

php Programming Glossary: acts

Calculate text diffs in PHP [duplicate]


What sort of diffs File diffs There is array_diff which acts on arrays. Then there is also xdiff which enables you to create.. between different revisions of files. . The latter acts on files or strings. Edit I should add xdiff doesn't appear..

PHP: str_replace that only acts on the first match?


str_replace that only acts on the first match I want a version of str_replace that only..

PHP to Quickbooks - how do I connect the two if she's running on a desktop?


Connector was designed for. The Web Connector essentially acts as a dumb proxy between a PHP SOAP service and QuickBooks itself..

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?


by intricacies such as ArrayObject which is an object that acts exactly like an array. Being an object however it has reference..

PHP - Implement logging mechanism to file in several classes


logger you put an existing instance in a container which acts as membrane between said instance and application. This membrane..

Escaping double quotes in php


I tried to use your exact code in a php page I have and it acts as you need it to. Seems to be working just fine for me. share..

Object Oriented PHP Best Practices


Install APC on Windows


downloads.php.net pierre could be OK It's what kind of acts as replacement of the old pecl4win until the extensions for..

Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate]


The XMLReader extension is an XML pull parser. The reader acts as a cursor going forward on the document stream and stopping..

ORM/DAO/DataMapper/ActiveRecord/TableGateway differences?


logic on that data. Table Data Gateway An object that acts as a Gateway 466 to a database table. One instance handles all..

if block inside echo statement?


You will want to use the a ternary operator which acts as a shortened IF Else statement echo ' option value '. value.'..

How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?


The XMLReader extension is an XML pull parser. The reader acts as a cursor going forward on the document stream and stopping..

.htaccess - Is it possible to redirect post data?


to index RewriteRule send mail index.php send mail NC P P acts like L in that it stops processing rules but it also tells the..

How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate]


The XMLReader extension is an XML pull parser. The reader acts as a cursor going forward on the document stream and stopping..

In PHP settings, should memory_limit > upload_max_filesize?


data what is used for sending files rfc1867_post_handler acts as a mixed reader handler. It populates both _POST and _FILES..

How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE


color blue 9 IE7 IE8 #veinte color blue 9 IE6 IE7 acts as an important #veintesiete color blue ie string after can..

file_get_contents => PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory exhausted


if this can be seen below I will create a function that acts like to node.js function file_get_contents_chunked file chunk_size..

Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically


is not dynamically generated. The url tag essentially acts as a redirector. Unless it's the exact same meaning the meta..

jquery serialize and $.post


is within the form element the button automatically acts as a form submission no matter what other .click assignment..