jquery Programming Glossary: ne
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing resizing Tell me if anyone encountered this problem I show on my page plot using jqPlot.. .ready function .jqplot.config.enablePlugins true var chLines '09 30 2010 00 00 00' 24.13 '12 31 2010 00 00 00' 28.26 '03.. 86400000 32 3 var plot .jqplot 'content chart' chLines animate .jqplot.use_excanvas Only animate if we're not using..
Jquery resizable plugin, set minWidth depending on the dragging edge http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10772843/jquery-resizable-plugin-set-minwidth-depending-on-the-dragging-edge the crop marker smaller than the image. To do that I will need to set the minWidth of the crop marker which is depending.. side the user is resizing there is a handle everywhere n ne e se etc. My question is how do achieve this I included an image..
check if map markers are within selected bounds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11229711/check-if-map-markers-are-within-selected-bounds selected bounds I have a map with various markers and i need to be able to draw a rectangle on the map and select the markers.. border dashed black backgroundColor red opacity 0.5 paneStyle backgroundColor gray opacity 0.2 var dz '#dispatcher'.. action 'get' .getDragZoomObject google.maps.event.addListener dz 'dragend' function bnds alert bnds This gives me the following..
jquery mobile: do I have to create a new panel for every page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15222589/jquery-mobile-do-i-have-to-create-a-new-panel-for-every-page mobile do I have to create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm.. mobile do I have to create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm site for.. create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm site for my Choose Language component. So that component..
jQuery UI resizable : auto height when using east handle alone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2634894/jquery-ui-resizable-auto-height-when-using-east-handle-alone UI resizable auto height when using east handle alone i have a jqueryui re sizable div. I want only the width to.. 16 9 handles 'e' The above will create a container that will automatically re size to a 16 9 aspect ratio only.. ratio only with a handle on the east side of the container. Here is the description from the documentation site at http..
jqplot tooltip on bar chart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4889464/jqplot-tooltip-on-bar-chart point values. tooltipLocation 'nw' location of tooltip n ne e se s sw w nw. tooltipAxes 'both' which axis values to display.. which axis values to display in the tooltip x y or both. lineWidthAdjust 2.5 pixels to add to the size line stroking the data.. y or both. lineWidthAdjust 2.5 pixels to add to the size line stroking the data point marker but it doesn't work. the bar..
SCRIPT1014: Invalid character http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6261256/script1014-invalid-character ae var bae jQuery '#featured left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document.. var bae jQuery '#featured left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document.. left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document .ready function..
JQuery Validation Internationalization Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7091206/jquery-validation-internationalization-problem error messages will be Turkish too of course I will define messages at that languages also I should define a default language.. I will define messages at that languages also I should define a default language if I didn't define an error message list.. also I should define a default language if I didn't define an error message list according to browser's language jquery..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin I am showing all buttons at the top of the grid using cloneToTop true I have the following code that i use to show filter.. postData jQuery gridSelector .getGridParam postData var newCapture if postData._search true typeof postData.filters undefined.. if postData._search true typeof postData.filters undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter..
'No Transport' Error w/ jQuery ajax call in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9160123/no-transport-error-w-jquery-ajax-call-in-ie Transport' Error w jQuery ajax call in IE I need to use foursquare API to search venues. Of course it is cross.. domain. It has no any problems in Firefox but in Internet Explorer 7 8 9 I've tested . My javascript code looks like.. v2 venues search' data sw bound_south_west ne bound_north_east query searchQuery.query oauth_token FSQ_OAUTH_TOKEN..
jqPlot resizing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10191122/jqplot-resizing resizing Tell me if anyone encountered this problem I show on my page plot using jqPlot script language javascript type text javascript document .ready.. script language javascript type text javascript document .ready function .jqplot.config.enablePlugins true var chLines '09 30 2010 00 00 00' 24.13 '12 31 2010 00 00 00' 28.26 '03 31 2011 00 00 00' 24.00 '06 30 2011 00 00 00' 25.35 '09 30.. .jsDate.strftime val format .jqplot.DateAxisRenderer.tickInterval 86400000 32 3 var plot .jqplot 'content chart' chLines animate .jqplot.use_excanvas Only animate if we're not using excanvas not in IE 7 or IE 8 .. axes xaxis tickInterval..
