jquery Programming Glossary: scroll
How do I scroll to the top of the page with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1144805/how-do-i-scroll-to-the-top-of-the-page-with-jquery do I scroll to the top of the page with jQuery I have a button a user presses.. shows a hidden div using jQuery. My question is how do I scroll to the top of the page using a jQuery command in that function.. command in that function It is desirable even if the scroll bar instantly jumps to the top. I'm not looking for a smooth..
how can I make a div stick to the top of the screen once it's been scrolled to? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1216114/how-can-i-make-a-div-stick-to-the-top-of-the-screen-once-its-been-scrolled-to I make a div stick to the top of the screen once it's been scrolled to I would like to create a div that is situated beneath.. beneath a block of content but that once the page has been scrolled enough to contact its top boundary becomes fixed in place.. to contact its top boundary becomes fixed in place and scrolls with the page. I know I've seen at least one example of this..
How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326570/how-to-disable-browser-or-element-scrollbar-but-allow-scrolling-with-wheel-or-a to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide.. to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from.. allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the user scroll..
Modifying document.location.hash without page scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489624/modifying-document-location-hash-without-page-scrolling document.location.hash without page scrolling We've got a few pages using ajax to load in content and.. The only issue of course is that when this happens it also scrolls the page to this element. Is there a way to disable this Below.. I had hoped the return false would stop the page from scrolling but it just makes the link not work at all. So that's just..
How to check if a user has scrolled to the bottom http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3898130/how-to-check-if-a-user-has-scrolled-to-the-bottom to check if a user has scrolled to the bottom I'm making a pagination system sort of like.. of like Facebook where the content loads when the user scrolls to the bottom. I imagine the best way to do that is to find.. only problem is I don't know how to check if the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page with jQuery. Any ideas tl dr I need..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily to disable scrolling temporarily I'm using the scrollTo jQuery plugin and would.. to disable scrolling temporarily I'm using the scrollTo jQuery plugin and would like to know if it is somehow possible.. to know if it is somehow possible to temporarily disable scrolling on the window element through Javascript The reason I'd like..
Check if element is visible after scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/487073/check-if-element-is-visible-after-scrolling if element is visible after scrolling I'm loading elements via ajax. Some of them are only visible.. elements via ajax. Some of them are only visible if you scroll down the page. Is there any way I can know if an element is.. function isScrolledIntoView elem var docViewTop window .scrollTop var docViewBottom docViewTop window .height var elemTop elem..
Prevent scrolling of parent element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5802467/prevent-scrolling-of-parent-element scrolling of parent element I have a little floating tool box a div.. position fixed overflow auto . Works just fine. But when scrolling inside that box with the mouse wheel and reaching the bottom.. the bottom OR top the parent element takes over the scroll request The document behind the tool box scrolls. Which is annoying..
jQuery scroll To Element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677035/jquery-scroll-to-element scroll To Element I have this input element input type text class.. the user clicks on that input #subject the page should scroll to the last element of the page with a nice animation. It should.. element of the page with a nice animation. It should be a scroll to bottom and not to top. The last item of the page is a submit..
Scroll to bottom of Div on page load (jQuery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10503606/scroll-to-bottom-of-div-on-page-load-jquery to bottom of Div on page load jQuery I have a div on my page..
How can I scroll to a specific location on the page using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586341/how-can-i-scroll-to-a-specific-location-on-the-page-using-jquery jquery scrollable share improve this question jQuery Scroll Plugin since this is a question tagged with jquery i have to.. you can find it here http plugins.jquery.com project ScrollTo Excerpts from Documentation 'div.pane' .scrollTo ... all divs.. .offset .top 1000 and use it like '#your div' .scrollView Scroll to a page coordinates Animate html and body elements with scrollTop..
Using javascript to scroll iframe up and down http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1656665/using-javascript-to-scroll-iframe-up-and-down div in your DOM take care of scrolling. a href # id scroll Scroll to 400 400 a br div id google style width 300px height 200px..
Call Scroll only when user scrolls, not when animate() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1659204/call-scroll-only-when-user-scrolls-not-when-animate Scroll only when user scrolls not when animate I have a few links..
Scroll smoothly to specific element on page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17722497/scroll-smoothly-to-specific-element-on-page smoothly to specific element on page I want to have 4 buttons.. content. On the buttons I put this code a href #idElement1 Scroll to element 1 a a href #idElement2 Scroll to element 2 a a href.. href #idElement1 Scroll to element 1 a a href #idElement2 Scroll to element 2 a a href #idElement3 Scroll to element 3 a a href..
jQuery Scroll to bottom of page/iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1890995/jquery-scroll-to-bottom-of-page-iframe Scroll to bottom of page iframe How do I use jquery to scroll right..
