php Programming Glossary: addfieldtofilter
Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value whose orig_price is greater than gt 100 collection addFieldToFilter array array 'attribute' 'orig_price' 'gt' '100' AND filter for.. whose orig_price is greater than lt 130 collection addFieldToFilter array array 'attribute' 'orig_price' 'lt' '130' While this will.. is equal eq to Widget A or equal eq to Widget B collection addFieldToFilter array array 'attribute' 'name' 'eq' 'Widget A' array 'attribute'..
How do I filter a magento collection by a select drop-down attribute? 'catalog product' getCollection addAttributeToSelect ' ' addFieldToFilter sAttributeName array 'eq' Mage getResourceModel 'catalog product'.. 'catalog product' getCollection addAttributeToSelect ' ' addFieldToFilter sAttributeName array 'eq' mOptionId share improve this answer..
Magento module to change dashboard graph Zend_Db_Select SQL_ASC group tzRangeOffsetExpression this addFieldToFilter 'created_at' dateRange return this protected function _calculateTotalsLive..
Magento addFieldToFilter: Two fields, match as OR, not AND addFieldToFilter Two fields match as OR not AND I've been stuck on this for.. getModel 'sales order' getCollection addAttributeToSelect addFieldToFilter array array 'remote_ip' array 'eq' '' array 'customer_firstname'.. 2009 12 retrieve products with specific.html collection addFieldToFilter array array 'name' 'orig_price' 'eq' 'Widget A' array 'name'..
Add column to Magento admin catolog > manage products getCondition if field isset cond block getCollection addFieldToFilter field cond public function onEavLoadBefore Varien_Event_Observer..
Magento - How do you return results of unlimited CMS Static blocks (with certain “Identifier”) to a CMS Page filters collection Mage getModel 'cms block' getCollection addFieldToFilter 'identifier' array 'like' 'testimonial'.' ' addFieldToFilter.. 'identifier' array 'like' 'testimonial'.' ' addFieldToFilter 'is_active' 1 get the count blockCount collection count echo..