php Programming Glossary: activities
Inserting data in XML file with PHP DOM new DOMDocument xmldoc load 'sample.xml' LIBXML_NOBLANKS activities xmldoc firstChild firstChild if activities null while activities.. LIBXML_NOBLANKS activities xmldoc firstChild firstChild if activities null while activities null echo activities textContent.' br.. xmldoc firstChild firstChild if activities null while activities null echo activities textContent.' br ' activities activities..
Passing JavaScript Array To PHP Through JQuery $.ajax this .ajax type POST url tourFinderFunctions.php data activitiesArray activities success function #lengthQuestion .fadeOut 'slow'.. type POST url tourFinderFunctions.php data activitiesArray activities success function #lengthQuestion .fadeOut 'slow' Activities.. 'slow' Activities is a single dimensional array like var activities 'Location Zero' 'Location One' 'Location Two' The script does..
How do I prevent site scraping? mentioned scrapers can fake nearly every aspect of their activities and it is probably very difficult to identify the requests that..
User activity feed (ala facebook). How to group similar activities? activity feed ala facebook . How to group similar activities In a movies DB project I'm working on each user have an activity.. each user have an activity feed. I want to group similar activities like how Facebook does it but little different. For example.. ps.filename ph.filename FROM user_activity ua JOIN sys_activities sa ON ua.activityID sa.activityID LEFT OUTER JOIN movies m ON..
What PHP application design/design patterns do you use? than form validation pagination and the other mundane activities which make up 80 of programming work in PHP All opinions appreciated..
User recent activities - PHP MySql recent activities PHP MySql Here's my problem I have 3 MySql tables representing.. post and I need to view the 10 20 30 40... most recent activities by the user. For example in photos table may be composed by.. to So in the user profile page I'd like to show his recent activities of course ordered by DATE DESC this way 2009 09 01 user posted..