jquery Programming Glossary: https
Is it possible to style a select box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1072239/is-it-possible-to-style-a-select-box CSS. Couldn't be too hard to roll your own. Here's one https gist.github.com 1139558 Used to he here but it looks like the..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element allow the script to load via HTTPS on a page with protocol https and to load the HTTP version on a page with protocol http It.. and correct the URL if it wasn't e.g. add the http or https scheme at the beginning adjust the path etc. Listening to the..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read ticket 13183 that breaks the Fancybox script. Also check https github.com fancyapps fancyBox issues 485 for further reference...
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events Mobile page events benchmarking. It can be found here https github.com jquery jquery mobile blob master tools page change..
How to set/unset cookie with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458724/how-to-set-unset-cookie-with-jquery cookies share improve this question See the plugin https github.com carhartl jquery cookie You can then do .cookie test..
apply !important CSS style using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2655925/apply-important-css-style-using-jquery the ability to specify the priority as 'important'. See https developer.mozilla.org en DOM CSSStyleDeclaration . Demo var.. styleName else Get CSSStyleDeclaration return style See https developer.mozilla.org en DOM CSSStyleDeclaration for examples..
What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4743730/what-is-console-log-and-how-do-i-use-it better use Firebug Safari and Chrome Basically the same. https developers.google.com chrome developer tools docs overview https.. developers.google.com chrome developer tools docs overview https developer.apple.com technologies safari developer tools.html..
jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/519107/jquery-autocomplete-tagging-plug-in-like-stackoverflows-input-tags this question Excellent plugin for adding tags demo https github.com aehlke tag it Others demo http www.iog3.com 322 so_tag.. tag search demo http harvesthq.github.io chosen demo https github.com webworka Tagedit demo https github.com xoxco jQuery.. chosen demo https github.com webworka Tagedit demo https github.com xoxco jQuery Tags Input demo https github.com documentcloud..
jQuery Call to WebService returns “No Transport” error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5241088/jquery-call-to-webservice-returns-no-transport-error Here are a few links that might help you get started https en.wikipedia.org wiki JSON http remysharp.com 2007 10 08 what..
Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547384/where-do-you-include-the-jquery-library-from-google-jsapi-cdn I have been using the following for Google script src https www.google.com jsapi script script google.load 'jquery' '1.3.1'.. you don't need to worry about switching between http and https. javascript jquery ssl google ajax libraries share improve.. script type text javascript document.write script src ' https document.location.protocol https http ajax.googleapis.com ajax..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind types data fn return this.on types selector data fn See https github.com jquery jquery blob 1.7 src event.js#L965 . share..
CORS with jQuery and XDomainRequest in IE8/9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11487216/cors-with-jquery-and-xdomainrequest-in-ie8-9 that part of the problem was that I was using POST over HTTPS. Apparently XDomainRequest does not allow CORS over HTTPS. I.. HTTPS. Apparently XDomainRequest does not allow CORS over HTTPS. I can switch to HTTP but I really need POST. Edit2 See this..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element script this syntax is used to allow the script to load via HTTPS on a page with protocol https and to load the HTTP version on..
Why will jQuery not load in Facebook? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15194699/why-will-jquery-not-load-in-facebook and blocks it when I used the Google CDN which serves over HTTPS instead of the jQuery one which doesn't method 2 works but is..
Security error using CORS in IE10 with Node and Express http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18422980/security-error-using-cors-in-ie10-with-node-and-express the request to the API server using HTTP instead of HTTPS. The issue sounds like it may have to do with the server's SSL..
CAS authentication and redirects with jQuery AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2961051/cas-authentication-and-redirects-with-jquery-ajax must be the same. That is since cas.mydomain.com is using HTTPS the page from which you are calling it must also be on HTTPS..
HTTPS and external (CDN) hosted files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3622598/https-and-external-cdn-hosted-files and external CDN hosted files I have a page that references.. YUI Loader . The trouble is when I access the page via HTTPS the browser complains of mixed insecure content since the external.. accessing the external jQuery and YUI Loader objects with HTTPS jquery yui cdn share improve this question Assuming the..
IE9 HTTPS security is compromised by my Greasemonkey script? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3905840/ie9-https-security-is-compromised-by-my-greasemonkey-script HTTPS security is compromised by my Greasemonkey script I ™ve got.. But on secure pages it doesn ™t work. I ™m getting SEC7111 HTTPS security is compromised by http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs..
AJAX calls to untrusted HTTPS fail silently http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4565772/ajax-calls-to-untrusted-https-fail-silently calls to untrusted HTTPS fail silently I want to make AJAX calls to a secure server.. JQuery from another subdomain of our site also hosted on HTTPS and users had added exceptions for ourService.example.com but..