Why does the JavaScript need to start with “;”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481543/why-does-the-javascript-need-to-start-with For example this jQuery plugin's code starts with jQuery.ScrollTo Copyright c 2007 2008 Ariel Flesler aflesler at gmail dot.. 11 2008 .... skipping several lines for brevity... @desc Scroll on both axes to different values @example 'div' .scrollTo top..
jQuery: detecting reaching bottom of scroll doesn't work, only detects the top http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2837741/jquery-detecting-reaching-bottom-of-scroll-doesnt-work-only-detects-the-top of the scroll area. Try it scroll down nothing happens. Scroll back up to the top the results are returned. What's going wrong..
Scroll to a div using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432656/scroll-to-a-div-using-jquery to a div using jquery so I have a page that has a fixed link.. is a functions that scrolls to # blah link function goToByScroll id Remove link from the ID id id.replace link Scroll 'html.. id Remove link from the ID id id.replace link Scroll 'html body' .animate scrollTop # id .offset .top 'slow' #sidebar..
How to programmatically disable page scrolling with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3656592/how-to-programmatically-disable-page-scrolling-with-jquery hidden probably want to retain previous overflow value . Scroll document to stored scroll position with scrollTo . Then when..
Alert using Jquery when Scroll to end of Page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3799542/alert-using-jquery-when-scroll-to-end-of-page using Jquery when Scroll to end of Page Is there a way to find out page end using Jquery.. Here is a jsFiddle example that fades in a You're Done Scroll to Top of Page link when the user has scrolled to the bottom..
What's a good bit of JS or JQuery for horizontally scrolling news ticker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41027/whats-a-good-bit-of-js-or-jquery-for-horizontally-scrolling-news-ticker needs to be standards compliant as well. I have tried liScroll but this has a habit of breaking some content ends up on a second.. ran into similar problems to those I was having with liScroll and after all that realised a CSS issue as always was responsible... realised a CSS issue as always was responsible. Solution liScroll change the default 'var stripWidth 0' to something like 100..
How to detect page scroll to a certain point in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5036850/how-to-detect-page-scroll-to-a-certain-point-in-jquery
How to auto-scroll to end of div when data is added? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7303948/how-to-auto-scroll-to-end-of-div-when-data-is-added duplicate This question already has an answer here Scroll to bottom of div 5 answers I have a table inside of..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax AJAX I posted a question a couple of days ago on how to Scroll to Single Post in a custom Wordpress template that I'm developing...
Change Active Menu Item on Page Scroll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9979827/change-active-menu-item-on-page-scroll Active Menu Item on Page Scroll A good example of this feature would be seen here http www.maddim.com..
How do I scroll to the top of the page with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1144805/how-do-i-scroll-to-the-top-of-the-page-with-jquery do I scroll to the top of the page with jQuery I have a button a user presses and it shows a hidden div using jQuery. My question is.. the page with jQuery I have a button a user presses and it shows a hidden div using jQuery. My question is how do I scroll to the top of the page using a jQuery command in that function It is desirable even if the scroll bar instantly jumps to.. question is how do I scroll to the top of the page using a jQuery command in that function It is desirable even if the scroll bar instantly jumps to the top. I'm not looking for a smooth scrolling. javascript jquery scrolling share improve this..
how can I make a div stick to the top of the screen once it's been scrolled to? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1216114/how-can-i-make-a-div-stick-to-the-top-of-the-screen-once-its-been-scrolled-to can I make a div stick to the top of the screen once it's been scrolled to I would like to create a div that is situated beneath a block of content but that once the page has been scrolled.. scrolled to I would like to create a div that is situated beneath a block of content but that once the page has been scrolled enough to contact its top boundary becomes fixed in place and scrolls with the page. I know I've seen at least one example.. of content but that once the page has been scrolled enough to contact its top boundary becomes fixed in place and scrolls with the page. I know I've seen at least one example of this online but I cannot remember it for the life of me. Any thoughts..
How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326570/how-to-disable-browser-or-element-scrollbar-but-allow-scrolling-with-wheel-or-a to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the.. to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the user scroll with.. to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the user scroll with the mouse wheel or arrow keys. How can this be achieved..
Modifying document.location.hash without page scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489624/modifying-document-location-hash-without-page-scrolling document.location.hash without page scrolling We've got a few pages using ajax to load in content and there's a few occasions where we need to deep link into a page... modify the hash in the URL whenever a button is clicked. The only issue of course is that when this happens it also scrolls the page to this element. Is there a way to disable this Below is how I'm doing this so far. function This emulates a click.. 'selected' document.location.hash this .attr id return false I had hoped the return false would stop the page from scrolling but it just makes the link not work at all. So that's just commented out for now so I can navigate. Any ideas javascript..
