jquery Programming Glossary: scroll.scrollleft
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale 526 this.cssPosition 'fixed' 0 this.cssPosition 'fixed' this.scrollParent.scrollLeft scrollIsRootNode 0 scroll.scrollLeft So big thank you to whoever suggested that. So my question Has anyone come across a nice way to have draggable resizable..
How to disable rubber band in iOS web apps? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10357844/how-to-disable-rubber-band-in-ios-web-apps else if scroll.hasClass scrollXClass var scrollWidth scroll 0 .scrollWidth outerWidth scroll.outerWidth atLeftLimit scroll.scrollLeft 0 atRightLimit scrollWidth scroll.scrollLeft outerWidth if scrollWidth outerWidth if move.x 0 atLeftLimit scroll.scrollLeft.. scroll 0 .scrollWidth outerWidth scroll.outerWidth atLeftLimit scroll.scrollLeft 0 atRightLimit scrollWidth scroll.scrollLeft outerWidth if scrollWidth outerWidth if move.x 0 atLeftLimit scroll.scrollLeft 1 e.stopPropagation else if move.x 0.. 0 atRightLimit scrollWidth scroll.scrollLeft outerWidth if scrollWidth outerWidth if move.x 0 atLeftLimit scroll.scrollLeft 1 e.stopPropagation else if move.x 0 atRightLimit scroll.scrollLeft scroll.scrollLeft 1 e.stopPropagation If only..