php Programming Glossary: acrobat
Is there a PDF parser for PHP? [closed] creates REALLY easy to read PDFs from a machine standpoint Acrobat makes some really hellish documents. The reason is how it writes.. string and position it once which is really easy to read . Acrobat tries to be more efficient and it is by writing only one or..
Get the number of pages in a PDF document John Smith Creator PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Producer Acrobat Distiller 9.2.0 Windows CreationDate 01 09 13 19 46 57 ModDate..
How to make PDF file downloadable in HTML link? clicks on this link then If the user have installed Adobe Acrobat then it opens the file in the same browser window in Adobe Reader... in the same browser window in Adobe Reader. If the Adobe Acrobat is not installed then it pop up to the user for Downloading..
Serving large files with PHP This is particularly useful for serving PDF files to Adobe Acrobat which just requests the chunks of the file it needs to render..
Remove Layers/Background from PDF in PHP/Bash/C# runs on CentOS. The PDF files when opened through Adobe Acrobat Pro X show 2 layers in the layers panel Background Color When..
Is there a way to make FPDF/FPDI or Zend_Pdf support the parsing of PDFs greater than 1.4? I figured out that if I use a PDF version of 1.4 or lower Acrobat v5 or lower it seems to work. Looking at the file it seems to..
PHP Get height and width in Pdf file proprieties have this result Creator Adobe InDesign CS5 7.0.3 Producer Acrobat Distiller 9.4.2 Macintosh CreationDate Mon Jan 30 15 48 43 2012..