jquery Programming Glossary: sun
Use jQuery/JS to determine the DAY OF WEEK http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1174300/use-jquery-js-to-determine-the-day-of-week is For instance if the date a user picks in the box is a Sunday I can alert them. Thanks javascript jquery date share..
How to use jQuery UI Calendar/Date PIcker for week rather than day? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1289633/how-to-use-jquery-ui-calendar-date-picker-for-week-rather-than-day given a new requirement to allow for a week to be selected Sun Sat rather than a single day. Has anyone accomplished this before..
What happens when no response is received for a request? I'm seeing retries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14302512/what-happens-when-no-response-is-received-for-a-request-im-seeing-retries my webserver though I see 2 calls about 22 seconds apart. Sun Jan 13 03 08 45 2013 debug POST importdevice Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh.. Intel Mac OS X 10.8 rv 17.0 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 17.0 . Sun Jan 13 03 09 07 2013 debug POST importdevice Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh.. device serverA But once again in my server logs I get. Sun Jan 13 03 20 25 2013 debug GET importdevice Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh..
Jquery Drag-Drop (Getting element being dropped into) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447393/jquery-drag-drop-getting-element-being-dropped-into an object is being dropped into. table tr td class weekday Sun td td class weekday Mon td td class weekday Tue td td class.. event ui this .html 'Dropped ' table tr td class weekday Sun td td class weekday Mon td td class weekday Tue td td class..
Using jquery to prevent resubmitting form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2831464/using-jquery-to-prevent-resubmitting-form side component based MVC frameworks like MS ASP.NET and Sun JSF but also in simple forms having more than one submit button...
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4174521/how-to-implement-a-chat-room-using-jquery-php Cache Control no cache must revalidate header Expires Sun 5 Mar 2012 05 00 00 GMT flush DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML..
jQuery Datepicker day count http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4852949/jquery-datepicker-day-count 22 00 00 GMT y new Date 18 5 2015 .split .reverse .join Sun 17 May 2015 22 00 00 GMT x y 157766400000 y x 157766400000 y.. is easily calculated using getDay which returns from 0 for Sunday 1 for Monday ... 6 for Saturday. Yo could use .getMonth and..
Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5405789/increase-font-size-with-javascript-around-fixed-floated-images-in-css-columns is the result of a co marketing deal between Netscape and Sun in exchange for Netscape bundling Sun's Java runtime with their.. between Netscape and Sun in exchange for Netscape bundling Sun's Java runtime with their then dominant browser. Vivamus scelerisque..
How to download file from server using jQuery AJAX and Spring MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6722716/how-to-download-file-from-server-using-jquery-ajax-and-spring-mvc-3 octet stream charset UTF 8 Content Length 1028351 Date Sun 17 Jul 2011 08 16 41 GMT PDF 1.4 ���� 6 0 obj Linearized 1..
How can I pre-toggle a button in Bootstrap's btn-group? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9551628/how-can-i-pre-toggle-a-button-in-bootstraps-btn-group class btn id test5 Sat button button class btn id test6 Sun button div What I need is to fetch the current day value using..
Use jQuery/JS to determine the DAY OF WEEK http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1174300/use-jquery-js-to-determine-the-day-of-week JavaScript or jQuery to determine what day of the week it is For instance if the date a user picks in the box is a Sunday I can alert them. Thanks javascript jquery date share improve this question Javascript Date Object new Date .getDay..
How to use jQuery UI Calendar/Date PIcker for week rather than day? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1289633/how-to-use-jquery-ui-calendar-date-picker-for-week-rather-than-day with great success over the last couple months. I've been given a new requirement to allow for a week to be selected Sun Sat rather than a single day. Has anyone accomplished this before highlighting by week rather than day show beginning date..
What happens when no response is received for a request? I'm seeing retries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14302512/what-happens-when-no-response-is-received-for-a-request-im-seeing-retries section though maybe thats because there's no response In my webserver though I see 2 calls about 22 seconds apart. Sun Jan 13 03 08 45 2013 debug POST importdevice Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10.8 rv 17.0 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 17.0.. 03 08 45 2013 debug POST importdevice Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10.8 rv 17.0 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 17.0 . Sun Jan 13 03 09 07 2013 debug POST importdevice Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10.8 rv 17.0 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 17.0.. one instance. #request# GET http importdevice device serverA But once again in my server logs I get. Sun Jan 13 03 20 25 2013 debug GET importdevice Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh Intel Mac OS X 10.8 rv 17.0 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 17.0..