User Signup in Couchapp/CouchDB through jquery.couch.js or Otherwise http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305543/user-signup-in-couchapp-couchdb-through-jquery-couch-js-or-otherwise direct CouchApp you'll need to use a proxy server to route HTTPS requests to the CouchDB server itself. Nginx and Apache are..
Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547384/where-do-you-include-the-jquery-library-from-google-jsapi-cdn reduce the complexity of the code by removing the HTTP and HTTPS and simply use the following syntax script type text javascript..
In an AJAX call, 302 is not followed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955308/in-an-ajax-call-302-is-not-followed PHP5.3.6 HTTP on local machine Ubuntu Lighttpd PHP5.3.3 HTTPS on production but none that to me should make any difference...
Secure popup login possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8888003/secure-popup-login-possible my bank I want to know it's to my bank I'm connected over HTTPS. Sending credentials to a https site from a popup or an iframe.. can also happen when the initial page is served over HTTPS as unfortunately demonstrated by the 3 D Secure system these..
Is it possible to style a select box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1072239/is-it-possible-to-style-a-select-box to ol 's and option 's to li 's so that you can style it with CSS. Couldn't be too hard to roll your own. Here's one https gist.github.com 1139558 Used to he here but it looks like the site is down. Use it like this '#myselectbox' .selectbox Style..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element jquery.min.js script this syntax is used to allow the script to load via HTTPS on a page with protocol https and to load the HTTP version on a page with protocol http It has the unfortunate side effect of attempting and failing to.. developer tools to find out whether the jQuery file was found and correct the URL if it wasn't e.g. add the http or https scheme at the beginning adjust the path etc. Listening to the load DOMContentLoaded events is exactly what jQuery is doing..
Fancybox doesn't work with jQuery v1.9.0 [ f.browser is undefined / Cannot read property 'msie' ] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344289/fancybox-doesnt-work-with-jquery-v1-9-0-f-browser-is-undefined-cannot-read it exists a bug in jQuery reported here http bugs.jquery.com ticket 13183 that breaks the Fancybox script. Also check https github.com fancyapps fancyBox issues 485 for further reference. As a workaround rollback to jQuery v1.8.3 while either the..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events there. Benchmarking There's an excellent script made for jQuery Mobile page events benchmarking. It can be found here https github.com jquery jquery mobile blob master tools page change time.js . But before you do anything with it I advise you..
How to set/unset cookie with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458724/how-to-set-unset-cookie-with-jquery ' test ' and value ' 1 ' And especially how to unset jquery cookies share improve this question See the plugin https github.com carhartl jquery cookie You can then do .cookie test 1 To delete .removeCookie test Additionally to set a timeout..
apply !important CSS style using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2655925/apply-important-css-style-using-jquery the CSSStyleDeclaration with .style and also set values with the ability to specify the priority as 'important'. See https developer.mozilla.org en DOM CSSStyleDeclaration . Demo var div 'someDiv' console.log div.style 'color' div.style 'color'.. else Get style property return style.getPropertyValue styleName else Get CSSStyleDeclaration return style See https developer.mozilla.org en DOM CSSStyleDeclaration for examples of how to read and set the CSS values. My issue was that I..
What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4743730/what-is-console-log-and-how-do-i-use-it Shift J Tools Web Developer Error Console but Firebug is much better use Firebug Safari and Chrome Basically the same. https developers.google.com chrome developer tools docs overview https developer.apple.com technologies safari developer tools.html.. use Firebug Safari and Chrome Basically the same. https developers.google.com chrome developer tools docs overview https developer.apple.com technologies safari developer tools.html Internet Explorer Don't forget you can use compatibility modes..
jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/519107/jquery-autocomplete-tagging-plug-in-like-stackoverflows-input-tags hosted code for jQuery jquery autocomplete tags share improve this question Excellent plugin for adding tags demo https github.com aehlke tag it Others demo http www.iog3.com 322 so_tag tagging system based on stackoverflows tag search demo.. www.iog3.com 322 so_tag tagging system based on stackoverflows tag search demo http harvesthq.github.io chosen demo https github.com webworka Tagedit demo https github.com xoxco jQuery Tags Input demo https github.com documentcloud visualsearch.. based on stackoverflows tag search demo http harvesthq.github.io chosen demo https github.com webworka Tagedit demo https github.com xoxco jQuery Tags Input demo https github.com documentcloud visualsearch demo http nicolasbize.github.com magicsuggest..
jQuery Call to WebService returns “No Transport” error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5241088/jquery-call-to-webservice-returns-no-transport-error I suspect it is you might want to check out JSONP as a solution. Here are a few links that might help you get started https en.wikipedia.org wiki JSON http remysharp.com 2007 10 08 what is jsonp http www.west wind.com weblog posts 107136.aspx ..
Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547384/where-do-you-include-the-jquery-library-from-google-jsapi-cdn to setup an SSL connection or even only to resolve google.com. I have been using the following for Google script src https www.google.com jsapi script script google.load 'jquery' '1.3.1' script I like the idea of using Google so it's cached when.. The difference is the removal of http . By removing this you don't need to worry about switching between http and https. javascript jquery ssl google ajax libraries share improve this question Without a doubt I choose to have JQuery served.. insecure content in a secure page Here's what I came up with script type text javascript document.write script src ' https document.location.protocol https http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.2.6 jquery.min.js' type 'text javascript' script..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind
CORS with jQuery and XDomainRequest in IE8/9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11487216/cors-with-jquery-and-xdomainrequest-in-ie8-9 but it has exactly the same problem. Edit OK so I figured out that part of the problem was that I was using POST over HTTPS. Apparently XDomainRequest does not allow CORS over HTTPS. I can switch to HTTP but I really need POST. Edit2 See this issue.. out that part of the problem was that I was using POST over HTTPS. Apparently XDomainRequest does not allow CORS over HTTPS. I can switch to HTTP but I really need POST. Edit2 See this issue on github for the end of this story. It turns out that..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element file system script src somecdn.somewhere.com jquery.min.js script this syntax is used to allow the script to load via HTTPS on a page with protocol https and to load the HTTP version on a page with protocol http It has the unfortunate side effect..
Why will jQuery not load in Facebook? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15194699/why-will-jquery-not-load-in-facebook context and blocks it. that jQuery is loaded via script.src and blocks it when I used the Google CDN which serves over HTTPS instead of the jQuery one which doesn't method 2 works but is not sufficient for answer . DATA How do I know jQuery is not..
Security error using CORS in IE10 with Node and Express http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18422980/security-error-using-cors-in-ie10-with-node-and-express explorer 10 cors share improve this question Try sending the request to the API server using HTTP instead of HTTPS. The issue sounds like it may have to do with the server's SSL settings more so than the request itself. If this is the..
CAS authentication and redirects with jQuery AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2961051/cas-authentication-and-redirects-with-jquery-ajax
HTTPS and external (CDN) hosted files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3622598/https-and-external-cdn-hosted-files and external CDN hosted files I have a page that references a couple of externally hosted javascript files namely jQuery.. hosted javascript files namely jQuery on Google and YUI using YUI Loader . The trouble is when I access the page via HTTPS the browser complains of mixed insecure content since the external javascript files are being accessed using http instead.. http instead of https. What's a good way to deal with this accessing the external jQuery and YUI Loader objects with HTTPS jquery yui cdn share improve this question Assuming the CDN provider has an https version you can use protocol relative..
IE9 HTTPS security is compromised by my Greasemonkey script? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3905840/ie9-https-security-is-compromised-by-my-greasemonkey-script HTTPS security is compromised by my Greasemonkey script I ™ve got a Greasemonkey for IE script in IE9 that ™s importing jQuery... a Greasemonkey for IE script in IE9 that ™s importing jQuery. But on secure pages it doesn ™t work. I ™m getting SEC7111 HTTPS security is compromised by http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.4.2 jquery.min.js The code that fails is var script..
AJAX calls to untrusted HTTPS fail silently http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4565772/ajax-calls-to-untrusted-https-fail-silently calls to untrusted HTTPS fail silently I want to make AJAX calls to a secure server that uses a self signed certificate. In the environment where.. firing off because JQuery was never loaded We were including JQuery from another subdomain of our site also hosted on HTTPS and users had added exceptions for ourService.example.com but not js.example.com. Apparently if you point a script tag at..
User Signup in Couchapp/CouchDB through jquery.couch.js or Otherwise http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305543/user-signup-in-couchapp-couchdb-through-jquery-couch-js-or-otherwise or a list of entities If you decide to continue with a direct CouchApp you'll need to use a proxy server to route HTTPS requests to the CouchDB server itself. Nginx and Apache are common examples of this use case If you can't use that there's..
Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547384/where-do-you-include-the-jquery-library-from-google-jsapi-cdn script UPDATE 9 8 2010 Some suggestions have been made to reduce the complexity of the code by removing the HTTP and HTTPS and simply use the following syntax script type text javascript document.write script src ' ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs..
In an AJAX call, 302 is not followed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955308/in-an-ajax-call-302-is-not-followed There are some differences between the servers OS X Apache2 PHP5.3.6 HTTP on local machine Ubuntu Lighttpd PHP5.3.3 HTTPS on production but none that to me should make any difference. jquery ajax share improve this question Turns out a bug..
Secure popup login possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8888003/secure-popup-login-possible certificate issued by a trusted authority. If I connect to my bank I want to know it's to my bank I'm connected over HTTPS. Sending credentials to a https site from a popup or an iframe hides the real target website. This problem can also happen.. a popup or an iframe hides the real target website. This problem can also happen when the initial page is served over HTTPS as unfortunately demonstrated by the 3 D Secure system these people should know better really . In short don't use an iframe..