How to check if a user has scrolled to the bottom http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3898130/how-to-check-if-a-user-has-scrolled-to-the-bottom to check if a user has scrolled to the bottom I'm making a pagination system sort of like Facebook where the content loads when the user scrolls to the.. has scrolled to the bottom I'm making a pagination system sort of like Facebook where the content loads when the user scrolls to the bottom. I imagine the best way to do that is to find when the user is at the bottom of the page and run an ajax.. of the page and run an ajax query to load more posts. The only problem is I don't know how to check if the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page with jQuery. Any ideas tl dr I need to find a way to check when the user has scrolled to the..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily to disable scrolling temporarily I'm using the scrollTo jQuery plugin and would like to know if it is somehow possible to temporarily disable.. to disable scrolling temporarily I'm using the scrollTo jQuery plugin and would like to know if it is somehow possible to temporarily disable scrolling on the window element.. I'm using the scrollTo jQuery plugin and would like to know if it is somehow possible to temporarily disable scrolling on the window element through Javascript The reason I'd like to disable scrolling is that when you scroll while scrollTo..
Check if element is visible after scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/487073/check-if-element-is-visible-after-scrolling if element is visible after scrolling I'm loading elements via ajax. Some of them are only visible if you scroll down the page. Is there any way I can know.. if element is visible after scrolling I'm loading elements via ajax. Some of them are only visible if you scroll down the page. Is there any way I can know if an element is now in the visible part of the page EDIT freakytard solution.. I modified it a bit to also check if element is wholly visible function isScrolledIntoView elem var docViewTop window .scrollTop var docViewBottom docViewTop window .height var elemTop elem .offset .top var elemBottom elemTop elem .height return..
Prevent scrolling of parent element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5802467/prevent-scrolling-of-parent-element scrolling of parent element I have a little floating tool box a div with position fixed overflow auto . Works just fine. But when.. parent element I have a little floating tool box a div with position fixed overflow auto . Works just fine. But when scrolling inside that box with the mouse wheel and reaching the bottom OR top the parent element takes over the scroll request.. when scrolling inside that box with the mouse wheel and reaching the bottom OR top the parent element takes over the scroll request The document behind the tool box scrolls. Which is annoying and not what the user asked for . I'm using jQuery and..
jQuery scroll To Element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677035/jquery-scroll-to-element scroll To Element I have this input element input type text class textfield value id subject name subject Then I have some other.. some other elements like other text inputs textareas etc. When the user clicks on that input #subject the page should scroll to the last element of the page with a nice animation. It should be a scroll to bottom and not to top. The last item of.. on that input #subject the page should scroll to the last element of the page with a nice animation. It should be a scroll to bottom and not to top. The last item of the page is a submit button input type submit class submit id submit name submit..
Scroll to bottom of Div on page load (jQuery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10503606/scroll-to-bottom-of-div-on-page-load-jquery to bottom of Div on page load jQuery I have a div on my page div id 'div1' style 'overflow scroll overflow x hidden max..
How can I scroll to a specific location on the page using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586341/how-can-i-scroll-to-a-specific-location-on-the-page-using-jquery move to a specific DOM id jquery scrolling scroll scrollto jquery scrollable share improve this question jQuery Scroll Plugin since this is a question tagged with jquery i have to say that this library has a very nice plugin for smooth scrolling.. say that this library has a very nice plugin for smooth scrolling you can find it here http plugins.jquery.com project ScrollTo Excerpts from Documentation 'div.pane' .scrollTo ... all divs w class pane or .scrollTo ... the plugin will take care.. this.each function 'html body' .animate scrollTop this .offset .top 1000 and use it like '#your div' .scrollView Scroll to a page coordinates Animate html and body elements with scrollTop or scrollLeft attributes 'html body' .animate scrollTop..
Using javascript to scroll iframe up and down http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1656665/using-javascript-to-scroll-iframe-up-and-down of the iframe content and your iframe . Basically let a div in your DOM take care of scrolling. a href # id scroll Scroll to 400 400 a br div id google style width 300px height 200px overflow auto iframe width 800 height 600 src http www.google.com..
Call Scroll only when user scrolls, not when animate() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1659204/call-scroll-only-when-user-scrolls-not-when-animate Scroll only when user scrolls not when animate I have a few links across the page with the purpose of going to the top accomplished..
