

php Programming Glossary: acute

PHP: Truncate HTML, ignoring tags


. substr Hello my strong name strong is em Sam em . I acute m a web developer. 0 26 . ... Would result in Hello my strong.. would want is Hello my strong name strong is em Sam em . I acute m... How can I do this While my question is for how to do it.. in method . Also note that I have included an HTML entity acute which would have to be considered as a single character rather..

Send emails with international accent and special characters


8 Content Transfer Encoding quoted printable Hello An a acute is C3 A1 The function to encode in this format is quoted_printable_encode..

Converting a Word document into usable HTML in PHP


these kinds of things and also foreign symbols such as e acute with either plain text or HTML entities eacute etc Is there.. such as e acute with either plain text or HTML entities eacute etc Is there a function in PHP I can call that will take the..

URL Friendly Username in PHP?


^0 9a z ~i' ' ' html_entity_decode preg_replace '~ a z 1 2 acute cedil circ grave lig orn ring slash th tilde uml ~i' ' 1' htmlentities..

How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval?


with about 77 bits of entropy admit prose flare table acute flair a password with about 74 bits of entropy K R^tt~qkD I..