jquery Programming Glossary: hdiv
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid div.ui jqgrid view .children div.ui jqgrid hdiv .hide gridComplete function #list .jqGrid expandSubGridRow.. subgrid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .children div.ui jqgrid hdiv .hide resizeStop function newWidth index grid.dragEnd var widthChange..
jqGrid footer cells “inherits” CSS from cells in the main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2683108/jqgrid-footer-cells-inherits-css-from-cells-in-the-main-grid following classes ui jqgrid titlebar title bar ui jqgrid hdiv headers with column textes header ui jqgrid bdiv with the main.. jQuery '#list' 0 .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode var hdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid hdiv gviewNode var bdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid.. var hdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid hdiv gviewNode var bdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid bdiv gviewNode var sdiv..
Correctly calling setGridWidth on a jqGrid inside a jQueryUI Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2686043/correctly-calling-setgridwidth-on-a-jqgrid-inside-a-jqueryui-dialog var scrollWidth gridScrollWidth if htable.length 0 var hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth.. hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth.. if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth if gviewScrollWidth..
jqGrid get “th” and “thead” using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3462071/jqgrid-get-th-and-thead-using-jquery div.ui userdata#t_list optional top toolbar div.ui jqgrid hdiv all grid headers div.ui jqgrid hbox table.ui jqgrid htable..
Add button to jqgrid column header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8213162/add-button-to-jqgrid-column-header grid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .find div.ui jqgrid hdiv table.ui jqgrid htable tr.ui jqgrid labels th.ui th column div.ui..
Horizontal scroll bar in jqgrid when needed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8292341/horizontal-scroll-bar-in-jqgrid-when-needed var scrollWidth gridScrollWidth if htable.length 0 var hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth.. hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth.. if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth if gviewScrollWidth..
Resize SubGrid Columns on resizing main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14216113/resize-subgrid-columns-on-resizing-main-grid height 100 autoencode true gridview true subgrid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .children div.ui jqgrid hdiv .hide gridComplete function #list .jqGrid expandSubGridRow group1 script Screen jquery jqgrid share improve this.. 10000 autoencode true gridview true idPrefix rowId _ subgrid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .children div.ui jqgrid hdiv .hide resizeStop function newWidth index grid.dragEnd var widthChange this.newWidth this.width theGrid this.bDiv .find..
jqGrid footer cells “inherits” CSS from cells in the main grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2683108/jqgrid-footer-cells-inherits-css-from-cells-in-the-main-grid div with the class ui jqgrid view . It have child div 's with following classes ui jqgrid titlebar title bar ui jqgrid hdiv headers with column textes header ui jqgrid bdiv with the main information body ui jqgrid sdiv its what you needs If your.. of all jqGrid HTML elements as a DOM element var gviewNode jQuery '#list' 0 .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode var hdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid hdiv gviewNode var bdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid bdiv gviewNode var sdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid sdiv gviewNode later.. elements as a DOM element var gviewNode jQuery '#list' 0 .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode var hdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid hdiv gviewNode var bdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid bdiv gviewNode var sdiv jQuery .ui jqgrid sdiv gviewNode later the structure of the..
Correctly calling setGridWidth on a jqGrid inside a jQueryUI Dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2686043/correctly-calling-setgridwidth-on-a-jqgrid-inside-a-jqueryui-dialog jqgrid htable' grid 0 .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode var scrollWidth gridScrollWidth if htable.length 0 var hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth.. var scrollWidth gridScrollWidth if htable.length 0 var hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth if gviewScrollWidth scrollWidth scrollWidth mainWidth.. if htable.length 0 var hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth if gviewScrollWidth scrollWidth scrollWidth mainWidth var newGridWidth scrollWidth..
jqGrid get “th” and “thead” using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3462071/jqgrid-get-th-and-thead-using-jquery div#gbox_list div#gview_list div.ui jqgrid titlebar caption div.ui userdata#t_list optional top toolbar div.ui jqgrid hdiv all grid headers div.ui jqgrid hbox table.ui jqgrid htable thead tr.ui jqgrid labels row with column headers labels th#list_rn..
Add button to jqgrid column header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8213162/add-button-to-jqgrid-column-header code is var grid #list ... here the grid will be created grid.closest div.ui jqgrid view .find div.ui jqgrid hdiv table.ui jqgrid htable tr.ui jqgrid labels th.ui th column div.ui jqgrid sortable .each function ' button ' .css float..
Horizontal scroll bar in jqgrid when needed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8292341/horizontal-scroll-bar-in-jqgrid-when-needed jqgrid htable' grid 0 .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode var scrollWidth gridScrollWidth if htable.length 0 var hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth.. var scrollWidth gridScrollWidth if htable.length 0 var hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth if gviewScrollWidth scrollWidth scrollWidth.. if htable.length 0 var hdivScrollWidth htable 0 .scrollWidth if gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth scrollWidth hdivScrollWidth max gridScrollWidth hdivScrollWidth if gviewScrollWidth scrollWidth scrollWidth mainWidth var newGridWidth..