jquery Programming Glossary: suitable
Prev & Next button with counter for overlay using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16825046/prev-next-button-with-counter-for-overlay-using-jquery document .ready function img rel .overlay some mask tweaks suitable for modal dialogs mask color '#ebecff' loadSpeed 200 opacity..
Testing if something is hidden with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178325/testing-if-something-is-hidden-with-jquery refers to a single element this code might be more suitable element .is visible Checks for display none block ignores visible..
JS Events: hooking on value change event on text inputs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1847893/js-events-hooking-on-value-change-event-on-text-inputs to fire an event when the value changes. I can't find a suitable event for that. I even found this on StackOverflow but it is.. input share improve this question I can't find a suitable event for that. Yeah there isn't one. There are DOM Mutation..
jquery masked edit for time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2259843/jquery-masked-edit-for-time enter invalid time values like 29 00 . Is this mask is not suitable for this purpose and if not which one would be better jquery..
Responding to click event of element added to document after page load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2819915/responding-to-click-event-of-element-added-to-document-after-page-load
How to handle expired session using spring-security and jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3339431/how-to-handle-expired-session-using-spring-security-and-jquery the people use ajax authentication but I'm not sure it's suitable for me because it looks quite complicated for me and my application..
What is the difference between XMLHttpRequest, jQuery.ajax, jQuery.post, jQuery.get http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4657287/what-is-the-difference-between-xmlhttprequest-jquery-ajax-jquery-post-jquery only . Forget about XMLHttpRequest altogether. Use suitable jQuery request function variations and in all other cases use..
How to add tagging with autocomplete to an existing model in Rails? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4937185/how-to-add-tagging-with-autocomplete-to-an-existing-model-in-rails SO like tagging system see example below. I don't think a suitable all in one option exists yet for rails. Follow these steps to..
IP to Location using Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4937517/ip-to-location-using-javascript www.geoplugin.net json.gp ip your ip here jsoncallback suitable javascript function in your source then including the source..
Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something http://stackoverflow.com/questions/544993/official-way-to-ask-jquery-wait-for-all-images-to-load-before-executing-somethin file provided you have a jollyroger JPEG files or other suitable ones html head script src jquery 1.7.1.js script script type..
(Deep) copying an array using jQuery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/565430/deep-copying-an-array-using-jquery Since Array.slice does not do deep copying it is not suitable for multidimensional arrays var a 1 2 3 var b a.slice b.shift..
Is there a full working example for a jqGrid ColumnChooser? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5901210/is-there-a-full-working-example-for-a-jqgrid-columnchooser that creates the options object. The default produces a suitable options object for ui.dialog' but not complete working code..
javascript resize event firing multiple times while dragging the resize handle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/667426/javascript-resize-event-firing-multiple-times-while-dragging-the-resize-handle If the user finished it will process. This might not be suitable for you but there are many other ways of using locks that might..
Just disable scroll not hide it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8701754/just-disable-scroll-not-hide-it improve this question it's a bit hacky so it may not be suitable for your application but if the page under the overlayer can..
Is a Modal Confirm Box Using JQuery Possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/878710/is-a-modal-confirm-box-using-jquery-possible button click. Here's my solution abstracted away to be suitable for an example. I use a CSS class to indicate which links should..
How to implement “confirmation” dialog in Jquery UI dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887029/how-to-implement-confirmation-dialog-in-jquery-ui-dialog behavior. Here's my solution abstracted away to be suitable for an example. div id dialog title Confirmation Required Are..
Using jQuery to grab the content from CKEditor's iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/924145/using-jquery-to-grab-the-content-from-ckeditors-iframe and severely lacks documentation I cannot seem to find a suitable API call that'll enable me to do so. Does anyone have any idea..
jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687201/jqgrid-column-chooser-modal-overlay that creates the options object. The default produces a suitable options object for ui.dialog dlog_opts function opts var..
Web Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9771381/web-forms-tabular-control-for-this-scenario it starting with use of Grid View. What is the best suitable control for the above tabular functionality READING paging by..
