jquery Programming Glossary: hundreds
Using jQuery's getJSON method with an ASP.NET Web Form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1176603/using-jquerys-getjson-method-with-an-asp-net-web-form box I don't want to use an UpdatePanel I've done this hundreds on times using the ASP.NET MVC Framework but can't figure it..
Should all jquery events be bound to $(document)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12824549/should-all-jquery-events-be-bound-to-document want the exact same event handler where lots is at least hundreds . In this case it may be more efficient at setup time to bind.. setup time to bind one delegated event handler rather than hundreds or more direct event handlers. Note delegated event handling.. all your selectors on the document object and there were hundreds of selectors to compare to every single bubbled event this can..
Why is it a bad practice to return generated HTML instead of JSON? Or is it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284381/why-is-it-a-bad-practice-to-return-generated-html-instead-of-json-or-is-it that goes through the network well you probably don't use hundreds of KB of data html... Using gzip on whatever you are transferring..
Why would one use the Publish/Subscribe pattern (in JS/jQuery)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13512949/why-would-one-use-the-publish-subscribe-pattern-in-js-jquery the excessive use of publish subscribe. If you ™ve got hundreds of events it can become very confusing to manage all of them...
jQuery extending jquery functions to dynamically loaded content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14404725/jquery-extending-jquery-functions-to-dynamically-loaded-content but I just can't find the correct answer while there are hundreds of people with a similar problem. I'm using one div element..
jQuery change event on <select> not firing in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1637503/jquery-change-event-on-select-not-firing-in-ie binding directly to the drop downs . Unless you have hundreds of select boxes event delegation wouldn't buy you much here..
Jquery Cycle + Firefox Squishing Images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1719475/jquery-cycle-firefox-squishing-images of the image everything works fine. However there are hundreds of images all at different sizes.. I'm pretty frustrated with..
jQuery UI Autocomplete Combobox Very Slow With Large Select Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073612/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-very-slow-with-large-select-lists As some of the select lists on this project are very large hundreds and hundreds of items the delay browser freezing up is unacceptable... select lists on this project are very large hundreds and hundreds of items the delay browser freezing up is unacceptable. Can..
How to sort an array of objects with jquery or javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5503900/how-to-sort-an-array-of-objects-with-jquery-or-javascript the array can contain more than two objects It can contain hundreds. javascript jquery sorting multidimensional array share improve..
Greasemonkey Jquery Script to Click Links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6466856/greasemonkey-jquery-script-to-click-links all of the 'load more comments' . And that page has hundreds of them To do that use jQuery's each function... setInterval..
Can you layer pictures on top of each other on a webpage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6488390/can-you-layer-pictures-on-top-of-each-other-on-a-webpage of each other. Similar to this iOS princess game I have hundreds of different accessories as images right now and similar to..
Change href parameter using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6540106/change-href-parameter-using-jquery about this method is that these 5 lines of code can update hundreds of links without destroying the rest of the href values on each..
jQuery ID Selector (“#id”) Returns Array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7183704/jquery-id-selector-id-returns-array the same type of object as j .rows which might contain hundreds of DOM objects. This vastly simplifies jQuery programming because..
Using live() - benefits - similar to bind() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/748076/using-live-benefits-similar-to-bind img' .click function do something ...would then bind hundreds of handlers that all do the same thing This is inefficient and..
Flot memory leak while associating two graphs using panning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7892610/flot-memory-leak-while-associating-two-graphs-using-panning binding browser never drops memory and it piles up towards hundreds of megabytes. Apart from this we also update individual legends..
jQuery Memory Leak Suspicion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8348182/jquery-memory-leak-suspicion every second. I notice that my memory usage grows into the hundreds of megabytes. As you might imagine the customer is not happy..
Extract root domain name from string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8498592/extract-root-domain-name-from-string
Using jQuery's getJSON method with an ASP.NET Web Form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1176603/using-jquerys-getjson-method-with-an-asp-net-web-form related list of stuff formatted using JSON Populate secondary box I don't want to use an UpdatePanel I've done this hundreds on times using the ASP.NET MVC Framework but can't figure it out using Web Forms So far I can do everything including calling..
Should all jquery events be bound to $(document)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12824549/should-all-jquery-events-be-bound-to-document you create a new one. When you have lots of objects that all want the exact same event handler where lots is at least hundreds . In this case it may be more efficient at setup time to bind one delegated event handler rather than hundreds or more direct.. least hundreds . In this case it may be more efficient at setup time to bind one delegated event handler rather than hundreds or more direct event handlers. Note delegated event handling is always less efficient at run time than direct event handlers... It's no big deal if there is only one of them but if you put all your selectors on the document object and there were hundreds of selectors to compare to every single bubbled event this can seriously start to hobble event handling performance. For..
