jquery Programming Glossary: succeed
how to use json_encode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377570/how-to-use-json-encode in this format I've tried using json_encode but unable to succeed. Can i achieve this using json_encode Updated I've tried in..
How to programmatically page to next/prev page in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1349216/how-to-programmatically-page-to-next-prev-page-in-jqgrid click the button itself with jQuery but didn't succeed yet jquery jqgrid share improve this question To go to..
upload multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15259632/upload-multiple-images-with-jquery-ajax-and-process-them-with-php with those images here is the php code to loop trough php succeed 0 error 0 thegoodstuf '' foreach _FILES img error as key value.. _FILES img error as key value if value UPLOAD_ERR_OK succeed get the image original name name _FILES img name key get some.. html to send back thegoodstuf . br hr br h2 Image succeed name h2 br specs br width width br height height br..
Setting name of DOM-created element fails in IE — workaround? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1650797/setting-name-of-dom-created-element-fails-in-ie-workaround to browser detection . The first createElement will succeed in IE while the latter will succeed in standards compliant browsers... createElement will succeed in IE while the latter will succeed in standards compliant browsers. And of course the jQuery equivalent..
Jquery Form Submission after file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16986202/jquery-form-submission-after-file-upload to make sure that the form will submit if uploads did not succeed and thus were cancelled. There are many more callbacks. I'd..
How can I fetch data synchronously from cordova-sqlite? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17752946/how-can-i-fetch-data-synchronously-from-cordova-sqlite SQL err.code function will be called when process succeed function afterSuccessTableCreation console.log success db.transaction..
Sound notifications in Opera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17791602/sound-notifications-in-opera file I've tried to generate the needed structure without succeed var audioElement document.createElement 'audio' var audioSource1..
jQuery and css: hide/show select options with a certain css class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20381003/jquery-and-css-hide-show-select-options-with-a-certain-css-class solution is good but there is an issue on IE that I don't succeed in explaining when I use the back button the user selected value..
Why is jQuery's email validation regex so simple? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4320574/why-is-jquerys-email-validation-regex-so-simple there cases where one regex would fail and the other would succeed whether the cases are valid or invalid emails jquery regex..
Change option dynamically in JQuery UI DatePicker fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4373072/change-option-dynamically-in-jquery-ui-datepicker-fails using jquery ui datepicker. First change at #dteStart succeed to set minDate at #dteEnd. But #dteEnd failed to refresh its..
jQuery's .getJSON using local files stopped working on Firefox 3.6.13 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699370/jquerys-getjson-using-local-files-stopped-working-on-firefox-3-6-13 which accesses another file bar.html the load will succeed only if bar.html is either in the same directory as foo.html..
jQuery Nested Sortable - Can't move nested LI elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7220798/jquery-nested-sortable-cant-move-nested-li-elements greatly appreciate anyone trying to solve this whether you succeed or not. javascript jquery jquery plugins nested sortable interspire..
jQuery selector not working on Windows Phone 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7375705/jquery-selector-not-working-on-windows-phone-7 to invoke exactly the same code just a bit later you may succeed without any exceptions. Forgive me but I'll repeat most of the..
how to wait for an ajax call to return http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7387852/how-to-wait-for-an-ajax-call-to-return i'm struggling to successfully wait for a ajax call to succeed before executing further code. Is there a way to wait for an..
how to use json_encode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10377570/how-to-use-json-encode to the drilldown highchart. Is there a way i can generate in this format I've tried using json_encode but unable to succeed. Can i achieve this using json_encode Updated I've tried in this way while row mysql_fetch_assoc result rows row echo json_encode..
How to programmatically page to next/prev page in jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1349216/how-to-programmatically-page-to-next-prev-page-in-jqgrid skip to the next prev page of rows. I was trying to programmatically click the button itself with jQuery but didn't succeed yet jquery jqgrid share improve this question To go to page 123 grid #grid grid.setGridParam page 123 grid.trigger..
upload multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15259632/upload-multiple-images-with-jquery-ajax-and-process-them-with-php side And for those who need the php side to do something with those images here is the php code to loop trough php succeed 0 error 0 thegoodstuf '' foreach _FILES img error as key value if value UPLOAD_ERR_OK succeed get the image original name.. code to loop trough php succeed 0 error 0 thegoodstuf '' foreach _FILES img error as key value if value UPLOAD_ERR_OK succeed get the image original name name _FILES img name key get some specs of the images arr_image_details getimagesize _FILES.. 'img' 'tmp_name' key '. upload '. name make some nice html to send back thegoodstuf . br hr br h2 Image succeed name h2 br specs br width width br height height br mime type mime br br br img src '. upload name' title..