In ASP.NET MVC: All possible ways to call Controller Action Method from a Razor View http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14049817/in-asp-net-mvc-all-possible-ways-to-call-controller-action-method-from-a-razor Method 1 Using jQuery Ajax Get call partial page update . Suitable for when you need to retrieve jSon data from database. Controller's.. Method 2 Using jQuery Ajax Post call partial page update . Suitable for when you need to do partial page post data into database... Here Method 3 As a Form post scenario full page update . Suitable for when you need to save or update data into database. View..
Reading the selected value from asp:RadioButtonList using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308301/reading-the-selected-value-from-aspradiobuttonlist-using-jquery ID radBuffetCapacity runat server asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 30 guests value 0 to 30 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text.. 30 guests value 0 to 30 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 50 guests value 30 to 50 asp ListItem asp ListItem.. 50 guests value 30 to 50 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 75 guests value 50 to 75 asp ListItem asp ListItem..
Prev & Next button with counter for overlay using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16825046/prev-next-button-with-counter-for-overlay-using-jquery .click This makes the image Overlay with a div and html document .ready function img rel .overlay some mask tweaks suitable for modal dialogs mask color '#ebecff' loadSpeed 200 opacity 0.9 closeOnClick true I know here is part of my answer i..
Testing if something is hidden with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178325/testing-if-something-is-hidden-with-jquery jquery visibility share improve this question As the question refers to a single element this code might be more suitable element .is visible Checks for display none block ignores visible true false Same as twernt's suggestion but applied to..
JS Events: hooking on value change event on text inputs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1847893/js-events-hooking-on-value-change-event-on-text-inputs content is changed by a script not by user. So I would want to fire an event when the value changes. I can't find a suitable event for that. I even found this on StackOverflow but it is not the solution I'm looking for. How to make this work with.. to fire an event to see the new value. javascript jquery events input share improve this question I can't find a suitable event for that. Yeah there isn't one. There are DOM Mutation Events but they aren't supported well cross browser and don't..
jquery masked edit for time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2259843/jquery-masked-edit-for-time 24h 'time' mask but it's not quite correct so you can enter invalid time values like 29 00 . Is this mask is not suitable for this purpose and if not which one would be better jquery jquery plugins share improve this question Try this .mask.rules.H..
Responding to click event of element added to document after page load http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2819915/responding-to-click-event-of-element-added-to-document-after-page-load
How to handle expired session using spring-security and jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3339431/how-to-handle-expired-session-using-spring-security-and-jquery tabs. So I'd like to handle this situation. I know some of the people use ajax authentication but I'm not sure it's suitable for me because it looks quite complicated for me and my application doesn't allow any access without log into before. I..
What is the difference between XMLHttpRequest, jQuery.ajax, jQuery.post, jQuery.get http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4657287/what-is-the-difference-between-xmlhttprequest-jquery-ajax-jquery-post-jquery using jQuery I strongly recommend that you use jQuery functionality only . Forget about XMLHttpRequest altogether. Use suitable jQuery request function variations and in all other cases use .ajax . So don't forget there are other common jQuery Ajax..
How to add tagging with autocomplete to an existing model in Rails? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4937185/how-to-add-tagging-with-autocomplete-to-an-existing-model-in-rails rails3 jquery autocomplete work nicely together to make a SO like tagging system see example below. I don't think a suitable all in one option exists yet for rails. Follow these steps to get this all installed 1 . Backup your rails app 2 . Install..
IP to Location using Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4937517/ip-to-location-using-javascript IP you receive to an online geolocation service such as http www.geoplugin.net json.gp ip your ip here jsoncallback suitable javascript function in your source then including the source it returns which will run the function you specify in jsoncallback..
Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something http://stackoverflow.com/questions/544993/official-way-to-ask-jquery-wait-for-all-images-to-load-before-executing-somethin The difference can be seen in the following complete HTML file provided you have a jollyroger JPEG files or other suitable ones html head script src jquery 1.7.1.js script script type text javascript document .ready function alert done script..