Why is it a bad practice to return generated HTML instead of JSON? Or is it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284381/why-is-it-a-bad-practice-to-return-generated-html-instead-of-json-or-is-it make that much of a difference About the size of the stuff that goes through the network well you probably don't use hundreds of KB of data html... Using gzip on whatever you are transferring is what's going to make the biggest difference not choosing..
Why would one use the Publish/Subscribe pattern (in JS/jQuery)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13512949/why-would-one-use-the-publish-subscribe-pattern-in-js-jquery by Addy Osmani . Drawbacks. You have to be careful about the excessive use of publish subscribe. If you ™ve got hundreds of events it can become very confusing to manage all of them. You may also have collisions if you ™re not using namespacing..
jQuery extending jquery functions to dynamically loaded content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14404725/jquery-extending-jquery-functions-to-dynamically-loaded-content the html content. I think the solution could be quite simple but I just can't find the correct answer while there are hundreds of people with a similar problem. I'm using one div element as body to show the content of other div elements. body a href..
jQuery change event on <select> not firing in IE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1637503/jquery-change-event-on-select-not-firing-in-ie really wrong. I'd really try working with the former example binding directly to the drop downs . Unless you have hundreds of select boxes event delegation wouldn't buy you much here anyway. 1 Note jQuery 1.4 now simulates a bubbling change event..
Jquery Cycle + Firefox Squishing Images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1719475/jquery-cycle-firefox-squishing-images still happens. Additional Info If I specify the width and height of the image everything works fine. However there are hundreds of images all at different sizes.. I'm pretty frustrated with this problem. Any ideas help is greatly appreciated Here is..
jQuery UI Autocomplete Combobox Very Slow With Large Select Lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073612/jquery-ui-autocomplete-combobox-very-slow-with-large-select-lists just occur the first time either it happens every time. As some of the select lists on this project are very large hundreds and hundreds of items the delay browser freezing up is unacceptable. Can anyone point me in the right direction to optimise.. the first time either it happens every time. As some of the select lists on this project are very large hundreds and hundreds of items the delay browser freezing up is unacceptable. Can anyone point me in the right direction to optimise this Or even..
How to sort an array of objects with jquery or javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5503900/how-to-sort-an-array-of-objects-with-jquery-or-javascript array i 1 .sort but that doesn't work. Please help me Edit the array can contain more than two objects It can contain hundreds. javascript jquery sorting multidimensional array share improve this question This will sort your array function SortByName..
Greasemonkey Jquery Script to Click Links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6466856/greasemonkey-jquery-script-to-click-links 10000 Oops I did not see that the question mentioned clicking all of the 'load more comments' . And that page has hundreds of them To do that use jQuery's each function... setInterval function var moreLinks a contains 'load more comments' moreLinks.each..
Can you layer pictures on top of each other on a webpage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6488390/can-you-layer-pictures-on-top-of-each-other-on-a-webpage the code that is figuring out how the images should lay on top of each other. Similar to this iOS princess game I have hundreds of different accessories as images right now and similar to the game above I need to support being able to choose more than..
Change href parameter using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6540106/change-href-parameter-using-jquery only the city portion with the new city. The good thing about this method is that these 5 lines of code can update hundreds of links without destroying the rest of the href values on each link. #city .change function o a.malls .attr 'href' function..
jQuery ID Selector (“#id”) Returns Array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7183704/jquery-id-selector-id-returns-array in it. Thus j #divID that contains only one object returns the same type of object as j .rows which might contain hundreds of DOM objects. This vastly simplifies jQuery programming because you don't have to do things differently depending upon..
Using live() - benefits - similar to bind() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/748076/using-live-benefits-similar-to-bind user clicks on it. Doing it as you might expect... '#container img' .click function do something ...would then bind hundreds of handlers that all do the same thing This is inefficient and can result in slow performance in heavy webapps. With event..
Flot memory leak while associating two graphs using panning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7892610/flot-memory-leak-while-associating-two-graphs-using-panning drops memory whenever it redraws. But with the above binding browser never drops memory and it piles up towards hundreds of megabytes. Apart from this we also update individual legends with mouse movements. we tried following approaches for..
jQuery Memory Leak Suspicion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8348182/jquery-memory-leak-suspicion I am making an AJAX request for XML. I am doing this every second. I notice that my memory usage grows into the hundreds of megabytes. As you might imagine the customer is not happy with this. After doing some reading in various places I suspect..
Extract root domain name from string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8498592/extract-root-domain-name-from-string