jquery Programming Glossary: succes
use succes or complete in ajaxcall http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1021062/use-succes-or-complete-in-ajaxcall succes or complete in ajaxcall My question is that I want to know.. is in the ajaxcall below If I substitute complete for success I get an empty responseText as the error says and with complete.. with complete it works like it is supposed to Is it that success returns sooner then complete #formnaw .submit function var..
Jquery: Return the value of a ajax call to caller function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1327024/jquery-return-the-value-of-a-ajax-call-to-caller-function Admin GetCandidateName data 'candidateID' candidateID succes function response returnstring response return error function.. out. It is better to refactor your script and within the success function of the .ajax call to invoke a callback function. See..
submitHandler and .validate() issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18931457/submithandler-and-validate-issue submitHandler ajax doesnt run website refresh and i get succes message. My point is to send email with attachment without refreshig... thisForm.attr action data thisForm.serialize Wait for a successful response success function data Hide the loading message.. data thisForm.serialize Wait for a successful response success function data Hide the loading message #loading mail .fadeOut..
Why is IE8 on XP not properly reading from XML using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2815673/why-is-ie8-on-xp-not-properly-reading-from-xml-using-jquery
Local html file AJAX Call and jQuery Woes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436670/local-html-file-ajax-call-and-jquery-woes GET url Modules ModuleID ModuleContent.xml dataType xml success function x xml x ProcessXML error function x alert x.responceText.. xml file as text and parse the returned data within the succes function .ajax url data.xml dataType .browser.msie text xml.. .ajax url data.xml dataType .browser.msie text xml success function data var xml if typeof data string xml new ActiveXObject..
Smooth JavaScript/jQuery scroll to element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5089999/smooth-javascript-jquery-scroll-to-element .scrollTo '.last' 800 easing 'elasout' But also without succes. Does anyone know a good easy to understand sample I can use..
JqGrid addJSONData + ASP.NET 2.0 WS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545714/jqgrid-addjsondata-asp-net-2-0-ws the book I guess I get WS invoked and get JSON back I got succes on clientside in ajax call and I bind jqGrid using addJSONData.. utf 8 complete function jsondata stat if stat success var clearJson jsondata.responseText var..
Help me with remote method of jquery validation plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6562762/help-me-with-remote-method-of-jquery-validation-plugin test.php . You may create one file which returns true for succes and false for error. You can see more details here The plugin..
use succes or complete in ajaxcall http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1021062/use-succes-or-complete-in-ajaxcall succes or complete in ajaxcall My question is that I want to know what the difference is in the ajaxcall below If I substitute.. ajaxcall My question is that I want to know what the difference is in the ajaxcall below If I substitute complete for success I get an empty responseText as the error says and with complete it works like it is supposed to Is it that success returns.. for success I get an empty responseText as the error says and with complete it works like it is supposed to Is it that success returns sooner then complete #formnaw .submit function var fnc invoerFnc.attr value var vnaam invoerVnaam.attr value var..
Jquery: Return the value of a ajax call to caller function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1327024/jquery-return-the-value-of-a-ajax-call-to-caller-function CandidateName candidateID var returnstring .ajax type POST url Admin GetCandidateName data 'candidateID' candidateID succes function response returnstring response return error function response alert FEJL response return returnstring jquery.. and if the call fails to return the user will have to crash out. It is better to refactor your script and within the success function of the .ajax call to invoke a callback function. See my answer to a similar question here share improve this..
submitHandler and .validate() issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18931457/submithandler-and-validate-issue small problem validation is working but what happend with submitHandler ajax doesnt run website refresh and i get succes message. My point is to send email with attachment without refreshig. 3 to make matters worse the message that i wrote to.. Post the form to the send script .ajax type 'POST' url thisForm.attr action data thisForm.serialize Wait for a successful response success function data Hide the loading message #loading mail .fadeOut function Display the success message.. the send script .ajax type 'POST' url thisForm.attr action data thisForm.serialize Wait for a successful response success function data Hide the loading message #loading mail .fadeOut function Display the success message #success .text data..
Why is IE8 on XP not properly reading from XML using JQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2815673/why-is-ie8-on-xp-not-properly-reading-from-xml-using-jquery
Local html file AJAX Call and jQuery Woes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/436670/local-html-file-ajax-call-and-jquery-woes just fine in Firefox. This is how my call looks .ajax type GET url Modules ModuleID ModuleContent.xml dataType xml success function x xml x ProcessXML error function x alert x.responceText When I run this on a web server it works just fine. Its.. text xml. In this case use the dataType parameter to load the xml file as text and parse the returned data within the succes function .ajax url data.xml dataType .browser.msie text xml success function data var xml if typeof data string xml new.. file as text and parse the returned data within the succes function .ajax url data.xml dataType .browser.msie text xml success function data var xml if typeof data string xml new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLDOM xml.async false xml.loadXML data else..
Smooth JavaScript/jQuery scroll to element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5089999/smooth-javascript-jquery-scroll-to-element work I also tried the jQuery plugin '.click' .click function .scrollTo '.last' 800 easing 'elasout' But also without succes. Does anyone know a good easy to understand sample I can use Thanks in advance javascript jquery share improve this question..
JqGrid addJSONData + ASP.NET 2.0 WS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545714/jqgrid-addjsondata-asp-net-2-0-ws and tried to use function as datatype. I've setted all by the book I guess I get WS invoked and get JSON back I got succes on clientside in ajax call and I bind jqGrid using addJSONData but grid remains empty. I do not have any clue now... other.. type 'POST' contentType application json charset utf 8 complete function jsondata stat if stat success var clearJson jsondata.responseText var thegrid jQuery #list 0 var myjsongrid eval ' ' clearJson..
Help me with remote method of jquery validation plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6562762/help-me-with-remote-method-of-jquery-validation-plugin to understand that the remote file must me a php file say test.php . You may create one file which returns true for succes and false for error. You can see more details here The plugin itself validates input email format. Also you can see a simple..