(Deep) copying an array using jQuery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/565430/deep-copying-an-array-using-jquery copy an array javascript jquery share improve this question Since Array.slice does not do deep copying it is not suitable for multidimensional arrays var a 1 2 3 var b a.slice b.shift .shift a is now 2 3 Note that although I've used shift .shift..
Is there a full working example for a jqGrid ColumnChooser? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5901210/is-there-a-full-working-example-for-a-jqgrid-columnchooser option object to be passed to œdlog or more likely a function that creates the options object. The default produces a suitable options object for ui.dialog' but not complete working code no example is provided of the function that is required. Is..
javascript resize event firing multiple times while dragging the resize handle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/667426/javascript-resize-event-firing-multiple-times-while-dragging-the-resize-handle
Just disable scroll not hide it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8701754/just-disable-scroll-not-hide-it to Fabrizio Calderan javascript jquery html css share improve this question it's a bit hacky so it may not be suitable for your application but if the page under the overlayer can be fixed at the top when you open the overlay you can set body..
Is a Modal Confirm Box Using JQuery Possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/878710/is-a-modal-confirm-box-using-jquery-possible must be injected into the event handler for the confirmation button click. Here's my solution abstracted away to be suitable for an example. I use a CSS class to indicate which links should have the confirmation behavior. div id dialog title Confirmation..
How to implement “confirmation” dialog in Jquery UI dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887029/how-to-implement-confirmation-dialog-in-jquery-ui-dialog a CSS class to indicate which links should have the confirmation behavior. Here's my solution abstracted away to be suitable for an example. div id dialog title Confirmation Required Are you sure about this div script type text javascript document..
Using jQuery to grab the content from CKEditor's iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/924145/using-jquery-to-grab-the-content-from-ckeditors-iframe editor. However since CKEditor is still in it's beta stage and severely lacks documentation I cannot seem to find a suitable API call that'll enable me to do so. Does anyone have any idea on how to go about this Or maybe suggest even a better method..
jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687201/jqgrid-column-chooser-modal-overlay object to be passed to dlog or more likely a function that creates the options object. The default produces a suitable options object for ui.dialog dlog_opts function opts var buttons buttons opts.bSubmit function opts.apply_perm opts.cleanup..
Web Forms Tabular Control for this Scenario http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9771381/web-forms-tabular-control-for-this-scenario proven open source jQuery plugins There are many ways to achieve it starting with use of Grid View. What is the best suitable control for the above tabular functionality READING paging by using dynamically created html table in asp.net 4.0 High Performance..
In ASP.NET MVC: All possible ways to call Controller Action Method from a Razor View http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14049817/in-asp-net-mvc-all-possible-ways-to-call-controller-action-method-from-a-razor ajax asp.net mvc razor share improve this question Method 1 Using jQuery Ajax Get call partial page update . Suitable for when you need to retrieve jSon data from database. Controller's Action Method HttpGet public ActionResult Foo string.. string FirstName get set public string LastName get set Method 2 Using jQuery Ajax Post call partial page update . Suitable for when you need to do partial page post data into database. Post method is also same like above just replace HttpPost.. more information check Posting JSON Data to MVC Controllers Here Method 3 As a Form post scenario full page update . Suitable for when you need to save or update data into database. View @using Html.BeginForm SaveData ControllerName FormMethod.Post..
Reading the selected value from asp:RadioButtonList using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/308301/reading-the-selected-value-from-aspradiobuttonlist-using-jquery What is the capacity for the buffet label asp RadioButtonList ID radBuffetCapacity runat server asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 30 guests value 0 to 30 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 50 guests value 30 to 50 asp ListItem.. runat server asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 30 guests value 0 to 30 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 50 guests value 30 to 50 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 75 guests value 50 to 75 asp ListItem.. value 0 to 30 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 50 guests value 30 to 50 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 75 guests value 50 to 75 asp ListItem asp ListItem Text Suitable for upto 100 guests value 75 to 100 asp ListItem..