Setting name of DOM-created element fails in IE — workaround? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1650797/setting-name-of-dom-created-element-fails-in-ie-workaround val return inp This is akin to feature detection as opposed to browser detection . The first createElement will succeed in IE while the latter will succeed in standards compliant browsers. And of course the jQuery equivalent since you tagged.. feature detection as opposed to browser detection . The first createElement will succeed in IE while the latter will succeed in standards compliant browsers. And of course the jQuery equivalent since you tagged the question as such function mk_input..
Jquery Form Submission after file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16986202/jquery-form-submission-after-file-upload to submit the form. Also I listen to the onCancel callback to make sure that the form will submit if uploads did not succeed and thus were cancelled. There are many more callbacks. I'd suggest reading up on the Fine Uploader docs on callbacks as..
How can I fetch data synchronously from cordova-sqlite? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17752946/how-can-i-fetch-data-synchronously-from-cordova-sqlite function errorCB err navigator.notification.alert Error processing SQL err.code function will be called when process succeed function afterSuccessTableCreation console.log success db.transaction getallTableData errorCB select all from SoccerPlayer..
Sound notifications in Opera http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17791602/sound-notifications-in-opera load function audioElement.play true In order to add the ogg file I've tried to generate the needed structure without succeed var audioElement document.createElement 'audio' var audioSource1 document.createElement 'source' var audioSource2 document.createElement..
jQuery and css: hide/show select options with a certain css class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20381003/jquery-and-css-hide-show-select-options-with-a-certain-css-class value myclass3 Value33 option select EDIT3 For me greenish's solution is good but there is an issue on IE that I don't succeed in explaining when I use the back button the user selected value is lost that is if I log on the console the user selected..
Why is jQuery's email validation regex so simple? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4320574/why-is-jquerys-email-validation-regex-so-simple so 'simple' compared to the more well known monstrosity Are there cases where one regex would fail and the other would succeed whether the cases are valid or invalid emails jquery regex email share improve this question The regex is a custom..
Change option dynamically in JQuery UI DatePicker fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4373072/change-option-dynamically-in-jquery-ui-datepicker-fails JQuery UI DatePicker fails I want to make date range selection using jquery ui datepicker. First change at #dteStart succeed to set minDate at #dteEnd. But #dteEnd failed to refresh its options on next change if i alert DateOptions.minDate its value..
jQuery's .getJSON using local files stopped working on Firefox 3.6.13 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699370/jquerys-getjson-using-local-files-stopped-working-on-firefox-3-6-13 be loaded this way however. For example if you have a file foo.html which accesses another file bar.html the load will succeed only if bar.html is either in the same directory as foo.html or in a directory contained within the same directory as foo.html...
jQuery Nested Sortable - Can't move nested LI elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7220798/jquery-nested-sortable-cant-move-nested-li-elements would find this useful as well. Thanks for looking and I do greatly appreciate anyone trying to solve this whether you succeed or not. javascript jquery jquery plugins nested sortable interspire shopping cart share improve this question After..
jQuery selector not working on Windows Phone 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7375705/jquery-selector-not-working-on-windows-phone-7 it's may just be all about unfotunate timing. If you retry to invoke exactly the same code just a bit later you may succeed without any exceptions. Forgive me but I'll repeat most of the times if anything bad occurs you will get a Name not found..
how to wait for an ajax call to return http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7387852/how-to-wait-for-an-ajax-call-to-return for an ajax call to return I'm trying to use JQuery although i'm struggling to successfully wait for a ajax call to succeed before executing further code. Is there a way to wait for an ajax to call I've seen examples but it seems just to wait blindly..