jquery Programming Glossary: scrollbar
How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326570/how-to-disable-browser-or-element-scrollbar-but-allow-scrolling-with-wheel-or-a to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide.. allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the user scroll.. or JQuery Any ideas javascript jquery css browser scrollbar share improve this question Like the previous answers you..
How do I scroll a row of a table into view (element.scrollintoView) using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1805808/how-do-i-scroll-a-row-of-a-table-into-view-element-scrollintoview-using-jquery a div which has overflow auto thus causing a vertical scrollbar. I now want to autoscroll my container div to the last row...
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation no repeat When the body has the loading class we turn the scrollbar off with overflow hidden body.loading overflow hidden Anytime..
JavaScript data grid for millions of rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2402953/javascript-data-grid-for-millions-of-rows The problem is that SlickGrid does not virtualize the scrollbar itself the scrollable area's height is set to the total height..
Auto expand a textarea using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2948230/auto-expand-a-textarea-using-jquery you should include the needed js files... To prevent the scrollbar in the textarea from flashing on off during expansion contraction..
hide scrollbar while still able to scroll with mouse/keyboard [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3293650/hide-scrollbar-while-still-able-to-scroll-with-mouse-keyboard scrollbar while still able to scroll with mouse keyboard duplicate Possible.. Possible Duplicate How to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to know.. or arrow keys I want to know if it is possible to hide the scrollbar while scrolling is still enabled with mouse keyboard. I tried..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily when the animation stops but it would be better if the scrollbar was still show but inactive. javascript jquery scrolling ..
How can I check if a scrollbar is visible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4814398/how-can-i-check-if-a-scrollbar-is-visible can I check if a scrollbar is visible Is it possible to check the overflow auto of a div.. function event if event.type 'mouseenter' if ... if scrollbar visible ... alert 'true' else alert 'false' Sometimes is.. else alert 'false' Sometimes is the content short no scrollbar and sometimes long scrollbar visible . javascript jquery scroll..
Why doesn't jQuery Tiny Scrollbar work correctly in IE7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12519705/why-doesnt-jquery-tiny-scrollbar-work-correctly-in-ie7 doesn't jQuery Tiny Scrollbar work correctly in IE7 I am working on a very small site and..
Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617638/scrollbar-problem-with-jquery-ui-dialog-in-chrome-and-safari problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari I'm using..
Detect if a page has a vertical scrollbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2146874/detect-if-a-page-has-a-vertical-scrollbar height if body .height window .height alert Vertical Scrollbar D Check if body width is higher than window width if body .width..
Scrollbar appear / disappear event in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2578046/scrollbar-appear-disappear-event-in-jquery appear disappear event in jQuery Is there a simple way in jQuery.. detect if a scrollbar is present. Used like '#my id' .hasScrollbar jQuery.fn.hasScrollbar function var scrollHeight this.get 0.. is present. Used like '#my id' .hasScrollbar jQuery.fn.hasScrollbar function var scrollHeight this.get 0 .scrollHeight safari's..
jqGrid - Scrollbar missing on Safari Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3150852/jqgrid-scrollbar-missing-on-safari-mobile Scrollbar missing on Safari Mobile For the most part jqGrid works great.. is a discussion of this issue on the jqGrid forums under Scrollbar missing on Safari Mobile but no resolution. javascript jquery..
Jquery JscrollPane - Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4245551/jquery-jscrollpane-is-it-possible-to-force-always-show-vertical-scrollbar JscrollPane Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar in JscrollPane.. Scrollbar Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar in JscrollPane Hidden setting API function Preferably without..
Automatically scroll to bottom of div using Tiny Scrollbar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5755716/automatically-scroll-to-bottom-of-div-using-tiny-scrollbar scroll to bottom of div using Tiny Scrollbar I'm coding a shoutbox and making it as user friendly as possible... making it as user friendly as possible. It uses the Tiny Scrollbar plugin for jQuery and I want to incorporate an extra function.. options this.each function oElement new Scrollbar this options return .extend this oElement function Scrollbar..
How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326570/how-to-disable-browser-or-element-scrollbar-but-allow-scrolling-with-wheel-or-a to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the.. to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to hide scrollbars from div elements or the whole body but let the user scroll with the mouse wheel or arrow keys. How can this be achieved.. wheel or arrow keys. How can this be achieved with raw Javascript or JQuery Any ideas javascript jquery css browser scrollbar share improve this question Like the previous answers you would use overflow hidden to disable the scrollbars on the..
How do I scroll a row of a table into view (element.scrollintoView) using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1805808/how-do-i-scroll-a-row-of-a-table-into-view-element-scrollintoview-using-jquery adding rows to a table using jQuery. The table is inside a div which has overflow auto thus causing a vertical scrollbar. I now want to autoscroll my container div to the last row. What's the jQuery version of tr.scrollintoView thx jquery scroll..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation 255 255 .8 url 'http i.stack.imgur.com FhHRx.gif' 50 50 no repeat When the body has the loading class we turn the scrollbar off with overflow hidden body.loading overflow hidden Anytime the body has the loading class our modal element will be visible..
