jquery Programming Glossary: nd
How to add/subtract dates with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10931288/how-to-add-subtract-dates-with-javascript dates with javascript I want to let users easily add and subtract dates using javascript in order to browse their entries.. dd yyyy . I want them to be able to click a Next button and if the date is 06 01 2012 then on clicking next it should become.. the date from the server isn't an option its a bit laggy and not the experience for the user that the client wants. javascript..
jqGrid caching the grid data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3704886/jqgrid-caching-the-grid-data a another page containing jqGrid..but if user want to go and see the data it should be cached and show instead of making.. if user want to go and see the data it should be cached and show instead of making a call to the server.... form values.. use this you have to define additional parameter prmNames nd null of jqGrid which will remove sending of nd parameter with..
jqGrid data stored in browser cache? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885658/jqgrid-data-stored-in-browser-cache to remove it Or is it just stored in memory by JavaScript and the browser Would just closing your browser remove the data.. the data Do the answers to these questions change depending on whether you are using loadOnce jquery jqgrid privacy.. . It means that all requests has an additional parameter nd like nd 1286296925096 which is the timestamp. It makes the URL..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data data from a web service. I have looked at the jqGrid code and documentation thoroughly. I need another set of eyes to look.. I need another set of eyes to look at the code below and tell me if I'm missing something. As you'll see in the code.. grid loads I make an Ajax call to get the JSON data again and display in a div below the grid. I see most of the expected..
Adding/Subtracting days from a date doesn't change the year/month correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4320019/adding-subtracting-days-from-a-date-doesnt-change-the-year-month-correctly year month correctly If I have a date that is 2011 01 02 and I subtract 7 days from that date it should give me 2010 12 26.. Date date newdate newdate.setDate newdate.getDate 7 var nd new Date newdate alert 'the new date is ' nd http jsbin.com.. 7 var nd new Date newdate alert 'the new date is ' nd http jsbin.com upeyu 6 javascript jquery date share improve..
How can I preserve the search filters in jqGrid on page reload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4973361/how-can-i-preserve-the-search-filters-in-jqgrid-on-page-reload preserve the search filters in jqGrid on page reload I found many discussions that were close to what I need and this question.. I found many discussions that were close to what I need and this question is the closest How can I set postData._search.. jqGrid . As I'm struggling with almost the same problem and just can't get it working I want to setup search and filters..
JqGrid with subgrid and single XML file as input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5473755/jqgrid-with-subgrid-and-single-xml-file-as-input with subgrid and single XML file as input I have an XML file having a structure.. I want to have all products in a Grid using jqGrid and the accessories in a subgrid for each product with the plus.. datatype xml colNames id Name colModel name id key true index id width 90 xmlmap id sortable true name Name index Name width..
What is AJAX and how does it work? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6009206/what-is-ajax-and-how-does-it-work is AJAX and how does it work duplicate Possible Duplicate How does AJAX.. for providing a user with dynamic content. What is it and how does it work javascript jquery ajax share improve this.. this question AJAX or A synchronous J avascript A nd X ML which interestingly enough tends to use JSON more these..
Adding “st, nd, rd, th” to jquery datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8199204/adding-st-nd-rd-th-to-jquery-datepicker &ldquo st nd rd th&rdquo to jquery datepicker How can I add st nd rd th.. st nd rd th&rdquo to jquery datepicker How can I add st nd rd th to date format.. i.e. November 19th or December 2nd etc... nd rd th to date format.. i.e. November 19th or December 2nd etc. Currently I have following code #datepicker .datepicker..
How to add/subtract dates with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10931288/how-to-add-subtract-dates-with-javascript to add subtract dates with javascript I want to let users easily add and subtract dates using javascript in order to browse their entries by date. The dates are in the format mm dd yyyy . I want.. browse their entries by date. The dates are in the format mm dd yyyy . I want them to be able to click a Next button and if the date is 06 01 2012 then on clicking next it should become 06 02 2012 . If they click the 'prev' button then it should.. of days in the month etc. Any ideas P.S using ajax to get the date from the server isn't an option its a bit laggy and not the experience for the user that the client wants. javascript jquery date jquery datepicker share improve this question..
jqGrid caching the grid data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3704886/jqgrid-caching-the-grid-data the grid data I have a button onclick it should go to a another page containing jqGrid..but if user want to go and see the data it should be cached and show instead of making a call to the server.... form values were cache by default but.. onclick it should go to a another page containing jqGrid..but if user want to go and see the data it should be cached and show instead of making a call to the server.... form values were cache by default but jqGrid ...how to cache it jquery.. should be cached during 60 sec on the client. If you plan to use this you have to define additional parameter prmNames nd null of jqGrid which will remove sending of nd parameter with the timestamp included in any server request. After doing..
