jquery Programming Glossary: search.php
how to pass hidden id using json in jquery ui autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15200964/how-to-pass-hidden-id-using-json-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete source function request response .getJSON pages search.php term extractLast request.term response search function custom..
apply plugin to a new element in the DOM (jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1926673/apply-plugin-to-a-new-element-in-the-dom-jquery after search request completed. .ajax type POST url search.php data query blabla success function html replace old table with..
Is there a jQuery autocomplete plugin that can do @completes like Facebook and Quora? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4617557/is-there-a-jquery-autocomplete-plugin-that-can-do-completes-like-facebook-and-q
jQuery Autocomplete Mysql PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305294/jquery-autocomplete-mysql-php jQuery UI autocomplete to work. this is my code This is search.php include db_connect.php search _GET 'term' result mysql_query.. document .ready function '#auto' .autocomplete source . search.php minLength 3 script and this is the 'auto' div div id searchTxtFieldDiv.. p div When I look at the call using firebug I see that search.php is returning Title Sin City jQuery is just displaying UNDEFINED..
jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905560/jquery-autocomplete-remote-example Demos Documentation section doesn't include the source of search.php I've tried dozens of combinations but here's what I started.. #log #log .attr scrollTop 0 #birds .autocomplete source search.php minLength 1 select function event ui log ui.item Selected.. overflow auto class ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db..
jQuery: How to AJAXify WordPress Search? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677820/jquery-how-to-ajaxify-wordpress-search this in a child theme then include a file called loop search.php and that will be used instead. get_template_part 'loop' 'search'.. function e e.preventDefault var search_val #s .val .post search.php search_string search_val function data if data.length 0 #results.. if data.length 0 #results .html data This will call the search.php which will get the search string as a post variable like _POST..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call function request response console.log 1 .ajax url search.php data term request.term dataType json success function data.. label item.label item.id value item.value and the search.php you can find this in some autocomplete jQuery examples actually...
get text of an element without children in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9955955/get-text-of-an-element-without-children-in-javascript Last visit was Sat Mar 31 2012 10 50 am br a href . search.php search_id unanswered View unanswered posts a a href . search.php.. search_id unanswered View unanswered posts a a href . search.php search_id active_topics View active topics a td if I'd use nodeType..
how to pass hidden id using json in jquery ui autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15200964/how-to-pass-hidden-id-using-json-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete .data ui autocomplete .menu.active event.preventDefault .autocomplete source function request response .getJSON pages search.php term extractLast request.term response search function custom minLength var term extractLast this.value if term.length..
apply plugin to a new element in the DOM (jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1926673/apply-plugin-to-a-new-element-in-the-dom-jquery improve this question you have to re run '#table' .tablesorter after search request completed. .ajax type POST url search.php data query blabla success function html replace old table with new table re apply table sorter '#table' .tablesorter share..
Is there a jQuery autocomplete plugin that can do @completes like Facebook and Quora? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4617557/is-there-a-jquery-autocomplete-plugin-that-can-do-completes-like-facebook-and-q
jQuery Autocomplete Mysql PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305294/jquery-autocomplete-mysql-php this and let me know where I'm going wrong. I am trying to get jQuery UI autocomplete to work. this is my code This is search.php include db_connect.php search _GET 'term' result mysql_query SELECT Title FROM `movie` WHERE `Title` LIKE ' search ' ORDER.. is my javascript inline script script type text javascript document .ready function '#auto' .autocomplete source . search.php minLength 3 script and this is the 'auto' div div id searchTxtFieldDiv p input type text id auto p div When I look at the.. 'auto' div div id searchTxtFieldDiv p input type text id auto p div When I look at the call using firebug I see that search.php is returning Title Sin City jQuery is just displaying UNDEFINED any ideas php jquery mysql autocomplete share improve..
jQuery Autocomplete (Remote) - example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5905560/jquery-autocomplete-remote-example both the calling page and the search page. The jQueryUI Demos Documentation section doesn't include the source of search.php I've tried dozens of combinations but here's what I started with style .ui autocomplete loading background white url 'images.. function function log message div .text message .prependTo #log #log .attr scrollTop 0 #birds .autocomplete source search.php minLength 1 select function event ui log ui.item Selected ui.item.value aka ui.item.id Nothing selected input was this.value.. family Arial Result div id log style height 200px width 300px overflow auto class ui widget content div div div and search.php conn mysql_connect localhost USERNAME PASSWORD mysql_select_db DATABASE conn q strtolower _GET birds query mysql_query select..
jQuery: How to AJAXify WordPress Search? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6677820/jquery-how-to-ajaxify-wordpress-search for the search to output the results. If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file called loop search.php and that will be used instead. get_template_part 'loop' 'search' php else div id post 0 class post no results not found.. share improve this question Try this #searchsubmit .click function e e.preventDefault var search_val #s .val .post search.php search_string search_val function data if data.length 0 #results .html data This will call the search.php which will get.. .val .post search.php search_string search_val function data if data.length 0 #results .html data This will call the search.php which will get the search string as a post variable like _POST 'search_string' Here you process the search string and echo..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call allowSpaces true minLength 2 removeConfirmation true tagSource function request response console.log 1 .ajax url search.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response .map data function item return label item.label.. function data response .map data function item return label item.label item.id value item.value and the search.php you can find this in some autocomplete jQuery examples actually. php q strtolower _GET term if q return items array Great..
get text of an element without children in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9955955/get-text-of-an-element-without-children-in-javascript help and here's why Imaginge the following HTML td class gensmall Last visit was Sat Mar 31 2012 10 50 am br a href . search.php search_id unanswered View unanswered posts a a href . search.php search_id active_topics View active topics a td if I'd.. Last visit was Sat Mar 31 2012 10 50 am br a href . search.php search_id unanswered View unanswered posts a a href . search.php search_id active_topics View active topics a td if I'd use nodeType only the text of the a element would change but not..