jquery Programming Glossary: surprised
JavaScript ternary operator example with functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10323829/javascript-ternary-operator-example-with-functions I have done so successfully in several places. I was surprised when I successfully made something else work when I thought.. IsChecked true removeItem this addItem this I was surprised because all of the examples I saw being used were merely setting..
How to develop a website for retina display? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12000091/how-to-develop-a-website-for-retina-display many things. Test often most of the time I am pleasantly surprised by how well things just work and how great they look with high..
JavaScript: DOM load events, execution sequence, and $(document).ready() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307929/javascript-dom-load-events-execution-sequence-and-document-ready other browsers do this at the moment but I wouldn't be surprised if it were forthcoming and IE at least supports a defer attribute..
Twitter notification ajax bar, how did they do it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1580122/twitter-notification-ajax-bar-how-did-they-do-it
jQuery slideToggle jumps around http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166299/jquery-slidetoggle-jumps-around a negative margin left to counterbalance the effect. I am surprised that changing the overflow value has such an effect on layout..
how to disable certain links of jquery accordion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1808134/how-to-disable-certain-links-of-jquery-accordion get the feeling this could be impossible but this site has surprised me before Thanks very much. jquery accordion share improve..
What is the best rich textarea editor for jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/207774/what-is-the-best-rich-textarea-editor-for-jquery jquery richtextbox share improve this question I'm surprised nobody has mentioned markitup markItUp is a JavaScript plugin..
:nth-of-type() in jQuery / Sizzle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093355/nth-of-type-in-jquery-sizzle nth of type in jQuery Sizzle It surprised me that Sizzle the selector engine jQuery uses comes with a..
Javascript IE error: unexpected call to method or property access http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2350554/javascript-ie-error-unexpected-call-to-method-or-property-access explorer methods share improve this question I'm a bit surprised IE complains about it but it's a good thing it does You're missing.. and 10.1.4 Scope Chain and Identifier Resolution . Still surprised IE is complaining about it though. It must have to do with the..
Performance of jQuery selector with context http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2421782/performance-of-jquery-selector-with-context 1.3.2 with jquery 1.4.2 in jsbin edit mode and you'll be surprised to see the numbers bump up P jquery jquery selectors jquery..
Use requirejs and jquery, without clobbering global jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4858431/use-requirejs-and-jquery-without-clobbering-global-jquery I can load that doesn't clobber existing jQuery. I was surprised that even require jquery.js introduces a global version of jQuery...
Efficient, concise way to find next matching sibling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933236/efficient-concise-way-to-find-next-matching-sibling can accept the full range of selectors. I'm always surprised that next selector doesn't do this but it doesn't and the docs..
jQuery create object from form fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5603117/jquery-create-object-from-form-fields two years ago uses a jQuery pseudo selector. I'm a bit surprised to find that I wrote that. As it says in the documentation for..
jQuery and Cross Domain POST Requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908195/jquery-and-cross-domain-post-requests cater for that yet I have to admit I'm slightly surprised and expect it will before too long so you have to add special..
IE6: Background-Image Load Event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6285108/ie6-background-image-load-event it still does what the name suggests hopefully . So dun be surprised it hiccups on the way on unpatched versions auto update should..
JQuery/AJAX: Loading external DIVs using dynamic content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/919722/jquery-ajax-loading-external-divs-using-dynamic-content I'm not sure if you've solved this already but I'm surprised no one's mentioned to use the ajax function. This would allow..
Does scrollIntoView work in all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9445842/does-scrollintoview-work-in-all-browsers height vertical element like left menu bar . You'd be surprised how many pages have this problem. just check them out yourself...
Command for loading jQuery on Google Chrome inspector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9624972/command-for-loading-jquery-on-google-chrome-inspector Note Having the latest version is nice but don't be surprised when jQuery behaves weird updated . share improve this answer..
JavaScript ternary operator example with functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10323829/javascript-ternary-operator-example-with-functions JavaScript ternary operator to replace simple if else statements. I have done so successfully in several places. I was surprised when I successfully made something else work when I thought for sure it wouldn't but I tried anyway. Here's the original.. function updateItem this this var IsChecked this.hasClass IsChecked IsChecked true removeItem this addItem this I was surprised because all of the examples I saw being used were merely setting variables like this x 1 2 true false My question is whether..
How to develop a website for retina display? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12000091/how-to-develop-a-website-for-retina-display CSS properties which give fine grained control over many things. Test often most of the time I am pleasantly surprised by how well things just work and how great they look with high PPI but it doesn't always work the way you expect. share..
