jquery Programming Glossary: homepage
Disappearing images in IE8 jQuery Cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10196819/disappearing-images-in-ie8-jquery-cycle fix this. Only in IE8 so far. I had the same issue on the homepage cycle but managed to fix by declaring width height and background..
Link directly to a jQuery tab from another page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10818754/link-directly-to-a-jquery-tab-from-another-page here. p div What I'm trying to do is create a link on the homepage that can link directly to tab 2 or tab 3 which are on a separate..
FancyBox displaying contents of a DIV as type iFrame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11678956/fancybox-displaying-contents-of-a-div-as-type-iframe script That is FancyBox opens and displays the CNN homepage. However if I change the href attribute to #pg and have the..
Identify & Extract the title/description of an Image (Data Scraping Pinterest) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13796859/identify-extract-the-title-description-of-an-image-data-scraping-pinterest item along with many other smaller pinned items unlike the homepage which contains a multitude of only pinned items. That Pinterest.. retrieve the current Pinterest Pinned ITEMS as seen on the homepage first understand how this jsFiddle DEMO works. Then you'll need..
preload hidden CSS images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1787319/preload-hidden-css-images hidden CSS images I'm working on a jquery based homepage with 5 or so hidden divs each containing several background..
i need script in jquery that make the page as your default home page website in the browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1832846/i-need-script-in-jquery-that-make-the-page-as-your-default-home-page-website-in in jquery javascript that make the specific site as the homepage in the browser i need it compatible for all browsers if that.. be done automatically thanks. javascript jquery default homepage share improve this question In Internet Explorer 7 and earlier..
jQuery counter to count up to a target number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2540277/jquery-counter-to-count-up-to-a-target-number look at Google's number of MB of free storage on the Gmail homepage under the heading that reads Lots of space . It has a starting..
Animate background image change with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2983957/animate-background-image-change-with-jquery fade in nicely when you hover over the list items on the homepage http www.thebalancedbody.ca The Code to make this happen so.. happen so far is ul#frontpage li#277 a .hover function '#homepage_container' .css 'background image' 'url http www.thebalancedbody.ca.. images nutrition_background.jpg ' function '#homepage_container' .css 'background image' 'url http www.thebalancedbody.ca..
How do I check if the request is made via AJAX with PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4301150/how-do-i-check-if-the-request-is-made-via-ajax-with-php it is an ajax request and if not i will redirect them to homepage. so there's no way they can access the page that is intended..
Queue AJAX calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4797566/queue-ajax-calls than having one large HTML file after the load of the homepage I am ajaxing in the children of home using jQuery .load . At..
How to capture click event with jQuery for iframe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5082623/how-to-capture-click-event-with-jquery-for-iframe jQuery for iframe I'm trying to pause the slider on the homepage when a video is played so it doesn't keep sliding. Check it..
Trying to parse JSON file with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097783/trying-to-parse-json-file-with-jquery students student id 1 name John Doe image pic1.jpg homepage http www.google.com id 2 name Jane Doe image pic1.jpg .. www.google.com id 2 name Jane Doe image pic1.jpg homepage http www.google.com I am using the following jQuery function.. i s var id s.id var name s.name var img s.image var homepage s.homepage '.networkTable' .append ' tr td img src ' img '..
jQuery causing 404 errors in Webmaster Tools on /a directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5749348/jquery-causing-404-errors-in-webmaster-tools-on-a-directory I would recommend just 301 redirecting that URL to your homepage disallowing the URL will also bring it up as a crawl error it.. to have it removed there you can do a 301 redirect to your homepage. Cheers John jquery html http status code 404 googlebot google..
Is jquery a javascript library or framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7062775/is-jquery-a-javascript-library-or-framework share improve this question A library. According to the homepage and which I agree with. A framework is something that usually..
IE ignores styles for dynamically loaded content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7590537/ie-ignores-styles-for-dynamically-loaded-content ajaxed site. So the site is like a grid. If you load the homepage you get this div id content section id home h1 Title h1 p Hi..
Disappearing images in IE8 jQuery Cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10196819/disappearing-images-in-ie8-jquery-cycle products lifestation Cannot for the life of me fix this. Only in IE8 so far. I had the same issue on the homepage cycle but managed to fix by declaring width height and background none important on the img's in question. I thought it..
Link directly to a jQuery tab from another page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10818754/link-directly-to-a-jquery-tab-from-another-page panes div id tab_1 class tab content p Tab content goes here. p div What I'm trying to do is create a link on the homepage that can link directly to tab 2 or tab 3 which are on a separate page. Can anyone help with this jquery html css tabs ..
FancyBox displaying contents of a DIV as type iFrame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11678956/fancybox-displaying-contents-of-a-div-as-type-iframe 500 'frameHeight' 500 'hideOnContentClick' false 'type' 'iframe' script That is FancyBox opens and displays the CNN homepage. However if I change the href attribute to #pg and have the page coded this way body div id pg div script type text javascript..
