jquery Programming Glossary: searchstring
button will not perform action after activating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11476712/button-will-not-perform-action-after-activating function submitAction var link document.location.href var searchString redirect var equalIndex link.indexOf searchString var redirectUrl.. var searchString redirect var equalIndex link.indexOf searchString var redirectUrl if document.forms 0 .action var url window.location.href.. 0 .action args.switch_url if equalIndex 0 equalIndex searchString.length redirectUrl redirectUrl link.substring equalIndex if..
how to load json in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15068668/how-to-load-json-in-jqgrid selectedOption ele.target .val .ajax url adminJsontable searchString selectedOption searchField ele.data.field dataType json complete..
Can you ignore HTML in a string while doing a Replace with jQuery? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2289552/can-you-ignore-html-in-a-string-while-doing-a-replace-with-jquery when calling Replace Sample code myText.replace new RegExp searchString 'gi' ' span class highlight ' searchString ' span ' myText is.. new RegExp searchString 'gi' ' span class highlight ' searchString ' span ' myText is a large string of HTML e.g. var myText p.. like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. p searchString is equal to whatever a user types into an text input box. If..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection searchField searchField searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable.. sord sortDirection searchField searchField searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies.. sortDirection string _search string searchField string searchString string searchOper string filters where jqGridTable public class..
jqGrid clear search criteria http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3989786/jqgrid-clear-search-criteria In case of single searching the properties searchField searchString and searchOper will be set. In case of advanced searching only.. should replace the line with .extend postData searchField searchString searchOper grid.trigger reloadGrid page 1 You can see all this..
jQueryUI Autocomplete - how to match search words with a list of keywords and show the matched results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9040137/jqueryui-autocomplete-how-to-match-search-words-with-a-list-of-keywords-and-sh will return true function checkSearchWordsMatchKeywords searchString keywords var searchWords searchString.toLowerCase .split ' '.. searchString keywords var searchWords searchString.toLowerCase .split ' ' Lowercase the search words break up the..
button will not perform action after activating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11476712/button-will-not-perform-action-after-activating trunk html5.js script endif head body div id wrapper script function submitAction var link document.location.href var searchString redirect var equalIndex link.indexOf searchString var redirectUrl if document.forms 0 .action var url window.location.href.. script function submitAction var link document.location.href var searchString redirect var equalIndex link.indexOf searchString var redirectUrl if document.forms 0 .action var url window.location.href var args new Object var query location.search.substring.. i .substring pos 1 args argname unescape value document.forms 0 .action args.switch_url if equalIndex 0 equalIndex searchString.length redirectUrl redirectUrl link.substring equalIndex if redirectUrl.length 255 redirectUrl redirectUrl.substring 0 255..
how to load json in jqgrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15068668/how-to-load-json-in-jqgrid this grid using following function filterFunction ele var selectedOption ele.target .val .ajax url adminJsontable searchString selectedOption searchField ele.data.field dataType json complete function jsondata stat if stat success here i am loading..
Can you ignore HTML in a string while doing a Replace with jQuery? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2289552/can-you-ignore-html-in-a-string-while-doing-a-replace-with-jquery but ignore HTML Is it possible to ignore the HTML elements when calling Replace Sample code myText.replace new RegExp searchString 'gi' ' span class highlight ' searchString ' span ' myText is a large string of HTML e.g. var myText p Lorem Ipsum is simply.. HTML elements when calling Replace Sample code myText.replace new RegExp searchString 'gi' ' span class highlight ' searchString ' span ' myText is a large string of HTML e.g. var myText p Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.. passages and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. p searchString is equal to whatever a user types into an text input box. If yes how would I do it given the above sample code javascript..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service jqGridGetTestbereiche _search _search page page rows rows sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection searchField searchField searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies int page int rows string sortIndex.. _search _search page page rows rows sidx sortIndex sord sortDirection searchField searchField searchString searchString searchOper searchOper filters filters public jqGridTable jqGridGetMovies int page int rows string sortIndex string sortDirection.. jqGridGetMovies int page int rows string sortIndex string sortDirection string _search string searchField string searchString string searchOper string filters where jqGridTable public class jqGridTable public int total get set total number of pages..
jqGrid clear search criteria http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3989786/jqgrid-clear-search-criteria the postData parameter is a object which has some properties. In case of single searching the properties searchField searchString and searchOper will be set. In case of advanced searching only the property filters of the postData parameter will be set... 'postData' .extend postData filters for singe search you should replace the line with .extend postData searchField searchString searchOper grid.trigger reloadGrid page 1 You can see all this live in the following demo . In the demo you should first..
jQueryUI Autocomplete - how to match search words with a list of keywords and show the matched results? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9040137/jqueryui-autocomplete-how-to-match-search-words-with-a-list-of-keywords-and-sh use' and keywords 'create' 'add' 'make' 'insert' 'user' will return true function checkSearchWordsMatchKeywords searchString keywords var searchWords searchString.toLowerCase .split ' ' Lowercase the search words break up the search into separate.. 'make' 'insert' 'user' will return true function checkSearchWordsMatchKeywords searchString keywords var searchWords searchString.toLowerCase .split ' ' Lowercase the search words break up the search into separate words var numOfSearchWords searchWords.length..