jquery Programming Glossary: supports
jquery cycle IE7 transparent png problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1156985/jquery-cycle-ie7-transparent-png-problem share improve this question unfortunately though IE7 supports transparent PNG's only one filter can be applied to an element..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12829963/events-triggered-by-dynamically-generated-element-are-not-captured-by-event-hand fires when the user enters their text. Which jQuery method supports handling events triggered by dynamically created elements The..
Comet and jQuery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/136012/comet-and-jquery is an implementation of the Bayeux protocol and currently supports long polling local server via AJAX and callback polling remote..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447184/microsoft-cdn-for-jquery-or-google-cdn an issue for anyone running anything decently new that supports pipelining every current browser but based on another factor..
JavaScript eyedropper (tell color of Pixel under mouse cursor) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1936021/javascript-eyedropper-tell-color-of-pixel-under-mouse-cursor going to be able to support IE 9 that's assuming that IE9 supports canvas and using Flash won't help as it can't read the pixel..
jquery live hover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2262480/jquery-live-hover 1.4 share improve this question jQuery 1.4.1 now supports hover for live events but only with one event handler function..
Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2870371/why-is-jquerys-ajax-method-not-sending-my-session-cookie JSON objects try to use a JSONP request instead. jQuery supports these. But you need to alter your service on domain a so that..
Using jQuery, Restricting File Size Before Uploading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307679/using-jquery-restricting-file-size-before-uploading the Malsup jQuery Form Plugin for my form posting and it supports image file posting. I was wondering if perhaps there's a restriction..
jQuery cross domain iframe scripting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3083112/jquery-cross-domain-iframe-scripting this work. Unless the foreign domain you try to access supports a procedure like C.O.R.S JSONP or postMessage . There are a..
jquery - hash change event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3090478/jquery-hash-change-event there a way with jQuery that i can detect if the browser supports the hashchange event Maybe something with jQuery.support..... improve this question You can detect if the browser supports the event by if onhashchange in window ... See also Detecting..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3595515/xmlhttprequest-error-origin-null-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin limited support for CORS. Make sure the browser actually supports CORS . Opera and Internet Explorer are late to the party share..
Javascript Drag and drop for touch devices [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5186441/javascript-drag-and-drop-for-touch-devices http jqueryui.com demos droppable The jqtouch plugin supports dragging but no dropping http www.midemos.com demos iphone touch.. iphone touch iphone touch Here is drag drop that only supports iPhone iPad http www.gotproject.com blog post2.html Can anyone..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7213549/long-polling-http-streaming-general-questions by the most current browsers or on any platform that supports raw sockets such as Flash or if you develop for a mobile app..
Image preloader javascript that supports events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8264528/image-preloader-javascript-that-supports-events preloader javascript that supports events I am trying to find an image preloader script. While.. image preloader script. While i found a few none of them supports an event that is triggered when preloading is finished. Does..
How do I PUT data to Rails using JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/907910/how-do-i-put-data-to-rails-using-jquery and DELETE are not supported by all browsers RubyOnRails supports passing an extra parameter with your data called _method which..
Write elements into a child iframe using Javascript or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/997986/write-elements-into-a-child-iframe-using-javascript-or-jquery of an iframe. contentDocument is a W3C standard which FF supports but IE does not. surprise surprise javascript jquery iframe..
GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/998832/gui-based-or-web-based-json-editor-that-works-like-property-explorer json editor.html XML ValidatorBuddy JSON and XML editor supports JSON syntax checking syntax coloring auto completion JSON Pointer..
Simple cross-browser, jQuery/PHP file upload with progress bar [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10477135/simple-cross-browser-jquery-php-file-upload-with-progress-bar form if JavaScript is disabled. Cross site file uploads Supports uploading files to a different domain with Cross site XMLHttpRequests...
jQuery SVG vs. Raphael [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/588718/jquery-svg-vs-raphael Well written and documented. Lots of examples and demos. Supports most SVG elements allows native access to elements easily Cons..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6118693/how-can-i-change-the-page-url-without-refreshing-the-page Including continued support for data titles replaceState. Supports jQuery MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means..
