jquery Programming Glossary: navigator.useragent.tolowercase
Add to favorites button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10033215/add-to-favorites-button return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'mac' 1 'Command Cmd' 'CTRL' ' D to bookmark this page.'..
How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12625876/how-to-detect-chrome-and-safari-browser-webkit .ready function Get browser .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Detect Chrome if .browser.chrome Do something for Chrome at..
Activate CSS3 animation when the content scrolls into view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16325679/activate-css3-animation-when-the-content-scrolls-into-view elem Get the scroll position of the page. var scrollElem navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'webkit' 1 'body' 'html' var viewportTop scrollElem..
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'addPanel' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17747578/uncaught-typeerror-object-htmldivelement-has-no-method-addpanel return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'mac' 1 'Command Cmd' 'CTRL' ' D to bookmark this page.'..
Distinguish Chrome from Safari using jQuery.browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3303858/distinguish-chrome-from-safari-using-jquery-browser direction I will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase.. .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Is this a version of Chrome if .browser.chrome userAgent userAgent.substring..
Browser & OS as body class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4323186/browser-os-as-body-class navigator.appVersion.indexOf Linux 1 OSName Linux var agt navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase if agt.indexOf opera 1 return 'Opera' if agt.indexOf firefox..
Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6031412/detect-android-phone-via-javascript-jquery that http davidwalsh.name detect android JavaScript var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase var isAndroid ua.indexOf android 1 ua.indexOf mobile if isAndroid..
How to detect if a browser is Chrome using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6339480/how-to-detect-if-a-browser-is-chrome-using-jquery improve this question .browser.chrome chrom e ium .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase if .browser.chrome ............ share improve this answer..
Detect all firefox versions in JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7000190/detect-all-firefox-versions-in-js This will detect any version of Firefox var is_firefox navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'firefox' 1 more specifically if navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase.. .indexOf 'firefox' 1 more specifically if navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'firefox' 1 Do Firefox related activities You may want..
jQuery - detecting the operating system and operating system version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8774560/jquery-detecting-the-operating-system-and-operating-system-version Here is some example detection code var os function var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase return isWin2K windows nt 5.0 .test ua isXP windows nt 5.1 .test..
Add to favorites button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10033215/add-to-favorites-button window.print Opera Hotlist this.title document.title return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'mac' 1 'Command Cmd' 'CTRL' ' D to bookmark this page.' script HTML a id bookmarkme href # rel sidebar title..
How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12625876/how-to-detect-chrome-and-safari-browser-webkit is tricky Live Demo http jsfiddle.net oscarj24 gNENk document .ready function Get browser .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Detect Chrome if .browser.chrome Do something for Chrome at this point Finally if it is Chrome then jQuery thinks it's Safari..
Activate CSS3 animation when the content scrolls into view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16325679/activate-css3-animation-when-the-content-scrolls-into-view forwards jQuery function isElementInViewport elem var elem elem Get the scroll position of the page. var scrollElem navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'webkit' 1 'body' 'html' var viewportTop scrollElem .scrollTop var viewportBottom viewportTop window .height Get..
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'addPanel' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17747578/uncaught-typeerror-object-htmldivelement-has-no-method-addpanel window.opera window.print Opera Hotlist this.title document.title return true else webkit safari chrome alert 'Press ' navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'mac' 1 'Command Cmd' 'CTRL' ' D to bookmark this page.' script it works on a plain webpage.. as demonstrated..
Distinguish Chrome from Safari using jQuery.browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3303858/distinguish-chrome-from-safari-using-jquery-browser his answer thank you Sarfraz for pointing me in the correct direction I will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Is this a version of Chrome if .browser.chrome userAgent userAgent.substring.. I will post functioning code here. var userAgent navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Is this a version of Chrome if .browser.chrome userAgent userAgent.substring userAgent.indexOf 'chrome ' 7 userAgent userAgent.substring..
Browser & OS as body class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4323186/browser-os-as-body-class MacOS if navigator.appVersion.indexOf X11 1 OSName UNIX if navigator.appVersion.indexOf Linux 1 OSName Linux var agt navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase if agt.indexOf opera 1 return 'Opera' if agt.indexOf firefox 1 return 'Firefox' if agt.indexOf safari 1 return 'Safari'..
Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6031412/detect-android-phone-via-javascript-jquery android share improve this question Take a look at that http davidwalsh.name detect android JavaScript var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase var isAndroid ua.indexOf android 1 ua.indexOf mobile if isAndroid Do something Redirect to Android site window.location..
How to detect if a browser is Chrome using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6339480/how-to-detect-if-a-browser-is-chrome-using-jquery
Detect all firefox versions in JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7000190/detect-all-firefox-versions-in-js FF. javascript jquery firefox share improve this question This will detect any version of Firefox var is_firefox navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'firefox' 1 more specifically if navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'firefox' 1 Do Firefox related activities.. detect any version of Firefox var is_firefox navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'firefox' 1 more specifically if navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase .indexOf 'firefox' 1 Do Firefox related activities You may want to consider using feature detection ala Modernizr or a related..
jQuery - detecting the operating system and operating system version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8774560/jquery-detecting-the-operating-system-and-operating-system-version the Windows version number map to the OS here OSVERSIONINFO Here is some example detection code var os function var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase return isWin2K windows nt 5.0 .test ua isXP windows nt 5.1 .test ua isVista windows nt 6.0 .test ua isWin7 windows nt 6.1..