Jquery Drag-Drop (Getting element being dropped into) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447393/jquery-drag-drop-getting-element-being-dropped-into being dropped into I am trying to detect which cell an object is being dropped into. table tr td class weekday Sun td td class weekday Mon td td class weekday Tue td td class weekday Wed td td class weekday Thu td td class weekday Fri.. .draggable .draggable .droppable .droppable drop function event ui this .html 'Dropped ' table tr td class weekday Sun td td class weekday Mon td td class weekday Tue td td class weekday Wed td td class weekday Thu td td class weekday Fri..
Using jquery to prevent resubmitting form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2831464/using-jquery-to-prevent-resubmitting-form in question in the request parameter map. Especially in server side component based MVC frameworks like MS ASP.NET and Sun JSF but also in simple forms having more than one submit button. The name value pair of the pressed submit button is mandatory..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4174521/how-to-implement-a-chat-room-using-jquery-php the server time as long as the client is connected. php header Cache Control no cache must revalidate header Expires Sun 5 Mar 2012 05 00 00 GMT flush DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.1 EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml11 DTD xhtml11.dtd html xmlns..
jQuery Datepicker day count http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4852949/jquery-datepicker-day-count x new Date 18 5 2010 .split .reverse .join Mon 17 May 2010 22 00 00 GMT y new Date 18 5 2015 .split .reverse .join Sun 17 May 2015 22 00 00 GMT x y 157766400000 y x 157766400000 y x 86400000 1826 EDIT When you have starting date and ending.. date and ending date number of days that are weekend is easily calculated using getDay which returns from 0 for Sunday 1 for Monday ... 6 for Saturday. Yo could use .getMonth and .getDate combined with few else conditions for holidays as..
Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5405789/increase-font-size-with-javascript-around-fixed-floated-images-in-css-columns language. It has also been claimed that the language's name is the result of a co marketing deal between Netscape and Sun in exchange for Netscape bundling Sun's Java runtime with their then dominant browser. Vivamus scelerisque ipsum ut justo... the language's name is the result of a co marketing deal between Netscape and Sun in exchange for Netscape bundling Sun's Java runtime with their then dominant browser. Vivamus scelerisque ipsum ut justo. Pellentesque et ligula eu massa sagittis..
How to download file from server using jQuery AJAX and Spring MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6722716/how-to-download-file-from-server-using-jquery-ajax-and-spring-mvc-3 Pragma no cache Cache Control no cache Content Type application octet stream charset UTF 8 Content Length 1028351 Date Sun 17 Jul 2011 08 16 41 GMT PDF 1.4 ���� 6 0 obj Linearized 1 L 1028351 O 8 E 1024254 N 1 T 1028185 H 5056 544 endobj xref..
How can I pre-toggle a button in Bootstrap's btn-group? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9551628/how-can-i-pre-toggle-a-button-in-bootstraps-btn-group test3 Thu button button class btn id test4 Fri button button class btn id test5 Sat button button class btn id test6 Sun button div What I need is to fetch the current day value using var currentDay new Date .getDay and toggle activate the corresponding..
Simplest way to detect a pinch http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11183174/simplest-way-to-detect-a-pinch gestures or multi touch events is usually with jQuery and is a whole additional pluggin for every gesture under the sun. My application is huge and I am very sensitive to deadwood in my code. All I need is to detect a pinch and using something..
How to format this date type 2010-06-24T00:00:00Z to sun,24/06/10 7.15 p.m (CDT) using javascript or jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3215508/how-to-format-this-date-type-2010-06-24t000000z-to-sun-24-06-10-7-15-p-m-cdt to format this date type 2010 06 24T00 00 00Z to sun 24 06 10 7.15 p.m CDT using javascript or jquery How to format this date type 2010 06 24T00 00 00Z to sun 24 06 10 7.15.. 00 00Z to sun 24 06 10 7.15 p.m CDT using javascript or jquery How to format this date type 2010 06 24T00 00 00Z to sun 24 06 10 7.15 p.m CDT . using javascript or jquery. sun 24 06 10 7.15 p.m CDT this is just a format representation which.. jquery How to format this date type 2010 06 24T00 00 00Z to sun 24 06 10 7.15 p.m CDT . using javascript or jquery. sun 24 06 10 7.15 p.m CDT this is just a format representation which i need not the actual date of the above string. Appreciate..
IE9: Why setting “-ms-transform” works from css, but not with jquery.css() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5594117/ie9-why-setting-ms-transform-works-from-css-but-not-with-jquery-css
Add no. of days in a date to get next date(excluding weekends) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8451190/add-no-of-days-in-a-date-to-get-next-dateexcluding-weekends be excluded. i.e input date 9 DEC 2011 No. of days to add '13' next date should be 27 Dec 2011 Here weekends sat sun are not counted. javascript jquery share improve this question Try this var startDate 9 DEC 2011 startDate new Date..