Jquery resizable plugin, set minWidth depending on the dragging edge http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10772843/jquery-resizable-plugin-set-minwidth-depending-on-the-dragging-edge around it is a crop marker I don't want to be able to resize the crop marker smaller than the image. To do that I will need to set the minWidth of the crop marker which is depending on from which side the user is resizing there is a handle everywhere.. minWidth of the crop marker which is depending on from which side the user is resizing there is a handle everywhere n ne e se etc. My question is how do achieve this I included an image to make my question a bit more clear Also here is a jsfiddle..
check if map markers are within selected bounds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11229711/check-if-map-markers-are-within-selected-bounds if map markers are within selected bounds I have a map with various markers and i need to be able to draw a rectangle on the map and select the markers which are within the rectangle bounds. So far i have.. '#dispatcher' .gmap3 action 'get' .enableKeyDragZoom boxStyle border dashed black backgroundColor red opacity 0.5 paneStyle backgroundColor gray opacity 0.2 var dz '#dispatcher' .gmap3 action 'get' .getDragZoomObject google.maps.event.addListener.. gray opacity 0.2 var dz '#dispatcher' .gmap3 action 'get' .getDragZoomObject google.maps.event.addListener dz 'dragend' function bnds alert bnds This gives me the following lat long lat long format from the alert bnds I need to..
jquery mobile: do I have to create a new panel for every page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15222589/jquery-mobile-do-i-have-to-create-a-new-panel-for-every-page mobile do I have to create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm site for my Choose Language component. So that component will.. mobile do I have to create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm site for my Choose Language component. So that component will need.. mobile do I have to create a new panel for every page I would like to use a Panel in a jqm site for my Choose Language component. So that component will need to be present on every page. Here is the setup..
jQuery UI resizable : auto height when using east handle alone http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2634894/jquery-ui-resizable-auto-height-when-using-east-handle-alone UI resizable auto height when using east handle alone i have a jqueryui re sizable div. I want only the width to be re sizable and the height to remain auto so that the div.. ratio AND the handles property #resizable .resizable aspectRatio 16 9 handles 'e' The above will create a container that will automatically re size to a 16 9 aspect ratio only with a handle on the east side of the container. Here is the.. a container that will automatically re size to a 16 9 aspect ratio only with a handle on the east side of the container. Here is the description from the documentation site at http jqueryui.com demos resizable #option containment If specified..
jqplot tooltip on bar chart http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4889464/jqplot-tooltip-on-bar-chart show true showTooltip true show a tooltip with data point values. tooltipLocation 'nw' location of tooltip n ne e se s sw w nw. tooltipAxes 'both' which axis values to display in the tooltip x y or both. lineWidthAdjust 2.5 pixels to.. location of tooltip n ne e se s sw w nw. tooltipAxes 'both' which axis values to display in the tooltip x y or both. lineWidthAdjust 2.5 pixels to add to the size line stroking the data point marker but it doesn't work. the bar visually gets.. 'both' which axis values to display in the tooltip x y or both. lineWidthAdjust 2.5 pixels to add to the size line stroking the data point marker but it doesn't work. the bar visually gets lighter and there's a small dot on the top which..
SCRIPT1014: Invalid character http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6261256/script1014-invalid-character right a first' var i jQuery '#featured right a' .index ae var bae jQuery '#featured left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document .ready function var ae jQuery '#featured right a.active'.. right a first' var i jQuery '#featured right a' .index ae var bae jQuery '#featured left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document .ready function var ae jQuery '#featured right a.active' if.. var i jQuery '#featured right a' .index ae var bae jQuery '#featured left a.fb ' i bae.show var ne ae.next .length ae.next jQuery '#featured right a first' document .ready function var ae jQuery '#featured right a.active' if ae.length 0 ae jQuery..
JQuery Validation Internationalization Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7091206/jquery-validation-internationalization-problem will be in English or if the browser's language is Turkish error messages will be Turkish too of course I will define messages at that languages also I should define a default language if I didn't define an error message list according to.. is Turkish error messages will be Turkish too of course I will define messages at that languages also I should define a default language if I didn't define an error message list according to browser's language jquery internationalization.. Turkish too of course I will define messages at that languages also I should define a default language if I didn't define an error message list according to browser's language jquery internationalization jquery validate share improve this..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin are not out of the box I am using filtered row at the top. I am showing all buttons at the top of the grid using cloneToTop true I have the following code that i use to show filter status at the top of jqggrid. using filtertoolbar loadComplete.. top of jqggrid. using filtertoolbar loadComplete function var postData jQuery gridSelector .getGridParam postData var newCapture if postData._search true typeof postData.filters undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture.. jQuery gridSelector .getGridParam postData var newCapture if postData._search true typeof postData.filters undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter var rules filters.rules for var i 0 i rules.length i var..
'No Transport' Error w/ jQuery ajax call in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9160123/no-transport-error-w-jquery-ajax-call-in-ie Transport' Error w jQuery ajax call in IE I need to use foursquare API to search venues. Of course it is cross domain. It has no any problems in Firefox but in Internet.. to use foursquare API to search venues. Of course it is cross domain. It has no any problems in Firefox but in Internet Explorer 7 8 9 I've tested . My javascript code looks like searchVenues function searchQuery .ajax url 'https api.foursquare.com.. like searchVenues function searchQuery .ajax url 'https api.foursquare.com v2 venues search' data sw bound_south_west ne bound_north_east query searchQuery.query oauth_token FSQ_OAUTH_TOKEN limit 25 intent 'browse' v 20120206 cache false dataType..