcached's memory storage engine which will be pluggable adjusted in the future... uses a slabs approach to memory management...
Automatically detect user's current local time with JavaScript or PHP 10 seconds is calculated regardless of user the time is adjusted to match the user's time zone. Opening times This restaurant..