jquery Programming Glossary: search.json
how to request twitter api without entering a recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12446776/how-to-request-twitter-api-without-entering-a-recursion news_array i .news_text .getJSON http search.twitter.com search.json q news_text rpp 10 include_entities true result_type mixed.. 0 .url '' return .getJSON http search.twitter.com search.json q item.text rpp 10 include_entities true result_type mixed..
fetch public tweets via twitter api 1.1, via client side code (js) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13056432/fetch-public-tweets-via-twitter-api-1-1-via-client-side-code-js Norguard's might be helpful to others I should put it here search.json q from nerdswguitars recent tweets by NerdsWGuitars search.json.. q from nerdswguitars recent tweets by NerdsWGuitars search.json q to nerdswguitars recent tweets to NerdsWGuitars search.json.. q to nerdswguitars recent tweets to NerdsWGuitars search.json q from nerdswguitars OR to nerdswguitars both. search.json q..
twitter search api with jquery error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3996438/twitter-search-api-with-jquery-error I write this code .getJSON http search.twitter.com search.json callback myFunction q stackoverflow function myFunction r console.log.. q stackoverflow function myFunction r console.log r search.json Failed to load resource When the page is executed Google Chrome.. Console XMLHttpRequest cannot load http search.twitter.com search.json callback myFunction q stackoverflow . Origin http localhost..
jQuery Deferred not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4979258/jquery-deferred-not-working query var dfr .Deferred .ajax url http search.twitter.com search.json data q query dataType 'jsonp' success dfr.resolve return dfr.promise.. searchTwitter query .ajax url http search.twitter.com search.json data q query dataType 'jsonp' success function data return.. for example change the url to http DONTsearch.twitter.com search.json example here var dfr function search query .ajax url http search.twitter.com..
jQuery.when understanding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5280699/jquery-when-understanding function method1 return .ajax http search.twitter.com search.json data q 'ashishnjain' dataType 'jsonp' function method2 return.. function method2 return .ajax http search.twitter.com search.json data q 'ashishnjain' dataType 'jsonp' .when method1 method2..
$.getJSON not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6002325/getjson-not-working .val var userList var weblink 'http search.twitter.com search.json q ands google' problem is from here. .ajax url weblink dataType..
jQuery.ajax() parsererror http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6643838/jquery-ajax-parsererror not called but with the JSON from http search.twitter.com search.json q beethoven callback count 5 works fine. Both are valid JSON..
Trouble Converting jQuery Script to Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6767704/trouble-converting-jquery-script-to-plugin query 'from twitter rpp 10' url 'http search.twitter.com search.json callback q ' var options .extend defaults options return this.each.. query 'from twitter rpp 10' url 'http search.twitter.com search.json callback q ' options .extend defaults options return this.each..
how to request twitter api without entering a recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12446776/how-to-request-twitter-api-without-entering-a-recursion news_array for var i in news_array var news_text news_array i .news_text .getJSON http search.twitter.com search.json q news_text rpp 10 include_entities true result_type mixed callback function data .each data.results function i item.. item.text news_url item.entities.urls.length item.entities.urls 0 .url '' return .getJSON http search.twitter.com search.json q item.text rpp 10 include_entities true result_type mixed .done function data .each data.results function i item..
fetch public tweets via twitter api 1.1, via client side code (js) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13056432/fetch-public-tweets-via-twitter-api-1-1-via-client-side-code-js Kinebel to Norguard's answer I thought as a comment of Norguard's might be helpful to others I should put it here search.json q from nerdswguitars recent tweets by NerdsWGuitars search.json q to nerdswguitars recent tweets to NerdsWGuitars search.json.. might be helpful to others I should put it here search.json q from nerdswguitars recent tweets by NerdsWGuitars search.json q to nerdswguitars recent tweets to NerdsWGuitars search.json q from nerdswguitars OR to nerdswguitars both. search.json.. q from nerdswguitars recent tweets by NerdsWGuitars search.json q to nerdswguitars recent tweets to NerdsWGuitars search.json q from nerdswguitars OR to nerdswguitars both. search.json q @nerdswguitars posts involving NerdsWGuitars. search.json q..
twitter search api with jquery error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3996438/twitter-search-api-with-jquery-error search with jquery using twitter api. After read documentation I write this code .getJSON http search.twitter.com search.json callback myFunction q stackoverflow function myFunction r console.log r search.json Failed to load resource When the page.. .getJSON http search.twitter.com search.json callback myFunction q stackoverflow function myFunction r console.log r search.json Failed to load resource When the page is executed Google Chrome show this error on Console XMLHttpRequest cannot load http.. When the page is executed Google Chrome show this error on Console XMLHttpRequest cannot load http search.twitter.com search.json callback myFunction q stackoverflow . Origin http localhost twitter is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin. search.json..
jQuery Deferred not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4979258/jquery-deferred-not-working not working I am trying out a code as function search query var dfr .Deferred .ajax url http search.twitter.com search.json data q query dataType 'jsonp' success dfr.resolve return dfr.promise Test start function alert Starting function gotresults.. is more how it is intended to be used I believe function searchTwitter query .ajax url http search.twitter.com search.json data q query dataType 'jsonp' success function data return data .then gotresults .then showDiv .fail showFailDiv function.. closer to your original example if you want to see it fail for example change the url to http DONTsearch.twitter.com search.json example here var dfr function search query .ajax url http search.twitter.com search.json data q query dataType 'jsonp'..
jQuery.when understanding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5280699/jquery-when-understanding showData data1 data2 alert data1 0 .max_id alert data2 0 .max_id function method1 return .ajax http search.twitter.com search.json data q 'ashishnjain' dataType 'jsonp' function method2 return .ajax http search.twitter.com search.json data q 'ashishnjain'.. search.json data q 'ashishnjain' dataType 'jsonp' function method2 return .ajax http search.twitter.com search.json data q 'ashishnjain' dataType 'jsonp' .when method1 method2 .then showData Here's a working jsFiddle share improve this..
$.getJSON not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6002325/getjson-not-working function event text .each function var inputText this .val var userList var weblink 'http search.twitter.com search.json q ands google' problem is from here. .ajax url weblink dataType jsonp JSON P request success function data alert weblink..
jQuery.ajax() parsererror http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6643838/jquery-ajax-parsererror thrownError I get parsererror 200 undefined jquery162 was not called but with the JSON from http search.twitter.com search.json q beethoven callback count 5 works fine. Both are valid JSON formats. So what is this error about UPDATE @3ngima i have..
Trouble Converting jQuery Script to Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6767704/trouble-converting-jquery-script-to-plugin plugin function .fn.tweetGet function options var defaults query 'from twitter rpp 10' url 'http search.twitter.com search.json callback q ' var options .extend defaults options return this.each function Get tweets from user query .getJSON options.url.. '#' ' 23' .fn.tweetGet function options var defaults query 'from twitter rpp 10' url 'http search.twitter.com search.json callback q ' options .extend defaults options return this.each function var target this Get tweets from user query..