Scroll smoothly to specific element on page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17722497/scroll-smoothly-to-specific-element-on-page smoothly to specific element on page I want to have 4 buttons links on the beginning of the page and under them the content... links on the beginning of the page and under them the content. On the buttons I put this code a href #idElement1 Scroll to element 1 a a href #idElement2 Scroll to element 2 a a href #idElement3 Scroll to element 3 a a href #idElement4 Scroll.. and under them the content. On the buttons I put this code a href #idElement1 Scroll to element 1 a a href #idElement2 Scroll to element 2 a a href #idElement3 Scroll to element 3 a a href #idElement4 Scroll to element 4 a And under links there will..
jQuery Scroll to bottom of page/iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1890995/jquery-scroll-to-bottom-of-page-iframe Scroll to bottom of page iframe How do I use jquery to scroll right down to the bottom of an iframe or page jquery scrolling..
Why does the JavaScript need to start with “;”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481543/why-does-the-javascript-need-to-start-with Web start with a immediately following the comment section. For example this jQuery plugin's code starts with jQuery.ScrollTo Copyright c 2007 2008 Ariel Flesler aflesler at gmail dot com http flesler.blogspot.com Dual licensed under MIT and GPL... Dual licensed under MIT and GPL. Date 9 11 2008 .... skipping several lines for brevity... @desc Scroll on both axes to different values @example 'div' .scrollTo top 300 left ' 200' axis 'xy' offset 20 function Why does the..
jQuery: detecting reaching bottom of scroll doesn't work, only detects the top http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2837741/jquery-detecting-reaching-bottom-of-scroll-doesnt-work-only-detects-the-top happens is it only returns the 5 results when you hit the TOP of the scroll area. Try it scroll down nothing happens. Scroll back up to the top the results are returned. What's going wrong Here's my code I'm using '#col2' .scroll function if '#col2'..
Scroll to a div using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432656/scroll-to-a-div-using-jquery to a div using jquery so I have a page that has a fixed link bar on the side. I'd like to scroll to the different divs... window does have to be big enough to allow scrolling This is a functions that scrolls to # blah link function goToByScroll id Remove link from the ID id id.replace link Scroll 'html body' .animate scrollTop # id .offset .top 'slow' #sidebar ul.. This is a functions that scrolls to # blah link function goToByScroll id Remove link from the ID id id.replace link Scroll 'html body' .animate scrollTop # id .offset .top 'slow' #sidebar ul li a .click function e Prevent a page reload when a..
How to programmatically disable page scrolling with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3656592/how-to-programmatically-disable-page-scrolling-with-jquery position don't forget horizontal axis . Set overflow to hidden probably want to retain previous overflow value . Scroll document to stored scroll position with scrollTo . Then when you're ready to allow scrolling again undo all that. Edit no..
Alert using Jquery when Scroll to end of Page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3799542/alert-using-jquery-when-scroll-to-end-of-page using Jquery when Scroll to end of Page Is there a way to find out page end using Jquery so that a simple message can be displayed saying you have.. bottom of the page. alert You're at the bottom of the page. Here is a jsFiddle example that fades in a You're Done Scroll to Top of Page link when the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page. References .scroll .scrollTop offsetHeight clientHeight..
What's a good bit of JS or JQuery for horizontally scrolling news ticker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41027/whats-a-good-bit-of-js-or-jquery-for-horizontally-scrolling-news-ticker a horizontally scrolling news ticker list. The produced HTML needs to be standards compliant as well. I have tried liScroll but this has a habit of breaking some content ends up on a second line at the start of the scroll especially with longer.. not discrete scrolling like the example . However I quickly ran into similar problems to those I was having with liScroll and after all that realised a CSS issue as always was responsible. Solution liScroll change the default 'var stripWidth.. to those I was having with liScroll and after all that realised a CSS issue as always was responsible. Solution liScroll change the default 'var stripWidth 0' to something like 100 to give a little space and avoid new line wrapping. javascript..
How to detect page scroll to a certain point in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5036850/how-to-detect-page-scroll-to-a-certain-point-in-jquery
How to auto-scroll to end of div when data is added? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7303948/how-to-auto-scroll-to-end-of-div-when-data-is-added to auto scroll to end of div when data is added duplicate This question already has an answer here Scroll to bottom of div 5 answers I have a table inside of a div with the following style #data overflow x hidden overflow..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX I posted a question a couple of days ago on how to Scroll to Single Post in a custom Wordpress template that I'm developing. What I need in the nut shell is to load a single post..
Change Active Menu Item on Page Scroll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9979827/change-active-menu-item-on-page-scroll Active Menu Item on Page Scroll A good example of this feature would be seen here http www.maddim.com demos spark r6 As you scroll down the page the active..