JavaScript data grid for millions of rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2402953/javascript-data-grid-for-millions-of-rows discussion on making SlickGrid work with larger numbers of rows. The problem is that SlickGrid does not virtualize the scrollbar itself the scrollable area's height is set to the total height of all the rows. The rows are still being added and removed..
Auto expand a textarea using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2948230/auto-expand-a-textarea-using-jquery based on comment function '#txtMeetingAgenda' .autogrow note you should include the needed js files... To prevent the scrollbar in the textarea from flashing on off during expansion contraction you can set the overflow to hidden as well '#textMeetingAgenda'..
hide scrollbar while still able to scroll with mouse/keyboard [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3293650/hide-scrollbar-while-still-able-to-scroll-with-mouse-keyboard scrollbar while still able to scroll with mouse keyboard duplicate Possible Duplicate How to disable browser or element scrollbar.. while still able to scroll with mouse keyboard duplicate Possible Duplicate How to disable browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to know if it is possible to hide the scrollbar while scrolling is still.. browser or element scrollbar but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys I want to know if it is possible to hide the scrollbar while scrolling is still enabled with mouse keyboard. I tried to use CSS overflow hidden The effect is scrollbar disabled..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily do a body .css overflow hidden and then put it back to auto when the animation stops but it would be better if the scrollbar was still show but inactive. javascript jquery scrolling share improve this question The scroll event cannot be canceled...
How can I check if a scrollbar is visible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4814398/how-can-i-check-if-a-scrollbar-is-visible can I check if a scrollbar is visible Is it possible to check the overflow auto of a div For example HTML div id my_div style width 100px height 100px.. auto class my_class content div JQUERY '.my_class' .live 'hover' function event if event.type 'mouseenter' if ... if scrollbar visible ... alert 'true' else alert 'false' Sometimes is the content short no scrollbar and sometimes long scrollbar.. 'mouseenter' if ... if scrollbar visible ... alert 'true' else alert 'false' Sometimes is the content short no scrollbar and sometimes long scrollbar visible . javascript jquery scroll overflow share improve this question a little plugin..
Why doesn't jQuery Tiny Scrollbar work correctly in IE7? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12519705/why-doesnt-jquery-tiny-scrollbar-work-correctly-in-ie7 doesn't jQuery Tiny Scrollbar work correctly in IE7 I am working on a very small site and have been asked to use scrollbars to display the content in..
Scrollbar problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617638/scrollbar-problem-with-jquery-ui-dialog-in-chrome-and-safari problem with jQuery UI dialog in Chrome and Safari I'm using the jQuery UI dialog with modal true . In Chrome and Safari..
Detect if a page has a vertical scrollbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2146874/detect-if-a-page-has-a-vertical-scrollbar .ready function Check if body height is higher than window height if body .height window .height alert Vertical Scrollbar D Check if body width is higher than window width if body .width window .width alert Horizontal Scrollbar D share improve..
Scrollbar appear / disappear event in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2578046/scrollbar-appear-disappear-event-in-jquery appear disappear event in jQuery Is there a simple way in jQuery to detect when scrollbars appear and disappear on a div.. is no easy way. Here's some code I've used in the past to detect if a scrollbar is present. Used like '#my id' .hasScrollbar jQuery.fn.hasScrollbar function var scrollHeight this.get 0 .scrollHeight safari's scrollHeight includes padding if .browser.safari.. some code I've used in the past to detect if a scrollbar is present. Used like '#my id' .hasScrollbar jQuery.fn.hasScrollbar function var scrollHeight this.get 0 .scrollHeight safari's scrollHeight includes padding if .browser.safari scrollHeight..
jqGrid - Scrollbar missing on Safari Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3150852/jqgrid-scrollbar-missing-on-safari-mobile Scrollbar missing on Safari Mobile For the most part jqGrid works great under Safari Mobile on the iPad and iPod Touch. However I.. that there is more data that they need to scroll to There is a discussion of this issue on the jqGrid forums under Scrollbar missing on Safari Mobile but no resolution. javascript jquery jqgrid share improve this question I've encountered this..
Jquery JscrollPane - Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4245551/jquery-jscrollpane-is-it-possible-to-force-always-show-vertical-scrollbar JscrollPane Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar in JscrollPane Hidden setting API function Preferably without touching.. JscrollPane Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar Is it possible to force always show Vertical Scrollbar in JscrollPane Hidden setting API function Preferably without touching Content Pane its height and so. javascript jquery..
Automatically scroll to bottom of div using Tiny Scrollbar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5755716/automatically-scroll-to-bottom-of-div-using-tiny-scrollbar scroll to bottom of div using Tiny Scrollbar I'm coding a shoutbox and making it as user friendly as possible. It uses the Tiny Scrollbar plugin for jQuery and I want.. bottom of div using Tiny Scrollbar I'm coding a shoutbox and making it as user friendly as possible. It uses the Tiny Scrollbar plugin for jQuery and I want to incorporate an extra function that will allow me to make it go to the bottom of the div.. function options var oElement null var options .extend .tiny.scrollbar.options options this.each function oElement new Scrollbar this options return .extend this oElement function Scrollbar root options var oSelf this var oWrapper root var oViewport..