JavaScript: DOM load events, execution sequence, and $(document).ready() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307929/javascript-dom-load-events-execution-sequence-and-document-ready Firefox will back up and redraw as necessary. I don't think other browsers do this at the moment but I wouldn't be surprised if it were forthcoming and IE at least supports a defer attribute in the script tag that will defer loading the script until..
Twitter notification ajax bar, how did they do it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1580122/twitter-notification-ajax-bar-how-did-they-do-it
jQuery slideToggle jumps around http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166299/jquery-slidetoggle-jumps-around
how to disable certain links of jquery accordion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1808134/how-to-disable-certain-links-of-jquery-accordion it is possible to disable parts of the accordion or not i get the feeling this could be impossible but this site has surprised me before Thanks very much. jquery accordion share improve this question You can put classes on the things you want..
What is the best rich textarea editor for jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/207774/what-is-the-best-rich-textarea-editor-for-jquery jQuery that doesn't conflict with jQuery tags would be great. jquery richtextbox share improve this question I'm surprised nobody has mentioned markitup markItUp is a JavaScript plugin built on the jQuery library. It allows you to turn any textarea..
:nth-of-type() in jQuery / Sizzle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093355/nth-of-type-in-jquery-sizzle nth of type in jQuery Sizzle It surprised me that Sizzle the selector engine jQuery uses comes with a built in nth child selector but lacks an nth of type selector...
Javascript IE error: unexpected call to method or property access http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2350554/javascript-ie-error-unexpected-call-to-method-or-property-access works fine in FF opera etc javascript jquery internet explorer methods share improve this question I'm a bit surprised IE complains about it but it's a good thing it does You're missing a declaration in getPage for hash e.g. put var in front.. the relevant sections being 8.7 The Reference Type and 10.1.4 Scope Chain and Identifier Resolution . Still surprised IE is complaining about it though. It must have to do with the scope in which jQuery is calling your click handler. share..
Performance of jQuery selector with context http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2421782/performance-of-jquery-selector-with-context does this 'context' really help #NOTE also replace the jquery 1.3.2 with jquery 1.4.2 in jsbin edit mode and you'll be surprised to see the numbers bump up P jquery jquery selectors jquery performance share improve this question Context really..
Use requirejs and jquery, without clobbering global jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4858431/use-requirejs-and-jquery-without-clobbering-global-jquery I'm having is that I can't seem to find a module of jQuery that I can load that doesn't clobber existing jQuery. I was surprised that even require jquery.js introduces a global version of jQuery. Is there a way to load jQuery as a module without introducing..
Efficient, concise way to find next matching sibling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933236/efficient-concise-way-to-find-next-matching-sibling want var nextFoo this .nextMatching div.foo ...where nextMatching can accept the full range of selectors. I'm always surprised that next selector doesn't do this but it doesn't and the docs are clear about what it does so... I can always write it..
jQuery create object from form fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5603117/jquery-create-object-from-form-fields before grabbing the value as well. Note that the above written two years ago uses a jQuery pseudo selector. I'm a bit surprised to find that I wrote that. As it says in the documentation for the input pseudo selector using it means that jQuery can't..
jQuery and Cross Domain POST Requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908195/jquery-and-cross-domain-post-requests not the standard XMLHttpRequest object but jQuery doesn't specifically cater for that yet I have to admit I'm slightly surprised and expect it will before too long so you have to add special handling to make this work on IE and then only IE8 and above..
IE6: Background-Image Load Event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6285108/ie6-background-image-load-event loading leakages and not caching the way you are using it it still does what the name suggests hopefully . So dun be surprised it hiccups on the way on unpatched versions auto update should fix this though With that warning please catch the execution..
JQuery/AJAX: Loading external DIVs using dynamic content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/919722/jquery-ajax-loading-external-divs-using-dynamic-content links As above . php jquery ajax share improve this question I'm not sure if you've solved this already but I'm surprised no one's mentioned to use the ajax function. This would allow you to define the request type as GET function loadContent..
Does scrollIntoView work in all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9445842/does-scrollintoview-work-in-all-browsers on being on the same page if it also doesn't have any total height vertical element like left menu bar . You'd be surprised how many pages have this problem. just check them out yourself. Go to some page look at it at top then press End key and..
Command for loading jQuery on Google Chrome inspector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9624972/command-for-loading-jquery-on-google-chrome-inspector