jquery Programming Glossary: httpresponse
Model has no attribute _committed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150301/model-has-no-attribute-committed request.user data.save else g.background form g.save HttpResponse else form BackgroundModelForm return render_to_response cover.html..
django getlist() from ajax html form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11022771/django-getlist-from-ajax-html-form return false script views.py from django.http import HttpResponse def main request mylist request.POST.getlist 'list' message.. message 'vid' elif item 'audio' message 'aud' return HttpResponse message jquery python html django share improve this question..
Passing list of values to django view via jQuery ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11176594/passing-list-of-values-to-django-view-via-jquery-ajax-call html t.render Context 'ingredients' ingredients return HttpResponse html else html ' p This is not ajax p ' return HttpResponse.. html else html ' p This is not ajax p ' return HttpResponse html With Firebug I can see that POST contains both ids but..
How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11647715/how-to-submit-form-without-refreshing-page-using-django-ajax-jquery request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' return HttpResponse json.dumps 'message' message return render_to_response 'contact..
dynamic JQuery view in django http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11860183/dynamic-jquery-view-in-django ensure_ascii False indent 2 use_natural_keys True return HttpResponse response_var mimetype application json my html page looks like.. print results response_var simplejson.dumps results return HttpResponse response_var mimetype application json To access the json object..
How to get Interdependent dropdowns in django using Modelform and jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14121132/how-to-get-interdependent-dropdowns-in-django-using-modelform-and-jquery import models import simplejson from django.http import HttpResponse def get_schools request campus_id campus models.Campus.objects.get.. school in schools school_dict school.id school.name return HttpResponse simplejson.dumps school_dict mimetype application json def get_centres.. centre in centres centre_dict centre.id centre.name return HttpResponse simplejson.dumps centre_dict mimetype application json Now write..
Jquery and Django multiple checkbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2190998/jquery-and-django-multiple-checkbox in listidx value myarray int l myarray.remove value return HttpResponse bills jqtut The problem is that on the server all the indexes..
How to read/write input fields in Django-admin tabular inlines using ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3750097/how-to-read-write-input-fields-in-django-admin-tabular-inlines-using-ajax if search result Tshirt.objects.filter id search return HttpResponse serializers.serialize 'json' result fields 'default_wording'.. 'default_wording' mimetype 'application json' return HttpResponse admin.py class Order_Inline TabularInline model Order_item fk_name..
Cross domain POST query using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing getting no data back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5251689/cross-domain-post-query-using-cross-origin-resource-sharing-getting-no-data-back to OPTIONS is elif request.method OPTIONS response HttpResponse response 'Access Control Allow Origin' response 'Access Control.. way to do things is this if request.method POST response HttpResponse simplejson.dumps data mimetype 'application json' response 'Access.. return response elif request.method OPTIONS response HttpResponse response 'Access Control Allow Origin' response 'Access Control..
jQuery.getJSON doesn't trigger callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/572991/jquery-getjson-doesnt-trigger-callback 'GET' json simplejson.dumps 'hello world ' return HttpResponse json mimetype 'application json' The view is executed tested.. but I didn't find an answer. EDIT The problem was that HttpResponse was not imported... Unfortunately Django gave no error about..
What does formatResult and formatItem options do in JQuery Autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737453/what-does-formatresult-and-formatitem-options-do-in-jquery-autocomplete To format your array as jquery would like it return HttpResponse ' '.join your_array mimetype 'text plain' Here is an example..
Model has no attribute _committed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150301/model-has-no-attribute-committed data form.save commit False data.user request.user data.save else g.background form g.save HttpResponse else form BackgroundModelForm return render_to_response cover.html 'form' form context_instance RequestContext request Urls.py..
django getlist() from ajax html form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11022771/django-getlist-from-ajax-html-form data this .serialize success function response alert response return false script views.py from django.http import HttpResponse def main request mylist request.POST.getlist 'list' message 0 for item in mylist if item 'video' message 'vid' elif item.. 'list' message 0 for item in mylist if item 'video' message 'vid' elif item 'audio' message 'aud' return HttpResponse message jquery python html django share improve this question You're not giving a key value pair to the data argument..