Looking for a good datagrid plug-in for jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/685664/looking-for-a-good-datagrid-plug-in-for-jquery I like it more than Flexigrid for the following reasons Supports trees sub grids and other drill down features Many options for..
Lion-like scrollbar with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6863748/lion-like-scrollbar-with-jquery can be dynamically adjusted and scrollbars will adapt Supports mousewheels trackpads other input devices natively Shows scrollbars.. input devices natively Shows scrollbars upon hovering Supports IE7 Firefox 3 Chrome Safari Opera Demo http learnboost.github.io..
Best dynamic JavaScript/JQuery Grid [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8677298/best-dynamic-javascript-jquery-grid create an instance of the grid at run time and add to DOM. Supports column templates textbox select checkbox or any inputs or simple.. textbox select checkbox or any inputs or simple text Supports set new column template or replace existing column template.. under a column may be enabled and few may be disabled . Supports setData at real time. Supports event if any input data changed..
jquery cycle IE7 transparent png problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1156985/jquery-cycle-ie7-transparent-png-problem the fade. Can this be made to work right asp.net jquery share improve this question unfortunately though IE7 supports transparent PNG's only one filter can be applied to an element at a time. What is happening in your application is that..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12829963/events-triggered-by-dynamically-generated-element-are-not-captured-by-event-hand are added dynamically to the modal div the event no llonger fires when the user enters their text. Which jQuery method supports handling events triggered by dynamically created elements The code for creating the new input elements is '#add' .click..
Comet and jQuery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/136012/comet-and-jquery question I wrote the plugin mentioned by Till. The plugin is an implementation of the Bayeux protocol and currently supports long polling local server via AJAX and callback polling remote server via XSS . There is a Bayeux implementation for Python..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447184/microsoft-cdn-for-jquery-or-google-cdn domain as recommended by the HTTP specification . This isn't an issue for anyone running anything decently new that supports pipelining every current browser but based on another factor we're knocking out this limitation as well at least as far..
JavaScript eyedropper (tell color of Pixel under mouse cursor) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1936021/javascript-eyedropper-tell-color-of-pixel-under-mouse-cursor
jquery live hover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2262480/jquery-live-hover events table tr .hover function function jquery live jquery 1.4 share improve this question jQuery 1.4.1 now supports hover for live events but only with one event handler function table tr .live hover function Alternatively you can provide..
Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2870371/why-is-jquerys-ajax-method-not-sending-my-session-cookie on domain a wants for authentication. If you're fetching JSON objects try to use a JSONP request instead. jQuery supports these. But you need to alter your service on domain a so that it returns valid JSONP responds. Glad if that helped even..
Using jQuery, Restricting File Size Before Uploading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307679/using-jquery-restricting-file-size-before-uploading file size AFTER uploading but not BEFORE uploading. I use the Malsup jQuery Form Plugin for my form posting and it supports image file posting. I was wondering if perhaps there's a restriction where I can set how many bytes can pass through that..
jQuery cross domain iframe scripting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3083112/jquery-cross-domain-iframe-scripting domain share improve this question There is no way to make this work. Unless the foreign domain you try to access supports a procedure like C.O.R.S JSONP or postMessage . There are a few exceptions like always If you're dealing with a WebApp for..
jquery - hash change event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3090478/jquery-hash-change-event javascript code that uses the hash and hashchange event. Is there a way with jQuery that i can detect if the browser supports the hashchange event Maybe something with jQuery.support... javascript jquery hashchange browser state share improve.. javascript jquery hashchange browser state share improve this question You can detect if the browser supports the event by if onhashchange in window ... See also Detecting event support without browser sniffing Emulating onhashchange..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3595515/xmlhttprequest-error-origin-null-is-not-allowed-by-access-control-allow-origin
Javascript Drag and drop for touch devices [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5186441/javascript-drag-and-drop-for-touch-devices to the jQuery UI plugin which allows droppable elements http jqueryui.com demos droppable The jqtouch plugin supports dragging but no dropping http www.midemos.com demos iphone touch iphone touch Here is drag drop that only supports iPhone.. supports dragging but no dropping http www.midemos.com demos iphone touch iphone touch Here is drag drop that only supports iPhone iPad http www.gotproject.com blog post2.html Can anyone point me in the direction of a drag drop plugin that works..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7213549/long-polling-http-streaming-general-questions a more advanced technology such as WebSocket which is supported by the most current browsers or on any platform that supports raw sockets such as Flash or if you develop for a mobile app for instance . Could you please elaborate more on message queues..