jqGrid data stored in browser cache? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885658/jqgrid-data-stored-in-browser-cache file system If so do you need to clear the browser's cache to remove it Or is it just stored in memory by JavaScript and the browser Would just closing your browser remove the data Do the answers to these questions change depending on whether.. and the browser Would just closing your browser remove the data Do the answers to these questions change depending on whether you are using loadOnce jquery jqgrid privacy share improve this question Per default the data loaded.. of ajax requests like cache false parameter of jQuery.ajax . It means that all requests has an additional parameter nd like nd 1286296925096 which is the timestamp. It makes the URL of all GET requests unique and so the local saved data will..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data populate with data I am trying to populate a jqGrid with data from a web service. I have looked at the jqGrid code and documentation thoroughly. I need another set of eyes to look at the code below and tell me if I'm missing something. As.. I have looked at the jqGrid code and documentation thoroughly. I need another set of eyes to look at the code below and tell me if I'm missing something. As you'll see in the code I have the grid set up to load when the page loads or during.. to load when the page loads or during a refresh. After the grid loads I make an Ajax call to get the JSON data again and display in a div below the grid. I see most of the expected behavior. After the page loads the grid displays the loading..
Adding/Subtracting days from a date doesn't change the year/month correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4320019/adding-subtracting-days-from-a-date-doesnt-change-the-year-month-correctly Subtracting days from a date doesn't change the year month correctly If I have a date that is 2011 01 02 and I subtract 7 days from that date it should give me 2010 12 26 but instead it gives me 2011 01 26. See the JS below to verify.. '01' '02' alert 'the original date is ' date var newdate new Date date newdate newdate.setDate newdate.getDate 7 var nd new Date newdate alert 'the new date is ' nd http jsbin.com upeyu 6 javascript jquery date share improve this question.. var newdate new Date date newdate newdate.setDate newdate.getDate 7 var nd new Date newdate alert 'the new date is ' nd http jsbin.com upeyu 6 javascript jquery date share improve this question I think you meant to do this working perfectly..
How can I preserve the search filters in jqGrid on page reload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4973361/how-can-i-preserve-the-search-filters-in-jqgrid-on-page-reload can I preserve the search filters in jqGrid on page reload I found many discussions that were close to what I need and this question is the closest How can I set postData._search to true.. can I preserve the search filters in jqGrid on page reload I found many discussions that were close to what I need and this question is the closest How can I set postData._search to true in the request in jqGrid . As I'm struggling with almost.. How can I set postData._search to true in the request in jqGrid . As I'm struggling with almost the same problem and just can't get it working I want to setup search and filters during the initial loading of the jqGrid say on the page reload..
JqGrid with subgrid and single XML file as input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5473755/jqgrid-with-subgrid-and-single-xml-file-as-input with subgrid and single XML file as input I have an XML file having a structure like this products product id P1 id name PRODUCT 1 name.. acc_2 id name ACC 2 name accessory accessories product products I want to have all products in a Grid using jqGrid and the accessories in a subgrid for each product with the plus icon . For that I use the following js var myGrid #prods .jqGrid.. the following js var myGrid #prods .jqGrid url 'products.xml' datatype xml colNames id Name colModel name id key true index id width 90 xmlmap id sortable true name Name index Name width 100 sortable true xmlmap name width 300 height 480 ignoreCase..
What is AJAX and how does it work? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6009206/what-is-ajax-and-how-does-it-work is AJAX and how does it work duplicate Possible Duplicate How does AJAX work Note This is a community wiki post I've often heard of.. is a community wiki post I've often heard of AJAX being used for providing a user with dynamic content. What is it and how does it work javascript jquery ajax share improve this question AJAX or A synchronous J avascript A nd X ML which.. is it and how does it work javascript jquery ajax share improve this question AJAX or A synchronous J avascript A nd X ML which interestingly enough tends to use JSON more these days is a system in which Javascript uses a browser object..
Adding “st, nd, rd, th” to jquery datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8199204/adding-st-nd-rd-th-to-jquery-datepicker &ldquo st nd rd th&rdquo to jquery datepicker How can I add st nd rd th to date format.. i.e. November 19th or December 2nd etc. Currently.. &ldquo st nd rd th&rdquo to jquery datepicker How can I add st nd rd th to date format.. i.e. November 19th or December 2nd etc. Currently I have following code #datepicker .datepicker altField.. st nd rd th&rdquo to jquery datepicker How can I add st nd rd th to date format.. i.e. November 19th or December 2nd etc. Currently I have following code #datepicker .datepicker altField #alternate altFormat DD MM d minDate 0 jquery jquery..