Identify & Extract the title/description of an Image (Data Scraping Pinterest) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13796859/identify-extract-the-title-description-of-an-image-data-scraping-pinterest This means that webpage will contain the primary pinned item along with many other smaller pinned items unlike the homepage which contains a multitude of only pinned items. That Pinterest Link has for it's Webpage Title the pinned item's Title.. Object Number . Something extra If your curious on how to retrieve the current Pinterest Pinned ITEMS as seen on the homepage first understand how this jsFiddle DEMO works. Then you'll need to make your own jsFiddle version for testing and use the..
preload hidden CSS images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1787319/preload-hidden-css-images hidden CSS images I'm working on a jquery based homepage with 5 or so hidden divs each containing several background css images. The issue is that the browser doesn't load css images..
i need script in jquery that make the page as your default home page website in the browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1832846/i-need-script-in-jquery-that-make-the-page-as-your-default-home-page-website-in your default home page website in the browser i need script in jquery javascript that make the specific site as the homepage in the browser i need it compatible for all browsers if that possible . i dont mean it should be done automatically thanks... for all browsers if that possible . i dont mean it should be done automatically thanks. javascript jquery default homepage share improve this question In Internet Explorer 7 and earlier it was possible to do this using document.setHomePage..
jQuery counter to count up to a target number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2540277/jquery-counter-to-count-up-to-a-target-number to a target number at a specified speed. For example take a look at Google's number of MB of free storage on the Gmail homepage under the heading that reads Lots of space . It has a starting number in a span tag and slowly counts upward every second...
Animate background image change with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2983957/animate-background-image-change-with-jquery animate function to make the background image changes fade in nicely when you hover over the list items on the homepage http www.thebalancedbody.ca The Code to make this happen so far is ul#frontpage li#277 a .hover function '#homepage_container'.. homepage http www.thebalancedbody.ca The Code to make this happen so far is ul#frontpage li#277 a .hover function '#homepage_container' .css 'background image' 'url http www.thebalancedbody.ca wp content themes balancedbody_V1 images nutrition_background.jpg.. image' 'url http www.thebalancedbody.ca wp content themes balancedbody_V1 images nutrition_background.jpg ' function '#homepage_container' .css 'background image' 'url http www.thebalancedbody.ca wp content themes balancedbody_V1 images default_background.jpg..
How do I check if the request is made via AJAX with PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4301150/how-do-i-check-if-the-request-is-made-via-ajax-with-php login_window rel dialog Login a I want to check if it is an ajax request and if not i will redirect them to homepage. so there's no way they can access the page that is intended only for ajax requests. Thanks php jquery ajax codeigniter..
Queue AJAX calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4797566/queue-ajax-calls scrolling website like http vanityclaire.com However rather than having one large HTML file after the load of the homepage I am ajaxing in the children of home using jQuery .load . At present I for each div and ajax in ithe url that sits in the..
How to capture click event with jQuery for iframe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5082623/how-to-capture-click-event-with-jquery-for-iframe to capture click event with jQuery for iframe I'm trying to pause the slider on the homepage when a video is played so it doesn't keep sliding. Check it out here . I've tried adding a div on top of it and capture..
Trying to parse JSON file with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097783/trying-to-parse-json-file-with-jquery parse a JSON file with the exact stucture as in the following. students student id 1 name John Doe image pic1.jpg homepage http www.google.com id 2 name Jane Doe image pic1.jpg homepage http www.google.com I am using the following jQuery.. student id 1 name John Doe image pic1.jpg homepage http www.google.com id 2 name Jane Doe image pic1.jpg homepage http www.google.com I am using the following jQuery function function GetStudents filename .getJSON filename function.. .getJSON filename function data .each data.student function i s var id s.id var name s.name var img s.image var homepage s.homepage '.networkTable' .append ' tr td img src ' img ' class picEven pic width 33 height 35 td td a href ' homepage..
jQuery causing 404 errors in Webmaster Tools on /a directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5749348/jquery-causing-404-errors-in-webmaster-tools-on-a-directory that it doesn't trigger a crawl error in Webmaster Tools then I would recommend just 301 redirecting that URL to your homepage disallowing the URL will also bring it up as a crawl error it will be listed as a URL disallowed by robots.txt . I would.. leave it like that it won't cause any problems. If you want to have it removed there you can do a 301 redirect to your homepage. Cheers John jquery html http status code 404 googlebot google webmaster tools share improve this question It looks..
Is jquery a javascript library or framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7062775/is-jquery-a-javascript-library-or-framework javascript jquery frameworks share improve this question A library. According to the homepage and which I agree with. A framework is something that usually forces a certain way of implementing a solution whereas jQuery..
IE ignores styles for dynamically loaded content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7590537/ie-ignores-styles-for-dynamically-loaded-content only the relevant portion of HTML on a nearly exclusively ajaxed site. So the site is like a grid. If you load the homepage you get this div id content section id home h1 Title h1 p Hi There p section div Then onload I use jquery to render the..