Image preloader javascript that supports events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8264528/image-preloader-javascript-that-supports-events preloader javascript that supports events I am trying to find an image preloader script. While i found a few none of them supports an event that is triggered.. javascript that supports events I am trying to find an image preloader script. While i found a few none of them supports an event that is triggered when preloading is finished. Does anyone know of any script or jQuery plugin that will do this..
How do I PUT data to Rails using JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/907910/how-do-i-put-data-to-rails-using-jquery ruby on rails ajax json share improve this question PUT and DELETE are not supported by all browsers RubyOnRails supports passing an extra parameter with your data called _method which will indicate how RoR will treat the request. .ajax type..
Write elements into a child iframe using Javascript or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/997986/write-elements-into-a-child-iframe-using-javascript-or-jquery looking for an IE equivalent of the contentDocument property of an iframe. contentDocument is a W3C standard which FF supports but IE does not. surprise surprise javascript jquery iframe share improve this question You can do both you just have..
GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/998832/gui-based-or-web-based-json-editor-that-works-like-property-explorer may or may not meet requirement http www.altova.com download json editor.html XML ValidatorBuddy JSON and XML editor supports JSON syntax checking syntax coloring auto completion JSON Pointer evaluation and JSON Schema validation. See Also tree based..
Simple cross-browser, jQuery/PHP file upload with progress bar [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10477135/simple-cross-browser-jquery-php-file-upload-with-progress-bar file upload form fallback Shows a standard HTML file upload form if JavaScript is disabled. Cross site file uploads Supports uploading files to a different domain with Cross site XMLHttpRequests. Multiple plugin instances Allows to use multiple..
jQuery SVG vs. Raphael [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/588718/jquery-svg-vs-raphael SVG Pros a jquery plugin if you're already using jQuery. Well written and documented. Lots of examples and demos. Supports most SVG elements allows native access to elements easily Cons architecture not as extensible as Raphael. Some things could..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6118693/how-can-i-change-the-page-url-without-refreshing-the-page APIs pushState replaceState onPopState in all browsers. Including continued support for data titles replaceState. Supports jQuery MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly without needing to use..
Looking for a good datagrid plug-in for jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/685664/looking-for-a-good-datagrid-plug-in-for-jquery jquery share improve this question I'm using jqGrid now. I like it more than Flexigrid for the following reasons Supports trees sub grids and other drill down features Many options for in row and pop up form editing. Several themes to choose..
Lion-like scrollbar with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6863748/lion-like-scrollbar-with-jquery great features of Antiscroll Fades in and out Size of container can be dynamically adjusted and scrollbars will adapt Supports mousewheels trackpads other input devices natively Shows scrollbars upon hovering Supports IE7 Firefox 3 Chrome Safari Opera..
Best dynamic JavaScript/JQuery Grid [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8677298/best-dynamic-javascript-jquery-grid which supports the following features I should be able to create an instance of the grid at run time and add to DOM. Supports column templates textbox select checkbox or any inputs or simple text Supports set new column template or replace existing.. of the grid at run time and add to DOM. Supports column templates textbox select checkbox or any inputs or simple text Supports set new column template or replace existing column template at real time. Few input control e.g textbox checkbox.. present.. at real time. Few input control e.g textbox checkbox.. present under a column may be enabled and few may be disabled . Supports setData at real time. Supports event if any input data changed by user. It should support selection of a Row Add row or..