jquery Programming Glossary: netscape
jQuery: how to get xml system independently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/248297/jquery-how-to-get-xml-system-independently its XML system independently For IE it is xmlNode.xml For Netscape it is new XMLSerializer .serializeToString xmlNode . In jQuery..
Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5405789/increase-font-size-with-javascript-around-fixed-floated-images-in-css-columns alt yoda LiveScript to JavaScript roughly coincided with Netscape adding support for Java technology in its Netscape Navigator.. with Netscape adding support for Java technology in its Netscape Navigator web browser. The final choice of name caused confusion.. has been characterized by many as a marketing ploy by Netscape to give JavaScript the cachet of what was then the hot new web..
Limiting number of lines in textarea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/556767/limiting-number-of-lines-in-textarea limitLines obj e IE if window.event keynum e.keyCode Netscape Firefox Opera else if e.which keynum e.which if keynum 13 if..
jQuery: how to get xml system independently? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/248297/jquery-how-to-get-xml-system-independently Suppose xmlNode is a XML DOM node how do you get its XML system independently For IE it is xmlNode.xml For Netscape it is new XMLSerializer .serializeToString xmlNode . In jQuery is there any built in method I can leverage jquery xml ..
Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5405789/increase-font-size-with-javascript-around-fixed-floated-images-in-css-columns src http www.avatarblast.com avatars cool yoda.jpg title yoda alt yoda LiveScript to JavaScript roughly coincided with Netscape adding support for Java technology in its Netscape Navigator web browser. The final choice of name caused confusion giving.. title yoda alt yoda LiveScript to JavaScript roughly coincided with Netscape adding support for Java technology in its Netscape Navigator web browser. The final choice of name caused confusion giving the impression that the language was a spin off.. was a spin off of the Java programming language and the choice has been characterized by many as a marketing ploy by Netscape to give JavaScript the cachet of what was then the hot new web programming language. It has also been claimed that the language's..
Limiting number of lines in textarea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/556767/limiting-number-of-lines-in-textarea head body script type text javascript var keynum lines 1 function limitLines obj e IE if window.event keynum e.keyCode Netscape Firefox Opera else if e.which keynum e.which if keynum 13 if lines obj.rows return false else lines script textarea..