jquery Programming Glossary: scroll.scrolltop
jQuery Drag/Resize with CSS Transform Scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10212683/jquery-drag-resize-with-css-transform-scale 526 this.cssPosition 'fixed' 0 this.cssPosition 'fixed' this.scrollParent.scrollTop scrollIsRootNode 0 scroll.scrollTop left pageX The absolute mouse position this.offset.click.left Click offset relative to the element this.offset.relative.left..
How to disable rubber band in iOS web apps? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10357844/how-to-disable-rubber-band-in-ios-web-apps if scroll.hasClass scrollYClass var scrollHeight scroll 0 .scrollHeight outerHeight scroll.outerHeight atUpperLimit scroll.scrollTop 0 atLowerLimit scrollHeight scroll.scrollTop outerHeight if scrollHeight outerHeight If at either limit move 1px away.. scroll 0 .scrollHeight outerHeight scroll.outerHeight atUpperLimit scroll.scrollTop 0 atLowerLimit scrollHeight scroll.scrollTop outerHeight if scrollHeight outerHeight If at either limit move 1px away to allow normal scroll behavior on future moves.. moves but stop propagation on this move to remove limit behavior bubbling up to body if move.y 0 atUpperLimit scroll.scrollTop 1 e.stopPropagation else if move.y 0 atLowerLimit scroll.scrollTop scroll.scrollTop 1 e.stopPropagation If only moving..