Passing list of values to django view via jQuery ajax call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11176594/passing-list-of-values-to-django-view-via-jquery-ajax-call food__id__in ourid t get_template 'ingredients.html' html t.render Context 'ingredients' ingredients return HttpResponse html else html ' p This is not ajax p ' return HttpResponse html With Firebug I can see that POST contains both ids but.. html t.render Context 'ingredients' ingredients return HttpResponse html else html ' p This is not ajax p ' return HttpResponse html With Firebug I can see that POST contains both ids but probably in the wrong format terid 1 terid 2 . So my ingredients..
How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11647715/how-to-submit-form-without-refreshing-page-using-django-ajax-jquery message 'something wrong ' if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' return HttpResponse json.dumps 'message' message return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm RequestContext request so..
dynamic JQuery view in django http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11860183/dynamic-jquery-view-in-django json response_var json_serializer.serialize results ensure_ascii False indent 2 use_natural_keys True return HttpResponse response_var mimetype application json my html page looks like this html head title date Comparison title script src http.. 'id_start_time' date.start_time for date in sql_qw print results response_var simplejson.dumps results return HttpResponse response_var mimetype application json To access the json object in your javascript take a look at your ajax request. The..
How to get Interdependent dropdowns in django using Modelform and jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14121132/how-to-get-interdependent-dropdowns-in-django-using-modelform-and-jquery for schools under a campus and centres under a school Views.py import models import simplejson from django.http import HttpResponse def get_schools request campus_id campus models.Campus.objects.get pk campus_id schools models.School.objects.filter campus.. models.School.objects.filter campus campus school_dict for school in schools school_dict school.id school.name return HttpResponse simplejson.dumps school_dict mimetype application json def get_centres request school_id school models.School.objects.get.. models.Centre.objects.filter school school centre_dict for centre in centres centre_dict centre.id centre.name return HttpResponse simplejson.dumps centre_dict mimetype application json Now write a ajax jquery method to fetch the data and populate the..
Jquery and Django multiple checkbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2190998/jquery-and-django-multiple-checkbox myarray idx request.GET u'id' listidx idx.split ' ' for l in listidx value myarray int l myarray.remove value return HttpResponse bills jqtut The problem is that on the server all the indexes I am sending as the GET string are not being handled only..
How to read/write input fields in Django-admin tabular inlines using ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3750097/how-to-read-write-input-fields-in-django-admin-tabular-inlines-using-ajax def json_order request search request.GET.get 'tshirt_id' if search result Tshirt.objects.filter id search return HttpResponse serializers.serialize 'json' result fields 'default_wording' mimetype 'application json' return HttpResponse admin.py class.. return HttpResponse serializers.serialize 'json' result fields 'default_wording' mimetype 'application json' return HttpResponse admin.py class Order_Inline TabularInline model Order_item fk_name 'order' class Order_Admin ModelAdmin inlines Order_Inline..
Cross domain POST query using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing getting no data back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5251689/cross-domain-post-query-using-cross-origin-resource-sharing-getting-no-data-back handler in the above is not being called. For reference my response to OPTIONS is elif request.method OPTIONS response HttpResponse response 'Access Control Allow Origin' response 'Access Control Allow Methods' POST GET OPTIONS response 'Access Control.. share improve this question Ok so I believe the correct way to do things is this if request.method POST response HttpResponse simplejson.dumps data mimetype 'application json' response 'Access Control Allow Origin' return response elif request.method.. 'application json' response 'Access Control Allow Origin' return response elif request.method OPTIONS response HttpResponse response 'Access Control Allow Origin' response 'Access Control Allow Methods' POST OPTIONS response 'Access Control Allow..
jQuery.getJSON doesn't trigger callback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/572991/jquery-getjson-doesnt-trigger-callback script and corresponding view def test request if request.method 'GET' json simplejson.dumps 'hello world ' return HttpResponse json mimetype 'application json' The view is executed tested using print json variable is initialised but no alert appears... docs.jquery.com Ajax jQuery.getJSON#urldatacallback for example but I didn't find an answer. EDIT The problem was that HttpResponse was not imported... Unfortunately Django gave no error about it. Everything else was correct. regards chriss jquery django..
What does formatResult and formatItem options do in JQuery Autocomplete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737453/what-does-formatresult-and-formatitem-options-do-in-jquery-autocomplete is returning an array rather than returning a formatted string. To format your array as jquery would like it return HttpResponse ' '.join your_array mimetype 'text plain' Here is an example of doing autocomplete using non standard autocomplete data..