jquery Programming Glossary: horribly
Genie animation Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2575919/genie-animation-javascript if you are really ambitious into one line per pixel and squash horizontally using a CSS transformation. It would be horribly inefficient to render and would probably look jerky and flickery as well as unpleasantly aliased. share improve this answer..
Make jqGrid fill it's container http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2919723/make-jqgrid-fill-its-container hide the jqGrid etc etc... Both jqGrid and jQuery Layout provide callbacks but when I use them the page layout breaks horribly. Has anyone any experience mixing jqGrid with jQuery Layout http www.secondpersonplural.ca jqgriddocs index.htm http layout.jquery..
JQuery/Javascript - Search DOM for text and insert HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489119/jquery-javascript-search-dom-for-text-and-insert-html is fantastic b The above is more of an illustration of what I have tried not the actual code. I expect the syntax is horribly wrong so please excuse any errors they are not the problem . Cheers Pete javascript jquery html dom insert share improve..
Using cookies to load colorbox on first page load only http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6086984/using-cookies-to-load-colorbox-on-first-page-load-only info goes body html javascript jquery colorbox share improve this question Your cookie set was... sort of horribly broken for instance this expires.setDate expires.getDate 31 doesn't mean anything. You don't have a an operator plus between..
How to prevent jquery from removing the <script> tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6532644/how-to-prevent-jquery-from-removing-the-script-tags the server to execute is usually a sign that you're not thinking correctly about the problem since your mixing domains horribly. Firstly why not just have a function that executes every time you ajax the next page gallery in Why do you need to get..
jQuery.ajax() parsererror http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6643838/jquery-ajax-parsererror It's because you're telling jQuery that you're expecting JSON P not JSON back. But the return is JSON. JSON P is horribly mis named named in a way that causes no end of confusion. It's a convention for conveying data to a function via a script..