jquery Programming Glossary: sup
Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10131526/jquery-validation-form-with-tinymce-field-who-gives-no-error-by-empty-value tablecontrols hr removeformat visualaid sub sup charmap emotions iespell media advhr print ltr rtl fullscreen..
Problems implementing TinyMCE in CodeIgniter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11128740/problems-implementing-tinymce-in-codeigniter tablecontrols hr removeformat visualaid sub sup charmap emotions iespell media advhr print ltr rtl fullscreen..
JavaScript regex to replace a character ignoring HTML tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3373337/javascript-regex-to-replace-a-character-ignoring-html-tags radio value 233.93 name myInput id myInputId label 36. sup 07 sup label div As you can see I have a dollar amount in the.. value 233.93 name myInput id myInputId label 36. sup 07 sup label div As you can see I have a dollar amount in the value.. and match only the string inside my label tag 36. sup 07 sup . I put together this regex d 2 5 . This regex works..
text-decoration:none doesn't remove text decoration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7113520/text-decorationnone-doesnt-remove-text-decoration Consider the following code HTML span class 'c1' Home sup id 'id1' 2 sup span CSS .c1 text decoration underline #id1 text.. following code HTML span class 'c1' Home sup id 'id1' 2 sup span CSS .c1 text decoration underline #id1 text decoration.. Now I expected Home to have an underline while the superscript 2 doesn't have the underline. But it so happens that..
Submit multiple forms with one submit button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8563299/submit-multiple-forms-with-one-submit-button style line height 115 font size 20.0pt color #7030A0 13 sup th sup Nov 2011 @ West Coast Park Singapore span em strong p.. line height 115 font size 20.0pt color #7030A0 13 sup th sup Nov 2011 @ West Coast Park Singapore span em strong p p class..
reset multiple css styles for one single div element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/974980/reset-multiple-css-styles-for-one-single-div-element dfn em font img ins kbd q s samp small strike strong sub sup tt var dl dt dd ol ul li fieldset form label legend table caption..
Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10131526/jquery-validation-form-with-tinymce-field-who-gives-no-error-by-empty-value insertdate inserttime preview forecolor backcolor theme_advanced_buttons3 tablecontrols hr removeformat visualaid sub sup charmap emotions iespell media advhr print ltr rtl fullscreen theme_advanced_buttons4 insertlayer moveforward movebackward..
Problems implementing TinyMCE in CodeIgniter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11128740/problems-implementing-tinymce-in-codeigniter insertdate inserttime preview forecolor backcolor theme_advanced_buttons3 tablecontrols hr removeformat visualaid sub sup charmap emotions iespell media advhr print ltr rtl fullscreen theme_advanced_buttons4 insertlayer moveforward movebackward..
JavaScript regex to replace a character ignoring HTML tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3373337/javascript-regex-to-replace-a-character-ignoring-html-tags I'm working with looks like this div class myClass input type radio value 233.93 name myInput id myInputId label 36. sup 07 sup label div As you can see I have a dollar amount in the value attribute of the input tag and another dollar amount.. with looks like this div class myClass input type radio value 233.93 name myInput id myInputId label 36. sup 07 sup label div As you can see I have a dollar amount in the value attribute of the input tag and another dollar amount inside.. to come up with a regex that would ignore the HTML tags altogether and match only the string inside my label tag 36. sup 07 sup . I put together this regex d 2 5 . This regex works but only half way because it matches the first dollar sign in..
text-decoration:none doesn't remove text decoration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7113520/text-decorationnone-doesnt-remove-text-decoration decoration none doesn't remove text decoration Consider the following code HTML span class 'c1' Home sup id 'id1' 2 sup span CSS .c1 text decoration underline #id1 text decoration none important Now I expected Home to have an.. decoration none doesn't remove text decoration Consider the following code HTML span class 'c1' Home sup id 'id1' 2 sup span CSS .c1 text decoration underline #id1 text decoration none important Now I expected Home to have an underline while.. .c1 text decoration underline #id1 text decoration none important Now I expected Home to have an underline while the superscript 2 doesn't have the underline. But it so happens that the superscript is also getting the underline. What am i missing..
Submit multiple forms with one submit button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8563299/submit-multiple-forms-with-one-submit-button MsoNormal align center style text align center strong em span style line height 115 font size 20.0pt color #7030A0 13 sup th sup Nov 2011 @ West Coast Park Singapore span em strong p p class MsoNormal align center style text align center strong.. align center style text align center strong em span style line height 115 font size 20.0pt color #7030A0 13 sup th sup Nov 2011 @ West Coast Park Singapore span em strong p p class MsoNormal align center style text align center strong span..
reset multiple css styles for one single div element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/974980/reset-multiple-css-styles-for-one-single-div-element h6 p blockquote pre a abbr acronym address big cite code del dfn em font img ins kbd q s samp small strike strong sub sup tt var dl dt dd ol ul li fieldset form label legend table caption tbody tfoot thead tr th td border 0pt none font family..